I dunno; is this political??
Yes. Because like they said the powerful are rarely held accountable.
Politics falls under the power category.
While it can be argued everything is political, this also has to do with holding powerful men accountable for violence toward women. Obviously, it is not only women who become victims of sex trafficking and violence, but they do account for a vast number of those cases. At the same time, it is not only men who terrorize women, but that is by and large the case. Like @mggbwmn8 said, holding those in power accountable is always political, and it is always important. If TYT did not cover this story, I would have been deeply disappointed.
But that’s just it. I waited a little longer to hear if this was a case of Combs using political access to skirt getting caught. I haven’t heard anything yet. Seems like a case of criminal activity, and law enforcement appears to be doing their job.
Epstein, Madoff -sure; those were cases involving the abuse of power by trusted politicos; they most definitely needed to be covered by Turks. But covering a criminal case that appears to not involve political corruption? I think it’s just diluting the message of the Turks…
Many of us who worked in the Corridors of Power in Hollywood were too busy working in whatever particular specialties that we were valued in (which often consisted of 7 day work weeks and 12 hour days) that we never had the luxury to attend a party, let alone a several day “freak off.” Yes, unless you were completely in denial, you were aware that those in power/the wealthy of the world and sociopathic/psychopathic behavior go hand in hand along with excessive and abusive behavior. Throw in drugs/alcohol/sex combined with certain people’s desire to be famous at all costs, even if it only includes being seen with those who are valued by many, and you have a recipe for exploitation, abuse, and debauchery. Hollywood has never been free of Scandal and the City of Angeles (Los Angeles) rarely consists of any purity at all, which often lends credibility to James Ellroy’s “Crime Fiction” portrayal of such, no matter how excessive he depicts it. Combine Deviant Human Beings/Predators, known in the Mental Health Community as Sociopaths/Psychopaths, with unlimited money and resources and you have what appears to be playing out here. Regardless of whether Combs is found guilty or innocent, the scandals and abuse will continue in Hollywood, Washington, and wherever else money and predators come together as one, and, yes, there will be plenty of genuine “victims” who become sacrificed along the way. The only real solution to any of this, if there is any, is something resembling economic equality, where people don’t have to sacrifice so much in order to survive in the world. Even then, Predators will be Predators, so everyone be safe out there.