The Cavalry has arrived

Hello joy scouts!

we should send a small contingent with food and supplies to progressive protests and rallies. We could wear tyt and cavalry pac gear as well as advertise through word of mouth. Some of the people that we need to reach and we need to help grow the group are those out there fighting. So let’s go to those fighting and show them we’re there for them. lets let them know the cavalry has arrived!

thank you for your time.

Happy warrior


That is a seriously great idea!


Is there a list of what and when these events are taking place? I think this a stellar idea!


I haven’t put together a list yet. just generally to start i was thinking we could go to anti war and pro union events. choosing events that will bring in a wide base of people would be helpful to us so we can unite around the issues and leave political party affiliation behind. so putting together a list and deciding which we could attend would be great first steps. if you know of any events coming up that would be good for this please let me know.


I Googled things dealing with protests in Minnesota and found @antiwarmn on Instagram. I’m following them now to see what information they have and will look for more. My Googling (is that a word?) didn’t help much, but it looks like people can find out about local protests on different social media sites. Just an idea.

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Yeah it is frustrating because there are people helping and people willing to support. Big parts of the problem are connecting the two. It is happening organically, so I think this will continue. It would be great to leverage it somehow.


absolutely! protests and rallies involve by definition people who are willing to spend their time and money to make a change. definitely good people for our group to connect with.

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im not sure cause i don’t have them but it does seem like facebook twitter and instagram are hotbeds for organizing. it almost makes me want to reinstate my facebook and see what i can find.

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Yeah, I only do Instagram. And even on that, I don’t follow much more than some family and friends. My kids make fun of me because I can go on Instagram and make it to the end of new posts from people I follow in like 10 to 20 minutes.

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I love this idea!


I’m on all 3. I can take a look and see what I find.



that seems like the healthiest way of handling social media anyway!

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that would be great! thank you!

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a member wrote in on tyt that there will be an anti-war pro-palestine protest on
saturday at the town green in new haven, connecticut at 5pm.

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Hi Nick. So I started with Twitter (wont call it X, lol!) I focused on accounts supporting peace in Palestine. A lot of the ones I found were more focused on educating and informing the public, but I found several that hold protests. several of them are large, with chapters in multiple cities. Connecting with them should be quite fruitful. I will search Facebook and Instagram tomorrow. I am compiling a list of them and will share info. I’ve only looked into Palestinian protests but love your idea of including unions and others.


I was just in CT for mother’s day. Don’t know if I can make it this Saturday, but I suspect the member was probably Patricia. I reached out to her a few minutes ago


This sounds like a job for a google spreadsheet.