Voter Id

This is an achilles heel issue for the Dems; I know how it can be addressed, but I’d rather not share it online because then Repubs would mobilize to shut it down (similar to the way they are shutting down union formation with so-called
:rightwards_hand:Right to Work :pinching_hand: laws…) I share with y’all just to point out this is an issue that needs to be addressed…

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How do you plan to address it?

I welcome others to comment on it and/or suggest a way to address it. I’d rather not share my approach online because then the Repubs would move to close it down as a solution…

Ah gotcha. IMO its plain and simple. Just issue voter ID’s. One time registration end of story. You don’t have to register every time there is an election, And if someone doesn’t have the funds, maybe make it free or maybe the government can issue one time checks to low income households or something. I don’t know what the problem is. If you are worried that dreamers might out their family members, make sure you have rules which prevent sharing of this info with ICE. I seriously don’t get the stance of Dems on this

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Yes, their stance invites suspicion about their integrity.

You got part of the constraints to a solution: you shouldn’t need to register frequently (the Repubs would LOVE that!)

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By the way: an example of how Repubs shut things down:

“ESG ratings” (link) were introduced to the finance industry -a good idea to try and cut down on pollution by mega-corporations. The Repubs introduced punitive measures and bans at the State level to block use by pension funds of that as an investment criteria…

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If Leonard Leo is against it, I’m all for it! :joy:


could you post a link about the punitive measures Repubs took?

I dont get what you mean by “Repubs would LOVE that”. Please elaborate

The Repubs would love if people had to re-register frequently; that would diminish voter turnout…

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Interesting, Funny how they always talk about less government interference but end up putting more regulations on things they don’t like. But it explains why they have been more effective in passing Anti ESG legislation than Dems passing ESG legislation. If only they could use that for something good.

Also, I am more in favor of the second type of legislation, where you have disclosures. A lot of these companies are running total scams by saying we are going to use this to plant trees or cut emissions or something but they don’t actually do that. I think disclosures should be included along with every ESG bill. Like you have to include sustainability in your investments but also disclose what you actually did.

But even if it is just disclosure, it also helps us way more to decide what kind of national legislation would actually be most effective.

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exactly. Re-registering is such a pain in the butt. and specifically hurts low income households - a lot of whom are unfortunately minorities. (groups they don’t want voting in large numbers) Not having to register for every darned election is the biggest step towards inclusivity and democracy we can take.

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