The blind people touching an elephant

This analogy reminds me so much of what your going through with maga and corporate rule.

Three blind people touch an elephant to figure out what it is.
One grabs a leg, one grabs the trunk and one sits right on top. Then they being blind and going off the sense of touch, all have a different description of the object and argue.

The rest is copied off google because i didnt even finish grade 10 and am not very good at this stuff :laughing:

The parable of the blind men and the elephant is a well-known analogy that illustrates how our perceptions can lead to conflict and miscommunication. The story is about a group of blind men who each touch a different part of an elephant and conclude that they know what the elephant is like. When they discover that their descriptions don’t match, they argue loudly.

The parable can be used to illustrate a number of ideas, including:

  • Subjectivity and objectivity

The parable highlights the tension between subjectivity and objectivity, and the idea that our subjective experiences are limited.

  • Respect for different perspectives

The parable encourages respect for the views of others and the idea that we should consider multiple perspectives to get a better understanding of a situation.

  • Religious pluralism

The parable can be used to illustrate religious pluralism, with each religion representing a different blind man’s perspective on the elephant.

  • Intellectual humility

The parable can be used to encourage intellectual humility and the idea that we should be aware of our own biases.

  • The need for dialogue

The parable highlights the need for dialogue in human society.


Unlike Dream and Maggie who have such an amazing vocab and articulate these posts beautifully

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When you’re right, you’re right. :wink::face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

it might be accurate! but sorry if i came off condescending. The TYTers for example arnt blind persay, but if there is an answer to how the 3 blind people figured out their arguement then maybe itll help :grin:

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@cenkuygur omg it worked :face_with_peeking_eye: the boss man has been tagged. Have always thought you could mention this in a segment.

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