Weekly Topic for Operation Joy

Thanks for your kind words. :heart:

I’m glad your advisor was able to continue to work with students. I’m always happy to hear stories like that!

Although I’m not able to be back full-time, I try to make it to Tae Kwon Do practice. My husband and I started a college club almost 25 years ago.

We then expanded and our classes are open to anyone, not just college students. So I do what I can, even if its just giving them “homework”.

Last week’s hw: write down, what am I doing for my future self today? Then ask that for a week.


Awww :heart::heart:

Thanks! I really appreciate it. We definitely have a lot in common. :hugs:

I’ve found that folks, esp with with chronic conditions like us, typically have just a few choices.

While on the mountain path, we could let go and slide into the darkness and negativity. We can curl in, brace ourselves, and remain in stasis.

Or we can REACH.

We can reach for:
Anything, ANYTHING that’ll help.

When we reach, even a tiny bit, we might find our footing. We might find relief, strength, or even more struggles.

But we might find someone else slipping and hold tight. In that moment of contact, we’re both stronger.
Our resolve builds.
We cant tell who’s slipping and who’s not.
Our empathy shines.
We are each other’s light.

So we look at each other and nod.
And together we reach again.


I haven’t done a self-check the past couple weeks for #OperationJoy. I haven’t really felt much joy with all the bad news about Biden and from Gaza. But I think that’s exactly the reason I should do a self-check. I need to make sure I am making room for joy. And I think I’ve actually done a lot better than I thought!

  1. :white_check_mark: Do something that makes you happy: I made time to listen to one of my favorite albums by Paul McCartney and sang along (in my shed-slash-office, so no eardrums were hurt in the process!)
  2. :white_check_mark: Do something nice: I went out of my way to boost a great video from an awesome independent streamer (Jeff Waldorf, who’s been on TYT before) by posting about it on four different platforms instead of just X.
  3. :white_check_mark: Reject judgement. I decided just now to not judge myself for being less active on here and online.
  4. :white_check_mark: Find something I love about myself. I love my sense of humor, even when a dad joke falls flat I know there are other times I make people laugh and I make myself laugh, which is important too!
  5. :pinching_hand: Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do this, but I try to just roll with it when I am afraid of making a mistake and do it anyway.
  6. :white_check_mark: Choose the perspective that’s right for you. I refuse to be gaslight by the media about Biden’s cognitive capacity. I choose to believe that there is still hope that Democrats will do the right thing by convincing him to leave the race (even if they’re doing it for the wrong reasons).
  7. :white_check_mark: Choose to be happy. My wife and daughter are out having fun while I stayed home and worked, but I decided not to be down about it, try to be upbeat, and in 3 minutes I’ll be happy that TYT is on!

A thing for joy is working as a city mail carrier and seeing how many people really appreciate the hard work and stopping for a couple minutes to talk to elderly people to really make their day! Especially when sometimes you’re the only person they see.


I’m so glad you posted your checklist again! And you’re right, when finding joy seems hard is exactly when we need to do this. I have the checklist in my notes on my phone but haven’t done it yet, so thank you for the reminder. (PS Knocking off six of the seven is awesome!)


I love that! My uncle was a mail carrier in Minneapolis for decades. You really do make a difference to many people. :heart:


My father was a mail carrier, too! Over 20 years in Illinois, and he lived and breathed USPS.

I know that it’s not an easy job, and from what it sounds like it’s harder than it used to be on several fronts.

That’s great to hear @bassmasler54 that you have a connection with the people on your route and the community appreciates your work. Not enough people take the time to get to know their carrier nowadays.


Just wondering how you’re doing. I hope things are looking up and you’re continuing to heal. :heart:

I think about your story often and hope you are doing well. :heart:

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Hi there! Thanks for reaching out. Im still recovering with my broken leg( they said it would take about a year)and my husband did get a job but its not working out. I am busy with patients which is a big blessing but its hampering my recovering as the amount of stress is enormous.
I am counting my blessings and know things are going to continue to improve.
I do miss being on the boards juat been soo busy.
Hope you are well and thanks again for reaching out!:hugs::grinning:


I’m glad to hear things are a little better anyway. A year?! Wow, that’s rough! I hope that soon you will be able to have more time for fun stuff (like going on the discussion boards! :wink:). Keep in touch when you can. :heart:


