Trump Wasn't THAT bad?

Trump wasn’t THAT bad. All he did was cut taxes for rich people? Trump also did a coup, stole top secret papers and will not give them back, he sold US foreign policy for $$ and killed and bombed in the Middle East.

Trump wasn’t THAT bad? Tell that to Heather Heyer who was killed by one of the good NAZIs on both sides. Or to the victims of Kyle Rittenhouse whose score is 2-0-1. Or to Daniel Perry who Abbott pardoned after Perry murdered Garrett Foster (Perry will agree with you, Foster, not so much). Or to Michael Reinoehl who was murdered by police in revenge for killing MAGA Chud Aaron Danielson in Portland.


Trump back in office means People are going to die and Trump wasn’t THAT bad is not going to save anyone.

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Who’s making the “Trump wasn’t THAT bad” argument?

Ana and Woz, Trump wasn’t that bad is a direct Woz quote.

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Trump skipped Biden’s 2021 inauguration. Biden will full on hug Trump in January 2025 and the media will gush over unity and bipartisanship, of the man Biden and the Dems’ warned Was Going To End Democracy. Full on Embrace. Trump pardons Hunter as an FU to Progressives and to get everyone used to more Trump pardons.

What people miss about the MAGA cult and its sociopathic leader is that many think it’s no big deal since they are not antisemitic in the way the Nazis were (though clearly they frequently tolerate it in their ranks…)

MAGA is not focused on objecting to race, but to civil dissent, even though it is conducted in a nonviolent manner. Yes, they object to migrants; but that’s more about nationality than it is race -in a word, they are xenophobes. They WILL use violence against anyone openly dissenting with their plan, even though it might be confined to an expression of ideas. The next time he takes a stroll near the White House and protesters are nearby with signs and yelling, don’t be so sure he won’t have the SS open fire on them. They made it explicitly clear that this time around there will be no “adults” around.

And even though Trump might have a number of Jewish “friends” from various business dealings (including Kushner…), he cannot square the racial tolerance he purports to have with his secret admiration for Mein Kampf (and his pretty obvious paraphrasing of Nazi eugenic talking points about “blood”…)

The other existential problem Trump presents is that he seeks a selective application of the rule of law; one for his cult, another for all others. OK, we all can acknowledge that fingers are often applied to the scales of US justice (“The American Justice System: it’s the finest one money can buy!”) But he wants to completely flush due process for those not in his cult.

Can I say ANYTHING good about the Trump years?? Just one: he delivered on avoiding foreign adventures (barring a missile strike against an Iranian general in Iraq…) I can’t picture a Dem having pulled off a pullout from Afghanistan (though it was clearly done in a chaotic manner that got some killed <sarcasm> -but hey, it was just some Afghanis, right?</sarcasm>) I also credit Biden for insuring Trump’s final order to evacuate from Afghanistan was not rescinded; he could have done that. I think that abrupt change in policy on foreign adventures in the Trump years came more from Rex Tillerson and Bannon than from him.

But his foreign policy is marked by numerous disasters: going along with the Israelis moving in on Jerusalem -that will inject a lot more violence into the Israeli conflict in the years to come. Allowing Putin, a guy who unabashedly awards officers for assassinating those who merely express dissent, to act with no checks whatsoever (actually, I think Trump is afraid for what he could do to his loved ones, like poisoning a doorknob or destroying their hearing; that’s probably the place where his ass-kissing of Putin comes from…)


over million people died of covid under his watch.

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Right? Ana and Wosny’s downplaying how catastrophic a second Trump term would be has been maddening. Everyone will be hurt by it (climate chaos doesn’t discriminate), but first and worst will be immigrants, trans people, and those seeking and/or providing abortions. I imagine it won’t be long before the American fascist movement cracks down on leftie media too. But according to Ana, taking what Trump and his MAGA allies say seriously is just “fear mongering.”

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Did it ever occur to you that Ana and Woz saying “Trump wasn’t THAT bad” was just them being sick of all the negative shit that gets spewed at us EVERY day and them attempting to look on the :sun_with_face:Bright Side:sun_with_face:?

