Team Hope

If you have not signed up to be a part of Team Hope, please do so here: Operation Hope Team Roster


I signed up for the team roster a week or so ago. How do I sign up for the research team?


I also filled out the form, which I am grateful someone made. Unfortunately, my only skills are writing/editing and being willing to learn. Hopefully, there will be some way I can also be of help, as I have done a whole lot of nothing thus far. :woman_facepalming:

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Those are 3 very useful skills, in my opinion. And you are definitely not doing “nothing.” Your attendance in town halls and your ideas are valuable. And your response to my very first Discord post is much appreciated. I’m somewhat technology challenged, and barely knew what this platform was a couple of months ago. Responding so quickly makes me feel seen and heard, so that’s yet another skill you can lay claim to. Thanks.


Aw, that is so nice for you to say. Thank you! (And you are definitely not alone in being “technology challenged.”) :smiling_face:


That’s good to know. Next time I ask a basic question, I’ll know there’s at least one person on the call who wont be thinking, “How does he not know that?” lol


Exactly! :joy:

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Is there a townhall today?

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I was on just now to check, too, but I missed it. It was earlier today, like 2:00 P/5:00 E, I think. Hope to see you at the next meeting! :smiling_face:

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Wish I had logged on yesterday afternoon. I would have definitely given you a heads up.


I’m still getting the emails — I will try to post the link in here as soon as I get it by email. I think Kara is also trying to post it here. That way there’s more chances people will see it.

I think it usually goes out on Monday which would mean I or someone else could hopefully have it here by Monday night or early Tuesday if people are looking for it. :slight_smile:


It looks like Kara already posted it earlier this morning on the boards — here it is here too!