Saudis/Iranians last year, Gaza this Year



Before there was a chance that Trump could get into the White House again I rarely ever watched the news and knew next to nothing about politics. My first attempt at educating myself was to get into watching MSNBC. January 6 upped the ante for me, and I watched all of the committee hearings. After Israel’s disgusting response to 10/7 continued to get worse and go unchecked, I grew angry at how little they covered and addressed the horror. Luckily for me, I started watching Mehdi before he left (and after, love Zeteo) and realized there are better media outlets. This is what brought me to TYT and an understanding of why main stream media corrupted. This is my long-winded way of saying I know very little.

Given all of this, I think it seems like a good thing. This is probably the only way the Palestinian people have a chance of becoming their own state that is recognized by the world as such. I just hope it doesn’t implode. :woman_shrugging:


yeah I just think it sucks that they had to go to China to get this done. Blinken has been acting as the mouthpiece of Hamas for months. The main problem for the peace proposal has been “the day after” plan. Who will govern gaza after the war. If USa and Uk etc re involved we cannot authorise hamas directly because we have declared hamas a terrorist organisation. (many other counties have too, si its not about just changing our stance). The obvious answer was involving these parties that were managing gaza before hamas took over in 2007. It would also mobilise a lot of countries who have been put off because of hamas’s actions if gaza goes back to these parties. And they are less childish in negotiations so there will be better dialogue with Israel too. But Biden admin never did it. The fact that China could do it in 3 days means there was a will, just not the initiative. Exactly the same problem as with yemen war.

And yeah, even TYT hardly ever cover international affairs. Mostly we have to still read about them, lol. Kyle Kulinski used to sometimes, but the hair dye got to his head or something, lol. He too doesn’t cover them much now.

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