Update for Operation Joy

Hello it’s been awhile since I’ve written in the discussion boards. I wanted to share this update/ experience for this weeks operation joy. My leg is in month 9 of recovery, my husband finally got a job and i was able to go on a 9 day trip and have 2 new experiences i never dreamed i would have! To he honest the whole trip was a joyous occasion. I met up with my high school friend in Minnesota( we went to Paisley Park), I met Dave Mustaine from Megadeth then went to Utah where i met Mel Gibson, had an amazing interaction with Danny Glover, Robin Lively and Linda Hamilton and was able to hike 5 miles with my cane!! I came home to Florida and had no internet for 8 days. At 1st I was really upset but then i thought about my blessings. I just came back from a great trip, my house was intact and I’m not using my cane anymore( although i still walk with a limp im not scared of falling like I was before the trip)! Sometimes its so easy to get bogged down in negativity but there is always something to be grateful for!


Wow! Look at you just meeting everyone. :clap::sunglasses:


Thanks its a blessing! I am not as active as to use to be but grateful that im at least moving/ limping around wothout my cane now :slight_smile:


Wow! The joy on your face! It leaps right off the screen and into my heart. I hope you a ton of happiness going forward.


I am so happy for you, you needed that! You look so beautiful and happy, I love it! Thanks for sharing the pictures, they are really fun to see. Say, next time you’re in Minnesota, let me know and I’ll totally meet you somewhere! I’m just ecstatic for you! :heart:


Awe thanks so much and that sounds like a llan! Hope things are well with you!:hugs:


Thanks so much its been a tough year but my joy is returning as i get better and better. Im soo happy i didn’t have to use my cane as much and each day my leg feels better! :slight_smile:


While I’m at work, I tend to wish for Friday to come quickly. I try to hurry through my day even though I don’t hate my job. When I catch myself wishing the day away, I tell myself, “These are the good old days.” I know when I’m retired, I’m going to look back and kind of miss my job, so why not slow down just enjoy the day. Thinking of that quote slows me down and brings me a little more zen.


Thank you for sharing this! I try to go through my days the same way. Every moment is an opportunity to live with awareness and an open heart. :heart:

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