Thought-Provoking Poll

I found a really thought-provoking poll on Substack.


Interesting poll. However, one of her options is “differences in human ability”. And here is the problem. TO me “equality” doesn’t mean every person should get a chance regardless of someone’s ability. For example a great singer and bad singer getting equal number of album sales. To me it means you should not be hindered by lack of resources, lack of connections, because of race, ethnicity etc from achieving YOUR maximum potential. But where you can reach with that potential will be dependent on how much talent you have and how useful that talent is. In other words equality in my opinion is a system that helps everyone to maximise their potential and allows them to reap the full benefits of that potential.

The problem with this is it assumes unlimited opportunity. So everyone who wants to become a singer, for example, can become a singer. But things don’t work like that. There is a limited demand for certain things and hence limited opportunity. So, you have to have systems that pick the best. And if there is limited opportunity then people with more resources, more connections etc will always have an edge. SO unless we have unlimited opportunity, which can only come from unlimited growth, true equality isn’t possible. And here we have to deal with a whole other can of worms called unlimited growth.

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I totally agree with what you are saying, and I think the option of “Unequal access to information” sort of covers that. Perhaps the choice of the word" information" should be changed. Not that I know, of course. I’m wondering, too, if there’s an unknown reason for putting the ability option in. Maybe there’s a method to her madness. :blush:

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lol, yeah. I dont claim to know why she put it in there. I am just commenting on what I think about the option

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As the author of the poll, I appreciate the feedback. :grin:


Thanks for the share! @drea_m_r_76


lol. Nice poll. Thanks for that. Could you explain your reasoning behind including that option. I am very curious