Regional Reach Out/Registering to Vote

Where are people located? (State, close major city?)

This is probably something that we don’t need to ask here, as people are engaged and interested in change, but are you registered to vote for this year’s elections? Have a plan to get to the polls, etc…?

One of the things that I’ve always got a lot of bang for the buck is outreach and trying to get people registered and to the polls or their ballots dropped off. (If it wasn’t important, various politicians/parties wouldn’t be throwing up hurdles to keep people from expanding/doing it.)

Tags: #VoterRegistration #Regional state-level


I’m in the Boston area of Mass. Anyone else in the area?


I’m in south central Lafayette, Louisiana. Cajun Country. Yeah the state with a 2 term democratic governor and about the worst Senators and Congressmen ever assembled. There are great people here… just not enough of us who have the time to uncover the lies they are told.

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Unfortunately, I have no time to actively do anything in person as I’m caregiving for both of my elderly folks & I am on SSDI but I am an hour away from Boston. So, nice to see something like this getting started though!!

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I hope they’re both well and you’re doing okay. Often even sharing information with people as you interact with them can be helpful.

Thank you :slight_smile:

I live in China! I moved here at the end of August. I lived in Cambodia from 2016-19 and I was in Bosnia for the first half of 2020 primaries and I never missed voting. Democrats Abroad is really helpful for helping people get absentee ballots, and during primaries they count as their own individual territory with their own electors which is SUPER convenient. In January I’ll definitely be posting in all the expat groups I’m in letting people know Democrats Abroad exists and encouraging people to use it.


I’m in NY! I’m down…

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New York….