I get what you are saying about Trump and :100: agree with you on how bad that :eggplant: is. We need to do everything we can to keep him from returning to power because that will end this country and turn it into Russia 2.0(oligarchy). But don’t fault people for trying to look on the :sun_with_face:Bright Side :sun_with_face: cause for most of us if we don’t we will go crazy


I agree. Also, failing to give credit where credit is due, regardless of whom you’re talking about or what party they are affiliated with, lacks integrity and honesty. Besides, we have to remember that Trump, as horrible as he is, is merely a figurehead for the people who are really in charge.


In Ana’s defense, objectively Biden has help kill thousands of Palestinians and Trump has not. So, narrowly objectively, Biden has been worse then Trump.


Yeah, I saw that. Unfortunately, I wasn’t watching live, or I would have written in with an even longer list than the one you provided. On a brighter note, I’ve seen them do this type of thing with other topics. I’ve come to the conclusion that, while not exactly tongue-in-cheek, it is not as serious as it sounds. They seem to chafe at the narrative surrounding certain things, not necessarily because they disagree with it, but because of how it is presented. When they are together on-air, they often indulge in pushing back against it in a way that wouldn’t work if they were paired with anyone else. I’d be shocked to learn that either of them actually believe Trump wasn’t bad for America, or democracy.


On the issue of Gaza, Biden has been worse, of course. But TYT was uniformly dismissive of the good things this administration accomplished (the Inflation Reduction Act comes to mind) well before October 7th.

Before that date, I’d have argued this admin had easily been better than the previous two Dem presidencies, Obama’s and Clinton’s. A very low bar, to be sure, and still not great, but still.

Will TYT’s coverage change under Trump 2 as the cruelty and atrocities become far worse? I’m continuing to listen just to find out.

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A replacement ticket gives the opportunity for a fresh approach on Gaza; but that would be a DISadvantage for Harris as a candidate at an Open Convention.

Or if you believe that most delegates are cool with current Gaza policy, then it would be an advantage…


Great news, David…IF our elections were based on the popular vote.

Just keep up your journalistic objectivity as to whether Biden is viable at this point…

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Irony alert: Britons call for abolition of a monarchy, while we move towards reinstatement of one!

[Not to take anything away from Charles’ pro-environmental stances in recent years…]


As for the Trump Didn’t Do Wars advocates, There are a lot dead Yemini men woman and children who diasagree with that: The Trump Administration Embraces the Saudi-Led War in Yemen


just one correction. Biden tried to rescind the withdrawal from Afghanistan. He tried renegotiating it. Got it delayed - twice. But the Taliban were having none of it. I believed they threatened at one point that unless we leave by the end of august they would literally charge the bases full scale or something. That is what I remember.

Another good thing Trump did was increase child tax credit from $1000 to $2000 per child.

Avoiding foreign wars and child tax credit are the 2 policies I support from Trump era. Other than that, yeah - trainwreck


Yeah but Yemen war started under Obama. When he shipped 3 times more arms to Saudis than any president before him or something.

I think the general argument is he didn’t start NEW wars.

Plus The Intercept had a great article on how Biden was trying to prevent Saudis and Iranians from resolving the Yemen war. Biden even went to the extent of opposing a Bernie backed War powers act resolution that would prevent the escalation of war in Yemen. Eventually even the Saudis got so frustrated with the whole thing that they and Iran went to China to get it resolved. That was in late June of last year. Interesting how merely a few months after that Biden found a reason to go back into Yemen pretending it was somehow protecting trade or something. Yemen war is one of the legacies Obama wants to protect.

These wars are not by one president or another, these are by the corporate interests who push for them for their own reasons. Joined by military generals etc in the pentagon who make decade long plans. Like Soleimani had been on their list since Bush era. But they were quoted as saying that they didn’t want to take him out under Bush because that would risk war with Iran and they couldn’t afford a 3rd war. And they couldn’t do it under Obama because of all the various wars he was involved in. So they did it under Trump. and in usual fashion, Trump took credit for it.

Its not that they didn’t carry out their damaging foreign policy under Trump. Its just they somehow managed to implement it without using bombs where there weren’t any already. Which is a step in the right direction as far as I am concerned. Not enough but better than whatever the hell is happening in Gaza right now for example.


All true, but US Support for the Saudi side of the Yemeni war peaked under Trump and that is not peace.

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