Question for #TeamHope

What interests you, what inspires you, and what matters most to you about TYT’s work?


Speaking (otherwise marginalized) shared truths to power :turtle:

For instance, AIPAC’s rule over the Biden campaign (not to mention much else) reminds me of Feinstein’s disgraceful end. And, I appreciate the TYT network for their own commentary (let alone analysis, convictions, etc) regarding the state of our establishment politics; like states such as that.

  • What interests me most about TYT’s work?

    • How it translates to actual and positive change in the real world
  • What inspires me the most about TYT’s work?

    • The people working there, their relentlessness, integrity, and commitment to objectivity (even to a fault)
  • What matters most to me about TYT’s work?

    • More than surviving to continue making the impact they have been doing. It matters to me, in great manner, that they thrive to be agents of even more impacts.

I am inspired by perseverance of both violence and the beauty that is countering it. Our leaders have sold their humanity and it is laid bare of the world to see.


Can I just say ditto to what @fourthwall_dragon said? :smiling_face:


TYT has people who are skilled at observing, studying and reporting on what is happening in the world of politics in an honest, intelligent fashion. But TYT doesn’t just report the news, they offer real solutions to the challenges we face. What inspires me? The people. Hosts, production teams, and the broader TYT family, which I am so lucky to be a part of.


The truth. I can’t stand all the brainwashing taking place in mainstream media at large. TYT is one of the few creators/outlets out there that’s not actively gaslighting its audience in order to placate their own biases & achieve their ulterior motives. I will never agree with the words “the media is the enemy of the people” but I sometimes have the urge to say it simply because of how bad mainstream media is. I wish there more truth-seeking outlets like TYT (or that TYT itself became “mainstream” without losing its soul!).


TYT= Integrity - Relentless quest for the truth- an antidote to the propaganda , gaslighting corporate media- community lead by members -PAC free - voice of the average American tired of the status quo- bulwark of making policies work for Americans - tenacious- great reporting - funny , and a little off hinge - wonderful people- Thus , I love TYT ! Cheers! Jackc380


This is such a great thread :turtle: go team!


I like building things and working on projects.

People fixate on things and I think that there are few things that are healthy to do that with. Building beauty, loving others, and practicing balance are among the few things I found worth fixating on.

Cooperation is the order of the day for me so if anything inspires me I must say it is when people are willing to try (fail) together.