Hello Friends,
I’ll be the first to admit that lately I’ve been feeling down about the state of affairs in this nation. All around we see disregard for the rule of law, institutions who are supposed to respect and protect the rule of law are following the Nazi playbook.
Today my friend and co-worker, a citizen of Puerto Rican descent, told me that in addition to keeping his ID with him he has requested his passport. He feels if he keeps his passport with him he won’t be mistaken for an illegal alien and deported to Mexico. His family feels the same fear. This kind fo fear is running rampant in all American Citizens who have a slightly darker skin color than me. That the right put this kind of fear in American citizens is unforgiveable. With all due respect to MLK, who is an inffinately better man than me, I hate this motherfucker.
With Trump trying to dictate to other nations, I’ll guaran-damn-tee you the CIA and State Department are not happy–and for good reason. If we lose allies in South America you can damn well be assured they will ally with an enemy of the US.
At the end of the day I have the satisfaction of knowing we’re still right and they’re still wrong.