SBA & community college partnership initiativefor access to capital [user: enduser]

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artifact-of-change legislation-idea

[details = “Federal and state solar and wind farms”]


Topic: Income Inequality
Subcategory: Reforming Capitalism
Is Legislation: Yes
Is Federal: Yes
States: Incremental Approach

What? Why?
SBA and community college partnership initiative to allow people to get gain access to capital. This should focus on under met communities especially rural areas. Liaisons should be a part of this with outreach funding, training, and oversight for the purpose of starting a small business. This has been done in successfully in several countries. The program should emphasis traditional native craft skills, along with value added agricultural, and food products. Immigration also happens inside a countries boarders and is a cascading issue which seems less interconnected to the larger economy then it truly is. The pressure in a cities labor market has to do with pressure it receives from economically depressed rural areas. This in turn promotes downward pressure in the cities labor market causing the so called brain drain effect due to patriots leaving.


Original Poster @enduser, if you have any disputes regarding the classification (What and Why, etc.), please @ me and I will update in accordance… it is after all, Your input

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