Project 2025 will Enslave Women

It needs to be framed this way.

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Very true, but there are many ways we can resist this outcome. For christian believers, I have just released the opinion piece: “Eidotheosophy - God Supports The 4B Movement”.

For nonbelievers, I still think they should look at the 4B movement, as there is something in resisting oppression by withholding what is within our agency to withhold to resist oppression. If women choose to opt out of dating men, having sex with men, marrying men, and having children until the autonomy of women is fully respected and supported by society, then we can call attention to and/or force society to look at the injustice of how women’s autonomy is violated in modern society.

While many posit that the 4B movement is a reactionary movement that hurts society, I argue that we should always repect a women’s autonomy and right to make her own decisions in these areas, even when women choose to abstain from such until they can make these decisions for themselves without society violating their autonomy.

To respect women’s autonomy and right to make her own decisions in these areas means that we should respect and support them if this is the decision that they make. If we do not respect and support their decision to abstain from such to resist oppression, then we too violate their autonomy.