The term “conflict addiction”

Just copied off google but ill post a link at the end.
Does anyone think this is happening with say, the left infighting and the left vs right debates?
It reminds me of something my dad would call “emotional porn” where your lacking a certain feeling so you chase it in other means. Just like shortcuts in life, never a good thing.

People can become addicted to arguing because when we engage in conflict and “win” an argument, our brains release dopamine and adrenaline, creating a pleasurable feeling that can lead us to seek out similar situations in the future, essentially becoming hooked on the rush of being right or feeling dominant; this is often referred to as a “conflict addiction.”.

Key points about why people might get addicted to arguing:

  • Brain chemistry:

When we argue, our brains release hormones like dopamine and adrenaline, which can create a temporary sense of excitement and reward, making us want to repeat the behavior.

  • Sense of control:

For some, arguing can be a way to feel in control of a situation or to assert their dominance over others.

  • Underlying issues:

People with low self-esteem might use arguments to feel validated or important, even if the conflict is negative.

  • Habitual behavior:

If someone is accustomed to resolving disagreements through conflict, it can become a learned pattern that’s difficult to break.,keep%20arguing%20about%20the%20conflict.


This sounds exactly right if you ask me. Your dad’s a wise man.

:heart::heart: he sure was (in some ways)
Info is meant to be passed on is all i try to do :peace_symbol: hopefully it helps even one person

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