Repurpose Wolf-PAC

Wolf-PAC has clearly stagnated in its work for a decade. Therefore I suggest that it be repurposed to a supporting role to a successful organization. Represent Us has shown small, but significant results in the fight against corruption and creating positive reforms in state and locally governments.

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The biggest problem that Wolf-PAC runs into is that every new session of state legislatures they have to start all over again. They have succeeded in 6 states I think but the resolutions have to be re-introduced every session so it takes time and in some cases they don’t win when it is re-introduced for approval

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As a newer (last few months) member of Wolfpack I can tell you that we are not stagnant. We are currently working on a whole new look for wolfpac!!l im just one volunteer but Im involved in organizing, fundraising and a few other things. If you used to be wolfpac I suggest you get involved again. It’s exciting where we are going.

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What we need is a national map (that breaks down into state maps) that has a thermometer gradient integrated into each state. These gradients should be attached to the current efforts resources and momentum in that session.

This would help highlight the states that need help. This would also show overtime the success and failure points geographically through archiving.

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It just so happens. We are starting to work on a map at least for the Midwest right now, because we are one of the most active outside of the Washington area, but we are going to start from the Midwest and hopefully be able to start focusing out.

Maybe you should try and convince the folks in wolf pac how to spend wolf pac’s time (instead of tyt)? It’s a common mistake but these groups are quite different things.