The New Candidates

Fair question and good points.

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Something to remember is that the MOST Progressive Politician in DC right now is Bernie Sanders and he is Center Left. There are NO Left or Far Left Politicians there. The MSM are calling Kamala Harris a “Progressive” when she is actually a Center Right Corp-Dem.

Now when you look at the top perspective VP’s for here to choose, Tim Walz is probably the most left of all of them that are still in the running. The next is probably Andy Beshear from here in KY but he is even more to the right than Walz is. Beshear could NEVER have gotten the Dem nomination for governor here in KY if he was really on the Left.

For me right now, I think that Walz is the best VP choice to help the Harris campaign win in November. He will help bring in some votes that may be leaning toward Trump or just “undecided”


Having been a Marriage and Family Therapist, who is now retired, I can certainly attest to that. I used to educate couples that there is really no such thing as Divorce when you have children together, because you are still going to be very much involved in the lives of one another for as long as the two of you are alive. The other issue is that you certainly can’t underestimate the financial impact of going from supporting one household down to two. This, of course, is under the best of circumstances and does not include various forms of abuse and even the unwise decision to bring in a third party into the situation, such as having an affair. When intense emotions enter the fray, all efforts to reasonably problem solve are usually replaced by stormy seas known as “The Karpman Drama Triangle.”

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This whole gun control issue, though painfully needed in Society today, is such a tricky political issue when one is looking for cross over and neutral votes. Oh, my, way too many Americans don’t like to be told what to do or have the sense that someone is taking away their freedoms. That said, it is strange to me that Republicans still feel safe to promote the whole abortion ban thing. I think that Trump was smart to say that the States should decide this issue, but I am sure he lost some major support for saying that. Of course, when you get involved with extremists, like he has done, it doesn’t take much to both alienate them and make them feel betrayed.

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Totally agree. What is Centrist in nature is what has been labeled as being on the Left by both the Media and the two Major Parties. We can’t even have a serious conversation nationally about the idea that while Capitalism in a Democratic system can exist, Democracy within a Capitalist Society cannot.

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Interesting, each swing state favors their home state vp candidate, while WI doesn’t have a horse in this race and in this Emerson poll it was split between Bernie and Pete but no one getting a clear favorite.

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The VP announcement is on its way…with a rally in PHILADELPHIA!!

This could be a head fake, but many would consider it unnecessary/cruel to have the 1st dual event in Philadelphia if it wasn’t Shapiro.

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ugh my stomach hurts thinking about it

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Sit back and smoke one (no input now without an Open Convention…)

I just read up on the Karpman Drama Triangle and the Winner’s Triangle. Fascinating!

That would be cruel. :grimacing:

LOl, I remember Hillary saying she is a self described “progressive” on the debate stage. So IDK maybe wshington’s definition of it is different? LOL.

I am wondering is this based on rhetoric or bills he supported?
And I understand, but we have to select VP based on who helps us win the most votes in key states based on electoral math (not judicial math)

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Is it actually looking more like Walz? Bernie and Pelosi supporting Walz.

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CNN just announced it is Walz



It’s Waltz!!! I am seriously celebrating!!! I hope this is a sign of the direction she plans to move the party.


I think Shapiro would not have liked being in the hotseat of that position; his Jewish identity would have been constantly questioned no matter what decision would have been made by the administration.

If Harris prevails on Election Day, it will be on her to break with the way Israel has in recent years been handled to date…

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I am so glad she (or whoever) picked Walz. Shapiro was going to be a disaster.


Commented on the protesters here (link)


In case you missed it…

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