The Art of War by SunTzu

Politics is war, there’s no denying it. The Art of War is a valuable piece of literature and knowledge that has stood the test of time. One of my favorite passages is " He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight."

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I think a quote goes that diplomacy is war without the use of arms? Correct me if I am wrong; a gsearch is not pulling it up for me…

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@sciguy24 I suppose that Sun Tzu’s teachings provide an interesting lens through which to view the Democratic strategy for the upcoming election and their current failings. To win the election, Democrats must unite their electoral coalition against voter suppression efforts and remember that winning the election is dependent upon voter turnout. Without sufficient voter turnout, the Democrats won’t win.

In ‘The Art of War,’ Sun Tzu famously states that ‘the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.’ This ancient wisdom holds true in the metaphysical battlefield of the 2024 election. The American democracy is a complex battlefield, and the Democratic Party is facing a Republican faction with authoritarian ambitions. The Democrats’ most potent weapon, voter turnout, is the key to a democratically favourable outcome in the election.

When the Democrats chose Kamala Harris as their candidate, they demonstrated an understanding, whether consciously or not, that they needed to rally a diverse array of supporters, including progressives, liberals, centrists, minority groups, the youth and disenchanted voters. However, as Sun Tzu reminds us, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” While the Democrats are seemingly aware of their broad base, they appear reluctant to grant the necessary concessions to motivate and drive these factions to show up to vote. If voter turnout for even one of the factions of this coalition is depressed, their chances of electoral victory are greatly diminished.

Of course, the Republicans are prepared and primed for action. Sun Tzu emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s opponent: “The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.” It is reasonable to conclude that the GOP sees that they have a chance to further their authoritarian ambitions and further impose the traditions and institutions they desire, enabling stricter control of the general population and a more hierarchical society. Their base is likely motivated by the fact that Trump’s presidency exposed how their longtime efforts to establish and move towards authoritarianism are closer to realization than ever before. The Democrats should anticipate a historic turnout from these motivated voters. Sun Tzu’s warning that “victory is reserved for those willing to pay its price” applies here. Republicans will likely go to great lengths to mobilize their supporters while discouraging Democratic voters.

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Accordingly, the Democrats cannot overlook Republican efforts to depress voter turnout. Voter suppression laws employed by the Republicans, along with efforts to corrupt or undermine the electoral process, drive this depression of voter turnout. Sun Tzu states that “all warfare is based on deception,” and these tactics aim to confuse and discourage voters from participating. The Democrats must counter these efforts with the appropriate legal challenges, encourage grassroots efforts, and communicate and demonstrate to all voters that their voices matter.

Finally, the Democrats must understand Sun Tzu’s words: “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” While it seems that the 2024 election might be characterized by chaos and violence, the outcome is not a foregone conclusion. While Republican efforts lean towards authoritarianism, Democrats can counter these efforts by inspiring the typical voter with a vision of democracy, inclusion, and liberty. Unfortunately, this tactic relies upon ensuring that no voter feels alienated. The Democrats will fail at countering such an effort if they do not create a political platform and messaging that speaks to and grants concessions to the various factions that form their coalition of supporters.

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Thank you for that very well written response. It is discussion of this level which draws me to forums like this.

I think the real enemy of progressives is our corrupt political system. Not a party or a person. Sun Tzu tells us to attack the weak points of our enemy and we should do so swiftly. The weak points of our political system is how politicians are bribed to benefit powerful interests – not the people. I think we need to go undercover in our own lives, our own jobs, wherever we can to form a grassroots movement which exposes the corruption of our political system. This would be political guerilla warfare. Our enemy wouldn’t know how to react because we would constantly be attacking them. Then once they get tired of being attacked they will surrender.

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Politics is definitely war but sometimes arms find a way into it too.

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