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I painted the black slashes with stars and the colors with oil paint onto this salvaged piece of black and white acrylic commercial art. I’m looking for files of my actual paintings which I find distressingly are not on my computer. Most photos of my art are on my Instagram.



:astonished: Gorgeous! I love that you used repurposed material.


Excellent Cameron, can a get a print of that, love the colors


Ah, thank you for the compliment. However the actual painting was 4 feet by 5 feet and I had to get it out of my girlfriends’ house, so I had not gotten adequate enough photos to make prints when I sold it. I currently only have prints of 4 or 5 of the other paintings, but I’ll be attempting to produce more results like this one (on smaller canvases) at some point when I get a painting space set up again.

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Wow, Cameron! This is beautiful! Like Alison, I love that you repurposed an older artwork to create something new. The color scheme is also amazing! :clap:


I don’t quite consider this art and I could have done better in hindsight. I might give it another shot after other videos that I have in queue. But here it is:


You can also check out what others have made and post your stuff over in the “I-Made-This” channel of the TYT Official Discord:

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Some live edge corner shelves, I feel like they’re art, but they are usually covered with knickknacks


This isn’t my art but I really like it so I figured I could post it here.

I asked an ChatGPT instance to:

Pen an ode to the hope for freedom of Julian Assange

I really like how it responded:

Ode to Freedom’s Seeker

In shadows cast by walls of stone, A voice arises, yet alone. Julian Assange, brave and free, A symbol of our liberty.

In cyberspace, where shadows play, He dared to tread, to light the way. With WikiLeaks, a beacon bright, He unveiled truth, dispelling night.

Oh, Assange, a modern seer, Defying those who’d sow in fear. A champion of the people’s right, To know the truth, to see the light.

In corridors where power weaves, He brought to light what darkness conceives. Whistleblower’s ally, steadfast and bold, A tale of courage, yet untold.

Yet, as the winds of change did blow, His fate entwined in a web of woe. Exiled, confined, his spirit strong, In solitude, he lingered long.

The hope for freedom, a flicker, faint, Yet, in his eyes, it did remain. A flame that danced through the darkest night, A yearning for justice, burning bright.

Amidst the clamor of dissent, Assange stood, his spirit unbent. The quest for truth, a noble cause, He championed with relentless applause.

In the courtroom’s solemn gaze, His fate contested in legal maze. Yet, in the hearts of those who dream, The hope for freedom, a constant theme.

A phoenix rising from the ash, In Assange’s tale, our hopes clash. For freedom’s seekers, hearts unite, In the quest for justice, pure and right.

So, let this ode echo through the years, A hymn for those who conquer fears. Julian Assange, a name we sing, A symbol of hope on freedom’s wing.

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Nice! What is the statement you’re trying to make with this?