Weekly Topic for Operation Joy

Here’s the thing. “The Left” is not a monolith. And the range of political views is not linear but more 2 dimensional. So we have from left to right - socialist to capitalist (where socialist stands in for all forms of related economic theories including communism, state socialism, Trotskyite socialism, and etc as well as Free-Market Capitalists, Regulated Capitailists, and etc), and then we have Up and Down with authoritarianism at the bottom and anarchy at the Top.

Imagine a Cartesian coordinate system with both x and y directions. The central point is the point of a neutral centrist. Then we have both left and right and up and down directions. So there can be Authoritarian Socialists as well as Anarchic Capitalists.


Great topic!

I’d also like to suggest a future topic:

Have the tough conversation/ make the tough decision you’ve been putting off.

I’ll share my thoughts on this later but I suggest this because:

  • many folks in politics are doing this wrt Biden

  • with an aging population, there are increasing numbers families who need to do this

  • after the dust settles, most folks after a tough conversation or after making a tough decision wonder why they didn’t do it earlier

  • you’ll feel lighter & happier.


Of course, the professor gives us a hard one! :wink:


I loved this message so much! It has everything. Accepting yourself for who you are, accepting your mistakes, learning from them without beating yourself up too much (don’t do to yourself what the narcissists tried to do to you) and joy from the simple and beautiful things in life. You really delivered on your first message! So glad you wrote in.


For the so-called homework assignment, you don’t have to filter out all judgment at once. That’s crazy hard. Just any small instance where you concsiously did it would be amazing.


As of this past monday I am now a RETIRED math professor.

So it’ll take me a while before I get out of the habit of assigning tough questions. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


LOL, I bet! :joy:

Congratulations! :partying_face:

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Congratulations on your retirement!! :partying_face:

Do you think you’ll fully retire or will you continue as an Emerita/us to still do some teaching or research? I know some professors who’ve officially retired but still kept at it for another 5-10 years. :smiley:


Thanks! I really appreciate it!

I definitely want to get back to teaching!! I’m only 51 and although I started teaching college at 18, I haven’t had enough. Lol

I ended up retiring because I have a horrendous back. In fact I had a back procedure the day after I retired and had complications that sent me to two different emergency departments in the last two days.

Thankfully I’m home and better yet they dont think the procedure did any permanent damage.


Hey TYT community. This week I achieved the impossible: I’m going to own a condo!

I put in an offer for a 2 bed/2 bath condo for $240K, which was $10K below asking price and the owner accepted it! To my surprise, it was on the market for a whole month which is crazy in this seller’s market. The condo looked in great shape to me and it’s in a great location in a gated community in the Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills. Barring any unexpected problems being found in the home inspection, closing should happen in August and I get to move out of parents’ house by Labor Day.

It was a long road to get to this point. I moved out from my parents’ home in 2016 to Columbus, Ohio for work, renting an apartment there for 6 years. I wound up quitting that job because I couldn’t take the BS from that employer anymore and I moved back in with my parents in 2022. After finding a new job at an employer that I’m happy be to with, I saved as much money as I could these last two years to put a down payment on a place that I could afford.

This week I celebrated independence day not just for America, but for me being financially independent again. #TeamJoy



I never thought I’d retire at 51, but my back had different plans for me.

Now *I’m * making plans. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Humans are social creatures, and we have millions of years of evolution that have shaped us to listen to judgement, especially from authority figures or peers. So rejecting judgment can be difficult, but as with any skill, it takes practice.

Most of my practice with this came from my experiences as a female math professor. But I’m thankful because when I needed it the most, I was ready.

My older son is on the spectrum and had a lot of social challenges in high school. So when it came time to decide what he wanted to do after graduating we talked about it, and he decided to not go to college. My husband and I fully supported his decision.

He, of course, got the brunt of the judgment. His teachers, friends, extended family, the world, all expectated him to go to college. And the pressure from folks was higher because I’m a professor.

It got worse when he decided to stay at home and not work right away. There were a lot of reasons such as the pandemic, family health issues, etc. He also needed to take time to figure out what he wanted to do and not rush into huge debt!

For me, the most important part was that he was suicidal, and he knew college was not what was best for him!

The mama bear in me was determined to not only reject the judgment, but to shut it down. We were a united front and folks at eventually stopped their ridiculousness.

Now, a few years later, he went to school, he’s happy, healthy, and working full-time as a welder. And he still rejects judgment. #win

I should also point out that after working there for a few months he makes more than my college-educated hubby makes after 25 years.

#teamjoy #OperationHope



Im so happy for you! Good luck with your move.

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Sorry to hear about your back, that’s horrible that you had complications that sent you to the emergency room. I’m glad you’re back home and hope the rest of your recovery goes well.

That’s great that you’re still going to teach! In college one of my advisors was retired, I thought it was great for her to love it so much that she kept teaching and mentoring people after retirement.


Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that!

Congratulations, that’s huge, especially in this economy! Good luck with your new place. There’s something to be said for having a place to call home.

I love Pinky and the Brain! :joy::rofl::joy:


I am so happy for your son (and you)! It sounds like we have a lot in common. You are someone I admire more and more each day. You are clearly a great mother, educator, and friend. Thank you for posting and being a point of inspiration for us all. :heart:

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Today’s TYT show (Friday July 5) about how possible violence against progressives, the possible end of democracy, and how hopeless the election seems left me in tears. Please, let’s find some hope somewhere. I was left feeling hopeless and depressed.

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This might help, at least a little.







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