I’ve been a proud Chicagoan for 18 years now, and I need to address a segment on TYT that later was posted on YouTube under the title ‘Are Trump Deportations Really Targeting Criminals’?
The answer is NO. No, they really aren’t. Bloomberg News reported that on Sunday, 260 people were targeted in the Chicago area. The number of those that had criminal arrest warrents? Seven.
The segment featured Alderman Raymond Lopez claiming the Trump admin is targeting ‘dangerous criminals’ and that the city council and our mayor are just “fear mongering”. Non-Chicagoans don’t know, but Lopez is known to progressives as the most embarrassing Alderman in town, mainly because he strangely seems to hate Chicago! All you really need to know about this scumbag is that he’s so much of a literal villain that he took money from pet store owners to turn around and stop an anti-puppy mill ordinance.
The elementary school incident: What actually happened is that federal agents showed up at the school saying only that they were from the Dept. of Homeland Security, and were rightly turned away since they had no warrant. Since ICE is under DHS, the school made the assumption that’s who it was, and only later did they find out the agents were Secret Service, which is also under DHS, but their reason for being there was no less horrible: targeting an 11-yr old who had made an anti-Trump post on social media.
Then, to top it off, the segment has some Fox News footage again claiming they’re only targeting ‘dangerous criminals’, and a person of color locked in a car shouting about how much he loves Biden and Obama as he’s being taken away. I’ve got to hand it to Fox for how well they’ve perfected the art of propaganda.
Let me be clear to @cenkuygur and Ana - a weasel like Lopez is not a reliable news source. Fox News is not a reliable news source! I get that you have your own opinions, but please stop using garbage sources like this even if they bolster one you may have and please, for the love of god, never accept what the Trump administration says it is doing as truth!
Most of the City Council and Mayor Johnson are doing their best to prepare people and fight against this. They’re trying to make sure that people know their rights and where to go to when they need help. None of this is their fault, this is all Trump. My wife has seen firsthand the effects of his hateful acts & rhetoric, she works at a high school just a few blocks from that elementary. Kids are becoming afraid to come to school.
Please consider correcting this with a segment; if you want to have someone on that really knows what’s happening in the city I would suggest that you interview Alderman Andre Vasquez. Alders Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Julia Ramirez, and Daniel La Spata would also be good choices. If you’re interested, I would be happy to reach out to them for you.