Weekly Topic for Operation Joy

That’s awesome. I can’t imagine having to do brewing all day long and how that must feel, but it’s great that you had people who took the time to tell you that they appreciate it. That definitely sounds like a win to me.


The creative end of brewing is super cool and a bit like mad science. The practical end is physically demanding. Ultimately, I love it.


That’s awesome! I’m sure many appreciate your skills. :smiling_face:


How is Scrappy doing? :heart:

Your hair has been looking great, by the way!

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I’m glad to hear you had another water balloon fight! :smiling_face:

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i think as it’s got longer it’s starting to be slightly less frizzy and wetting it down before social events has helped. i’ve been struggling with my mental health recently and can’t tell you how much your compliment means. thank you

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We adore you!!!


i’m not sure if this is meant for me or drea_m_r_76 because i’m not great with the forum but if it’s for me thank you. it’s incredibly appreciated. your adoration is far from unrequited. if it’s for drea_m_r_76 i couldn’t agree more.

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(It’s meant for you, silly. And I concur. :heart:)

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I am sorry that you are struggling right now. If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You have a big fan club here, and we’re all rooting for you!

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Thank you! i’m doing a little better this week. i’m looking forward to working on the ballot initiatives. a better future is still possible and we have the ability to achieve it with a lot of work and keeping a little bit of hope. if we’re going to put in the time and effort the least i can do is keep a little bit of hope. thank you for the support!


Thanks so much for asking. Unfortunately we had to put him to sleep a week and a half ago.

He went from pretty good one day to the next day not being able to even stand up, which I guess is a sign of the last stage of heart failure. It was so sad because on his last day, he kept trying to get up but couldn’t, and we knew he’d never be able to walk again.

The vet had warned us when the final stage came that he could either gradually get really bad little by little over a few weeks, or suddenly within a few hours get really bad, and that’s what happened. The vet agreed the time had come.

We at least got to be with him to say goodbye and he went before he was in too much pain.

Sorry that’s more info than you probably wanted, but it was a big loss for us. I forgot that I hadn’t posted about it here or on Twitter, I did on my irl Facebook after a couple days because it was really difficult emotionally to deal with.

We got a stuffed Scrappy for our daughter (and to be honest, my wife and I too) to remember him by.


It is so wonderful when people appreciate your work.

That’s great to hear!

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Oh no, I am so sorry! Losing a pet is terribly sad and something you never really get over. Being able to be with them is a small blessing, and it is soul-wrenching at the same time. My heart is with you and your family. :disappointed::heart:

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I have never messaged before today although I have been watching TYT since 2015. Before my grandpa passed away a couple years ago he “gave me the job” of changing the world. While I appreciate his level of enthusiasm for what he thinks I can accomplish in a life time, perhaps this story could help people change their own worlds/ perspectives. This is gonna be a long one and a bit of a roller coaster…

To start off, I have been blessed to come from a family that was loving, accepting, mentally (mostly) and financially stable. My brother and I were lucky enough to come home everyday where our mom would be there waiting for us. I started riding horses when I was five and taking lessons. Horses were and still are to this day my sanity, and what has pulled me from my darkest moments.
Unfortunately my parents sent us to a VERY religious Christian school. Think mini mega church… a little less performance art. Being gay was a sin, decks of cards were considered the devils toy cause it could lead to gambling, had to be at least 6 inches away from the opposite sex. (Joke on them )Uniform, bible class, morning prayer and devotion. They wouldn’t let us get books from the scholastic book fair if it was to science-y. I had to argue with a teacher to let me order a book on volcanos… that’s the level of indoctrination we are talking here…. I got into an argument or the logistics of Jonah surviving living inside the belly of a whale to which the response was… it was a big fish Megan … as if that would magically fix the logic problem I had put forth.
By the third year of university I met the person who I would unfortunately let change my life and not for the better. I met my first girlfriend. Fell hard, and instantly… so fast I did not catch or care to catch the waterfall of red flags that now looking back could not have been any louder or brighter. Being young and still very naive I did not realize I was in the clutches of a very talented narcissist. The abuse I tolerated for 10 years was insane, the gaslighting, lies, cheating physical and mental abuse… and still more brainwashing while not religious … you can only hear how much of a piece of garbage you are so many times. To the point where someone lies to you about having cancer while your own mother dies of cancer… you still don’t leave… MAGA level brainwashing without the MAGA. After 10 years and 2 years in court I finally got free.

Now to get to the good part, I’m 36, I bought my first home, I have a good job that I like. While unfortunately my older horses have passed. I rescued two new ones. My life is simple but it’s happy.

I have made so many mistakes and learned so many lessons. I wouldn’t change that if I could. All mistakes are lessons, learn to love the art of learning. Learn to love the simple things. Don’t strive for perfection strive for authenticity. One is boring while the other is full of life’s mysteries. Do the weird thing, and always know your worth!


My heart aches for your years of abuse. I am so sorry. May I just say, you are truly an inspiration. To work through all of that brainwashing, gaslighting, and abuse and be able to find hope and true happiness on the other side is always nothing short of a miracle. Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you for your wise words. :heart:


Aw thank you so much. I just want anyone struggling to know, you’re stronger than you will ever realize. Never give up, if I could go back and tell little Meg anything it would be don’t give up, life gets so much better than you could ever imagine. There is so much more to that story than what I was able to write in 3000 characters, but to anyone who has ever been brainwash and manipulated I know how you feel. Surround yourself with people you trust, if you can get away from who/ whatever is manipulating you do it. You will be amazed at how quickly your sense of self can change if you do something as simple as having no contact for a short amount of time. You’re all capable of anything you set your mind to, happiness is definitely a choice but one you will never regret :blush:. Best wishes from a Canadian sister to my American family and beyond.


This week’s #OperationJoy assignment: Filter Out Judgement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlxPsbIPU34