Congratulations, that’s wonderful news!
Congratulations @scorchwinters! That’s exciting (and joyous) news! And it sounds like you’ve gone from being a TYT couple to a TYT marriage! Hope the start of classes for 2025 goes well.
To celebrate my 41st birthday this week, I just signed up for my 6th full marathon. Between this, my half marathons and a couple of 5ks, I will have accrued 216 miles of official races since the age of 33.
Before you think that I’m being boastful, let me assure you that I am still terrible. I will always cross the finish line looking and smelling like grim death.
I may never be a good runner and that’s okay. I’m excited to teach Morgan;
It’s okay to enjoy doing something, even if you suck at it.
If you work your butt off to get good at something you enjoy and you still suck at it, that’s okay too.
Time to start training…
WOW, good for you! I love the lesson! I hope you and your family had a great holiday season and are doing well.
Kara , I love our town halls and hope they continue. I see people , young and a little older wanting positive change from the status quo. The leaders have absolutely failed us and we need a ground swell of good conscience people to rise up and claim " We are not going to take this anymore " like the 1976 film ‘Network’. It’s time for action. Jack