RFK Jr. Interview

Before watching Cenk’s interview with Robert Kennedy Jr., I hadn’t really heard much from him. Everything I had heard of him really made me think he was kind of a cook. I have a admit, after watching the interview, I have done almost a complete 180. Not only do I agree with a lot of what he has to say, but I can see at least a conversation being had in the ways we differ. In fact, I can say (and I never thought I would say this), that I would much rather see him in the Oval Office than Biden. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t WANT to see Biden win, I would just rather see him than Trump. Did anyone else have a similar experience?


I was actually very surprised with RFK more so than I thought I would, I massively disagree with his view of Gaza and Vaccines but everything else he was saying really stuck with me. Almost had me willing to vote for him if pushed came to shoved


I may vote for him IF he is on the ballot here in KY in November. I already know that KY will go to Trump so I have the privilege of being able to actually vote my conscience. Now I just need to see if him or Dr. Cornell West are on the ballot here and then decide between the 2 of them. If all I have as choices are Biden or Trump tho; then it’s Biden.


Yeah there was some good stuff in there too. Very surprising.


I feel extremely similar. Cenk highlighting the massive points of agreement (Housing, Money Out of Politics, and Reducing Military Spending) was compelling, but the way he talk about Climate Change will likely keeping me with Cornel West.


RFK Jr. presented himself well. He gave clear, concise answers and shared some things about himself I didn’t know. I knew about some his environmental activism, but had no idea he was involved in the effort to halt the missile testing in Vieques. That he actually went to jail for it shows his commitment to a cause that gets little publicity. His stance on money in politics, housing, etc. are spot on. He’s horrible on Gaza, but so are the other two. His overall take on vaccines was more informed than I had previously thought, but there are still some red flags for me. And I think he is lying about his comments regarding the Chinese and the ashkenazi jews. It wasn’t “reported in a way” to make him look bad. TYT played the clip of him actually saying it. That being said, I do think his voice should be heard on the debate stage, as should that of Cornel West and others. Let the voters decide.