Retire the word socialist

I like the majority of what you said here. I finally helped my mom see that socialism and communism are not the same thing. I also helped her see that social security is a form of socialism and that we actually live in a mixed economy. And for good reason! But that took years of conversations and I just don’t know if it’s worth the battle when we can do what Cenk said in his book and just call it Democratic Capitalism and be done with all the arguments. It’s adopting framing that already exists and not battling over semantics. but actually get something done.

Yes! I like Democratic capitalist much better.

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Social Democrat

I think it’s a good idea to get rid of word socialist. I liked Cenks description of democratic Capitalism in his book. It seems most people want the basics education, health care- efficiently - by cutting out corporate control. There’s no reason why corporations should be making billions on the backs of American taxpayers for these necessary public services. Cut the fat. People and corporations are resilient- and can change as required- let’s require it. I’m tired of corporate rule.

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We need to get bernie on board with this.

The regulators would have to stop building in work-arounds to good intention laws, legislation and policy. Those work-arounds allow for varying forms of injustice to continue. The public would have to be re-educated on what regulation is as decades of brainwashing have left us suspicious of government regulation. Ironically the same people who make it NOT work are the ones who warn us that it doesn’t work. Naomi Klein explores this in her very relative book “Doppelganger”. The ever increasing danger of our Democracy being controlled by capitalist is real. In fact it has already taken hold, authoritarian capitalism is the only game in town. We as a nation guided by ethics and morality have to turn around and climb back out of the rabbit hole. But it is especially hard to achieve true Social Democratic aspirations when we are building a laissez faire economic system. Social Democrat is how I label myself. I am a Social Democrat who measures all against universally accepted ethic and moral values. Cenk is absolutely correct that Democracy must regulate/control capitalism. Neo-lib/con capitalist are diabolically opposed to this.

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