I would like to say a few things about hope. I am Jackc380 on TYT. Yesterday , July10 , I got a phone call that a friend and colleague died of cancer . This was right before the town hall. He was a good responsible person and I will truly miss him. During the town hall with Professor Lessig , I kept thinking that I have limited time left to be on this earth. I continue to want to make a positive difference and I was uplifted by the smart , concerned people on that call that want to create solutions for our common problems in the political sphere. I’ve been depressed with the onslaught of bad news. I feel that we have sunk down to the 9th Circle of Hell in Dante’s inferno with the Democrat’s Death March to the election. On a side note , I’ve been diagnosed with Chronic Pain for 11 years . That pain is with me 24/7. I have a Neurostimulator in my spine and a Pain Pump that dispenses Morphine . Also, I’m on a Fentanyl patch and oxycodone . My point is that I never will let this beat me . I will fight this and for causes I believe in and the TYT family has given me an opportunity with other people to do what is necessary to get this nation back on track. I have faith that cooler heads will prevail , and that possibly Obama will reach Biden to step down . I was also uplifted a few days ago that France protested on the streets and VOTED for a coalition that defeated the Far Right Fascists. We need to do the same . Please continue to be involved with HOPE guiding you to a better place . Thank you , Jack


I’m so sorry to hear about your pain and the loss of your friend. I hope you’re able to find relief. I find your strength and hope inspiring. please let the group know if there’s anything we can do for you and thank you for sharing this with us


I advocate for animal welfare and animal rights. I’ve worked in shelters, volunteered at rescues, became a vegan, and do everything I can and sometimes it feels like I’m not making a dent. It’s so hard sometimes, I’ve seen abuse and pain that’s burned into my memory. Horrific things no living feeling being should have to experience. Sometimes when I close my eyes at night it’s all I can see. Desperate tearful eyes pleading with me for help, and the cries echoing in my skull. Memories I don’t want, that make me want to give up.

When I get that way I take it back to square one. Why is this important? Save a life. That’s the mission. Save one, then save one more, then save one more. You don’t change the world by saving an animal, but you did change that animal’s world.

In the last 24 months I’ve rescued 15 cats and 1 dog, got each of them to a shelter for medical attention or fostered until I found them a furever home. Save one, that’s the mission. Not letting not being able to do everything keep me from doing anything. Leaving my small sliver of the world better then when I found it. That’s the mission. That’s all I can do. And I’ll never stop because there will always be an innocent that needs me. I’ll be there little one.


I am so sorry to hear about your friend! (I thought you looked down yesterday, and am sorry I didn’t ask how you were.) You honestly never cease to amaze me. With everything you go through, you are one of the hardest workers on the team and one of our biggest champions giving us hope and support. My biggest wish tonight is for you to know how much you are loved and appreciated. You make this world better by being in it. :heart:

PS I read in your bio that you are a musician, and it sounds like you have had an amazing career! If you are ever up for it, I (and I’m sure everyone) would love to hear some stories. Have a good night, my friend.


I have so much respect, admiration, and appreciation for what you do! You just got one thing wrong. Saving one animal does change the world for the better. Just think about the joy you bring to the animal’s and their people’s lives. This joy spreads and this is how the world is changed, one seemingly small thing at a time. Keep on keeping on (and post pics, pet pics are the best!). :heart_eyes_cat:


I have great respect for veterinarians and their support staff. I’ve had 2 cats [ both now deceased ] and they both had extraordinary care from vets. I personally thank you for what you do as well as the concerned parents of pets that seek your help . Jack


Thanks Andrea . I hope this post will get to Operation Joy as I don’t know how to do it. You are correct that I’ve had an amazing career as a musician in one sense ; I have been to many countries performing with some groups such as in Japan , Colombia , Holland , France for example. Best of all is that in New Orleans I’ve played with Dr. John. , Allan Toussaint , Smokey Robinson , Ellis and Wynton Marsalis, Tony Bennett, Natalie Cole and Stevie Wonder [3 times! ] for a few examples. Since I don’t play anymore , I can type from bed and be involved politically. I’ve written letters to Bernie, Biden and my corrupt Senators from Louisiana. It’s a start. Thank you for your kind words , I will see you soon , Best , Jack


PS , I forgot I played in the Spoleto Festival in Italy in 2001 .

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That’s amazing! I’ve been to Canada. :joy: I look forward to seeing you next week and hope you are doing well!