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  • Walz’s military record: the Dems need to compile a list of every Repub congress member who had served in their State’s Guard and was opting to serve in Congress instead while units were stationed in Iraq. Ask if by Vance’s definition, does that also make them cowards? Walz also needs to ask Vance what he thought of Sergeant Bonespurs’ illustrious record of service during the Vietnam War. <sarcasm>All that military school gone to waste!</sarcasm> It flipped me out when the Kerry campaign never addressed the Swift Boaters in 2004. He was subject to repeated machine gun fire, and the Boaters were quibbling over whether he had actually gone into Cambodia, while their Boi was dunk under a barstool in Arizona when he was in the Guard in a non-military stint. The stupidity of Kerry’s campaign not to address that (“we will not dignify those charges with an answer”?) was the second biggest reason he lost (the first reason being Rove’s doing a scare on Kerry having MUCH higher taxes on Americans’ newfound illusory mortgage wealth -ironic, when you consider that all came crashing down in 2008…)

  • Harris trying to speak back against Palestinian protesters: She has to say two things: her Israel+Gaza policy will not be the same as Biden’s, and she supports a 2 State solution (no matter what NUTanyahoo thinks about that!) She cannot hide on this issue. Telling people they have a shit-sandwich choice (continue to enable NUTanyahoo or get Stupid Hitler elected…) is NOT going to be getting you votes! Then point out how Stupid Hitler signed off on moving the Israeli seat of government to Jerusalem, which the Dems would never do knowing how much that would deteriorate the situation there. Given that most are not happy with Biden’s enablement policy to date, she has little to lose saying she will try something different…