Strange reaction?

anyone else find Trump’s reaction to being ‘shot’ strange?


In what way, exactly??

<grin>We know by now that his behavior is often atypical…</grin>

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the way he stood up for what looked like a photo op and him yelling ‘fight’, seriously, who does that? wouldn’t it have made more sense to stay down or duck while scrambling away?

I’m sorry but none of it looked real.


An uber-narcissist would.

The danger had passed by the time he was surrounded.
For a good example of his courage in action, check this out…

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ok, so maybe thats typical Trump but I’d then fire the Secret Service. seems they did a horrible job; ok, lets prop him up, exposing him more (hopefully, no more shooters), lets get this photo op done and walk outta here.

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Immediately after expressing the sentiment that it is fortunate he did not get seriously hurt, the subject matter should be turned by the Dems to this is just too crazy to NOT reinstate the Assault Weapons Ban.

But the Dems once again are showing cowardice! “Ooh, we can’t talk about THAT! Then the gun nuts won’t vote for us!!” I’m sure there are a lot of Never Trumpers out there that are at this point also fed up with the experiment of having the Assault Weapons Ban rescinded.

Then Trump can double-down for his cult that the Assault Weapons Ban should not be reinstated, and then everybody outside his cult who is NOT a gun nut can come to the obvious conclusion that he AND the Repubs are kookoo for Cocoa Puffs…


It is terribly sad that a man lost his life saving his family and others were injured. On Instagram, I saw a lot of people showing sorrow for Trump getting cut by glass, but not a thing about the people who were actually shot. I’ll be interested in seeing what the investigation brings to light. Unfortunately, instead of bringing gun violence front and center, all this is going to do is make Trump look like a hero.


Looks like a set up to me. I feel sorry for the dude that died and the other people that got shot.

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Occam’s Razor: it was a nut, and what is MORE likely to happen if you proliferate Assault Weapons.

He was bullied constantly; Trump had a reputation of being a bully.

Now do I know for a fact that the attempted assassin knew that? No; we have to hear the viewpoints expressed to those around him as to what he thought of him. I dunno; he could have just done it for kicks! (though that is not probable…)

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“reputation is everything, guard it with your life”

Trump is a terrible person that understands the consequences of looking weak, ever. (yes we think being a narcissistic sociopath like him is already weak, but in a classical dog eat dog world sense)

I think it was genuine…but from a terrible place inside him.


Newshour: the shooter is a registered Repub, and was a member of a progressive organization? WTF?!

We need to hear what he was saying to people who had dialogued with him about Trump…

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This is a man fueled by grandiosity and the pursuit of power. I am sure that he sees this unsuccessful attempt on his life as further proof that he is the “chosen one,” who is meant for absolute greatness beyond even his own delusional expectations. Don’t forget that this is a man who has repeatedly failed at most everything he has attempted and even while doing whatever it takes to succeed (lie, steal, cheat, etc.) and yet he keeps getting back up to fight again. He is obviously doing so with the help of others, who see him, if nothing else, as quite useful.


This reminds me of a classic Rodney Dangerfield joke:

“Why is it every time there is a murder, the news crews show up outside the neighbor’s house and they always say: ‘He was a quiet man…’”


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One other point about it being Occam’s Razor: Trump has A LOT of whistlestops. Keep repeating appearances and you increase the odds of the Secret Service/police f’ing up.

<grin>Now with Biden, lots of whistlestops is not something we have to worry about…</grin>

I see him differently. I see him as a weak, insecure bully who has never been held accountable. He wants desperately to be liked and affirmed, especially by the elites. Despite being born into wealth, and inheriting a huge sum of money-The equivalent of $340 million in today’s money, if memory serves- he has never received that validation. But he is a member of the elite class, a class that sees preserving their place in society as paramount. Though most seem to detest him, they realize that allowing one of their own to be held accountable sets a precedent that threatens them all.


Apparently golfing and defaming one of the women he raped keeps Trump far too busy to call the family of the true hero that was killed protecting his family or the seriously wounded survivors. What a fucking asshole! The assault rifle raffle and Republicans swapping their American flag pins for assault rifle pins is really a nice touch. I can’t help but think (hope) that the Republicans’ reaction to the all this is going to hugely backfire, then what we once thought was the end will turn out to be our new and better beginning.

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I think both are true. He is a malignant narcissist, so he has an extremely fragile ego and craves acceptance and approval. This also means he is manipulative, craves power and revenge, and doesn’t give a single thought to the wellbeing others.

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Allowing ourselves to continue to be range targets for gun nuts? No, thank you very much. We want a reinstatement of the Assault Weapon Ban [with elaborated provisions with examples added for bump stocks and repeaters, to help Thomas out…]

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There was a lot of speculation on how nutty the MAGAs were going to get if they lost again. If the DNC pulls off a black belt move and comes out of the Convention with an electorally strong candidate and there’s a win -hoo boy! After the shooting, a lot of MAGAs will now go REALLY bonkers!

Nothing we can do about that, though; it was their choice to rescind the Assault Weapons Ban and repeatedly block its reinstatement.

But looking at the present unwillingness/bad-faith efforts to have an honest Open Convention, I don’t think this will be something we have to worry about…