Voting System Integrity


this isn’t the first time I’ve asked this I don’t think, but has TYT had any experts on to interview them and discuss voting system integrity? And even if they have not interviewed experts, have the main hosts done decent stories over the months and years on this?

Greg Palast has finally come out and declared that, after doing the forensic research using government data, millions of votes were suppressed, and (in his estimation) Harris would have won if this suppression had not taken place.

I get that many channels on the internet do not want to dwell on the question of whether Trump lost as they want to make the point that they, unlike Trump and his supporters, have respect for the law and the outcomes of elections, but this is no excuse for simply ignoring voter suppression for another four years, which is what many of them have done. I also get that Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering (two of the main Republican tactics in recent years) are not the only election integrity issues that need discussion.

In any event, if we get to the expiration of my membership in another 6-8 months and there has not been much discussion of these matters, it will be a factor in my renewal decision.

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