TYTArmy Task Force 2 May the Forth be with you!

:book: :clock8::grin:
Of mind far, far… :night_with_stars: yeah, a bit farther than that…. :space_invader: farer… faaaaaaaaaaaaaarrr… :unicorn_face: far removed from reality. The Crony-Clones :robot_face: (GOP & Corp Democrats) began a war on the truth. Satisfy their greed they did. Of favoring deregulation creating an era, an unfettered free market :dollar: and the recognition of corporate personhood :man_facepalming: would create an abundance of wealth that the heavens would split open,:umbrella: rain wealth down on the poor, homeless, the hungry & the sick. :desert:
However, soon challenged by a Rogue Political Paladin, :man_mage: their rhetoric and lobbyist approved talking points intended to drown out the voices of the masses were. To be reckoned with a force, silenced & marginalized by the Crony-Clones :supervillain: class war, grew out of those that were. Thought to be extinct by the Trickledown Menace who stopped at nothing to demonized people of color especially from different worlds, a force that was.
Branch of the Political Paladins :tyt: that seeks out the lies of the Crony-Clones :robot_face: to awaken a force in the masses who were fooled by their propaganda machines, the TYTArmy TF 2 is. :mechanical_arm: With take aim at one lie or misleading statement at a time and never miss our mark laser precision we. Pew! Pew!
With the TF 2 paladins, :tyt_army: you must, fight the evil Crony-Cones :robot: in becoming one!
May the Schwartz be with you! :fist:
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