Representative Gloria Johnson’s Senate Run {Tenn vs Marsha Blackburn}

***Edit/Note: Although I have been in contact with & intend to help the campaign I am not currently. The. Essence of my post was to say to Cenk, she could be a potential alley or maybe even apart of the Justice Democrat Caucus. **

Good morning my name is Aaron Sorah I’m 29 and from East Tennessee. Not only does representative Johnson represent my district and Knoxville. She was my high school teacher. She was a special ed teacher, but for two semesters, my junior year, she led a political science class. My school did a thing with eight massively expanded the extracurriculars, but you went to them during the school day two days a week. Needless to say, the attendance was generally just me and her. Occasionally other kids sat there, but none of them are really there to learn anything about politics. Over the course of that class she went on to not only form my current political and social views. When she first ran in 2012 from my district for the Tennessee House Of Representatives I assisted her campaign and have ever since followed her work. So now that we’re up to this election cycle is challenging Marsha Blackburn for the senate and I truly believe she can win. This all ties in the operation hope because I just thought that she would be an amazing ally once she is to be elected. I apologize for the links and thank you.


She seems cool, she is the one that they didn’t expel when they protested the gun violence in Tennessee.

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I am excited that she is running, although I think Justin Jones could be a more charismatic candidate. I don’t think that Gloria Johnson has a good chance unless we get more people from Nashville, Knoxville, and Memphis to vote. Nashville elected a progressive slate of candidates for Mayor, Vice Mayor, and some council seats. Although Tennessee is a very red state, it has some progressive pockets.