The 22nd Amendment

Something I haven’t heard one person talk about yet, not the news, not us:

Trump will abolish the 22nd amendment so he can stay in office in 2028. Why hasn’t any reporter asked him about this? I think this is going to happen before the next midterms, since democrats will probably improve their position in 2 years after the trouncing they are going to take this year.

You need 2/3 of each chamber of congress and 3/4 of the states. Think that’s undoable? Republicans are picking up seats in the house and senate this cycle if things stay on this trajectory. It’s just a matter of how much they gain. If Trump wins 38+ states in the election then why wouldn’t they ratify it?

I think this is the single biggest threat to modern democracy no one is talking about. this is the thing that terrifies me about what he will do. what do y’all think?


When I think about Trump winning and the Christian Nationalists heavily embedded within the government continuing their disgusting work, one thought makes me feel a little bit better. The US Military. As terrifying as it is to imagine the military having to step in and straighten out the mess of a government the far-Right is building, I am hard-pressed to think of a part of the government more devoted to legitimately upholding the US Constitution above everything and everyone, including the President.

I have thought about that. I expect he’ll do it. And Congress and the Senate and the Judiciary will let him do it.

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