Upcoming large-scale voter challenges, suppression and general undermining of the voting system by Republicans


Can anyone point me to TYT shows that have particularly covered the topic of the undermining of the voting system that Republicans have engaged in, in the past, and which they have long planned to do in the upcoming election?

Background to this question is that I’ve been going on the assumption for some time now that the Republicans will try to challenge a lot of voter registrations and others attempt to reduce the fairness of the upcoming vote. They’ve done this in past Presidential elections and I’m thinking that, if anything, they will do even more of it this year given the reports I’ve heard of plans to refuse to certify and other measures.

I have recently seen (and slightly donated to) the documentary:
“Vigilantes Inc.: America’s New Vote Suppression Hitmen”
and in that documentary they claimed (if I recall) something on the order of 800k registrations already challenged. I haven’t heard anything about this documentary on TYT, but setting that aside, I would think that TYT would have its own coverage established of the efforts to undermine the voting system, the vast majority of which seem to be coming from Republicans. I’m guessing that coverage of this topic will be there to some extent in the TYT archives, but I don’t know where to find it and don’t recall hearing much. I do think I recall a recent comment on TYT that I agreed with that Democrats have opposed even decent Republican proposals (voter id laws with reasonable thresholds) and thus missed an opportunity.

Look at the recent efforts to REQUIRE handcounts in Georgia. Handcounts, having seen what we did in Florida in 2000, can be much more partisan than machine counts (though I agree we should always have paper ballots, and they should be kept for at least 2 years after an election…)

The handcount thing looks to me like an effort to tie up the vote certification so they can get time to attempt hail mary legal challenges. There SHOULD be penalties for when charges are lodged with little basis in fact, but that’s not a present-day reality…

Given that the presidential system of voting uses an undemocratic “electoral college” I would claim that we already have a non-functioning democracy.

It is what it is.


I’ve heard some rationalizations that it should be undone since southern slave States wanted a counterbalance to the power of northern states who did not permit slavery (Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island…), but those States had just had a bad experience with England’s power overreach, so they also feared a too-powerful federal government.

Eh, we lost many States rights over the centuries to the feds. But I’ll say it again: it is what it is and we have to play the hand we are dealt. States will not relinquish their electoral rights for a popular vote any more than the feds would not give a hard time to a State seeking to secede…

Hi, does anyone know of an answer to the question, of where I can find a link to TYT episodes that have dealt with the voter suppression and voting system disruption that is long-planned to take place.

I would check out their websites. :woman_shrugging:

Yes, the handcounts and other measures have been put in place by Republicans in order to gum up the works. The question is: where does TYT cover this? Or does it cover it at all? If it does not cover it, then I suggest line up interviews with a couple of experts over the next few weeks so that TYT viewer/listeners are not caught off guard when this happens. Investigative Reporter Greg Palast is one possibility though he has his strengths and weaknesses. There are one or two other personalities that were involved with that documentary that Palast made who also might be able to discuss (Martin Sheen?).

I heard a representative of the NAACP interviewed on the topic of voter suppression in Georgia and in other states, and she did quite well, but I can’t quite remember the representative’s name. Was it someone who had a legal background? Some of this is about understanding that significant high-stakes legal battles are playing out right now in Georgia and perhaps some other states in an attempt to counter the scurrilous undermining of the voting system that has been put into place, often under guise of claiming falsely that many undocumented immigrants are voting.

Best spot to find them would be the TYT YouTube Channels: TDR, Indisputable, and TYT. I’d even check Watchlist, TYTSports, RebelHQ, and TYT Investigates