Project Missouri

Missouri has a minimum wage ballot issue. Can someone find the exact language? And can someone find whether it has already collected enough signatures and is on the ballot? Thanks!


I have also started a thread for this over in the TYT Discord here: Discord


I downloaded it, but have no idea how to share that on here, sorry.


You did it!


Your link works fine. What a terrible bill! Already $15.00 per hour is not enough and they’re going to drag it out as if it was some kind of marvel! Jerks!


Kind of, I was trying to link the actual document. :joy:

Exactly, nobody can live on that! I think twenty bucks an hour isn’t enough. When you consider stuff like medical bills, your car breaking down, your washer quits working. It’s disgraceful.

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The CPI in Missouri is 6.5. Inflation has increased 3.27% over last month. From rough calculations, For the living wage to keep pace with inflation it has to be min $27 per hour. basing it on CPI.

On the other side of things, if we look at Missouri’s GDP in 2023. It was $344 billion with a population of 6.18 million. Calculating GDP per capita per hour turns out to be $19.25. So yeah, while this isn’t enough, it is still much better. And jsutifiable.

This is insane. What is concerning to me is the gap between the living wage vs GDP per capita per hour. That just means the income isn’t there to provide a wahe higher than that. Which means there needs to be more investment in producing shit. Merely raising the wage wont stop the problem. It needs to be combined with policies that actually raise its GDP or lower the cost of living aka reduce inflation.

And to think Missouri has a cost of living 9% lower than national average. Think of all the places where it is higher. What utter nonsense!