Why is TYT carrying water for the Evangelical Right?

There are over 90 million Evangelicals in the US. In 2020 158,397,726 people voted. 74,223,975 voted for Trump and over 7 million more voted for Biden. In the 2020 election over 39 million Evangelicals voted (25% of total votes) and over 30 million of them voted for Trump (9 million for Biden), accounting for 41% of Trump’s votes.

In 2024 there are about 38 million registered Republicans, and 30 million Evangelicals voted for Trump last time. In their recent primary Trump received over 80% of primary votes and Haley got most of the rest. Evangelicals as a voting block are dedicated to Trump. Registered Republicans are dedicated to Trump. It is worthwhile to assume the majority of Registered Republicans are Evangelicals. The Republican Party is a party of religious fundamentalist fixed on social issues and they are not going to be lured away from Trump with offers of school lunches and affordable insulin.

Any suggestion Evangelicals are not important because candidates run to the center in the general or common ground can be found with them on economic matters are not true and a waste of everybody’s time. Look at Trump’s recent flip flop on Florida’s abortion measure. Trump announces he will vote for abortion rights, but his Evangelical base does not like it and they are paying attention so Trump flops right back because the Republican Party base are Evangelicals primarily concerned with social issues and Trump and the Republicans know it. So, why don’t the hosts of TYT?


Because Cenk and the TYT hosts are NOT Flip-Floppers. Do they sometimes change their stance on an issue? Yes; but that is after a vigorous researching of the issue and usually a vigorous debate with their fellow hosts. TYT is not here to just tell people what they want to hear like the MSM. They tell the truth and give their REAL opinions on the issues. They also WELCOME differing opinions on all issues so that we can discuss them and hopefully come to a consensus that will benefit everyone; Left & Right


But as I explained, TYT is wrong about Evangelical support of Donald Trump and their importance to the Republican party.

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I think there’s been a misunderstanding.

Last week, Cenk and Ana left me with the impression they believe the Evangelical vote has little impact and is painted as overly important. Much like Ana often does with the idea that Trump is dangerous. In my opinion, especially now seeing the numbers @nowthenzen gave, the Evangelical vote is highly impactful, and it is illogical to underestimate its importance. Don’t get it twisted; that’s not me implying they flip-flop on issues like crappie flopping on ice, nor am I saying I close my ears like a toddler to not hear disparate ideas; it’s implying they’re wrong.


Are the Evangelicals an important voting block for MAGA? Definitely. But we know how they are going to vote in this election; GOP/MAGA down the ticket. The ones that “matter” the most right now are not the Evangelicals but the “undecideds”. It’s the Undecideds that are going to determine this election just like they have the last 2 elections(2016 & 2020).


True, and what’s your point? My point is Radicalized Evangelicals are the Republican party base and Pooh-Poohing that clouds the issue; that the Evangelical base is dangerous and unreachable. They chased Trump right back to being Anti-abortion and “Florida now counts 1 million more registered Republican voters than Democrats”. If elected Trump and the Repubs will always serve their base of religious zealots.


Nobody is “pooh-poohing” that the Radical Evangelicals are the MAGA base. If it wasn’t for the lies that tRump has told them he would never have been elected in 2016 and gotten this year’s GOP Nomination. I am still trying to figure out how you think that TYT (Cenk and Ana are BOTH Atheists) are “carrying water for the Evangelical Right”. Is it because they give them a voice? Cause usually they debunk whatever the Evangelicals say very quick.


Fair enough Let’s see how they frame the matter.

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Because Ana has made it her mission to excuse Republican voters for their terrible, stupid, and harmful decision-making. She’s been doing so regularly for several years now.

Why? What changed to have TYT lecture us, their audience, about how we need to hold right-wing voters unaccountable and instead focus all our blame on the Democratic establishment and liberal media? I have no idea. But it’s super annoying to at least ONE of their long-time listeners.

(I should note, I’m very close friends with several R voters. I live in a deep red part of Ohio. So her insinuation that we on the left can’t separate our disdain for their threat to our national welfare from some assumed urge to treat them terribly in our interpersonal relations is especially aggravating.)


@cbickle yeah, I don’t know why they are doing their RW outreach but they are doing it.

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I get that, and at times wonder things like, “Was that meant to be overtly insulting?” When someone comes off as very puritanical (i.e., you’re not a real progressive if you’re considering voting for Harris; or you’re not very smart if you think Project 2025 is terrifying), it is very off-putting. That’s the main downside of using terms like the Left or the Right because it paints too many people with the same brush and encourages an us vs. them mentality. I think a lot of political issues are not really Right or Left, they’re just common sense, you know? Like, we should all have the same opportunities and freedoms, and we should all have healthcare and clean air. Hell, even viruses are politicized nowadays. For that reason, I think it is important to try to attract a wider audience to not only better understand that most of us want mostly the same things but also to garner greater strength in greater numbers to actually get these things done. Sorry, I think I was having a Braveheart flashback. What was the conversation about? Have I mentioned I have ADHD? :joy::european_castle::unicorn:


I live in MAGA country here in Kentucky. If I talk to my neighbors about JUST the issues and how things can be improved/changed for the better; we agree about 75% of the time. Now does that mean that I am a DINO or MAGA? Hell no. It means that if you take the parties and politicization OUT of the convo that we all basically want the same thing.

Now as a Moderator over in the Discord; I can tell you that we get some heated discussions just between members about Cenk and Ana’s opinions. First thing I say is “well, what to you think of that issue?” and as the convo is happening I also remind people that we are allowed to have differing opinions. I actually ENCOURAGE IT. Nothing will ever get better if we all agree 100% and if we did then we would be nothing but AI powered Robots.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It’s like people trying to describe an elephant in the dark. What part of the elephant you touch is the elephant And elephant is a wall if you touch it’s side, a tree trunk if you touch a leg, a muscular snake the trunk or a vine the tail, a spear the tusk or a giant leaf the ear. An elephant is all those things and like an elephant part of the American electorate are 20-30 million people (or more) who are open to if not eager for, fascism.

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Well said. I would add too that though this group is made up of different Sects that fiercely oppose one another, they are basically a Cult held together by the fear that they will not only be denied access to an alleged Heaven, but that they will actually end up burning for all of Eternity in an alleged Hell, despite some of them living in one themselves here on Earth. Therefore, they are not swayed by earthly concerns. They are in need of Cult Deprogrammers (few, of which, actually exist), but that would require them to be plucked from their little enclaves of ignorant and fearful thinking and exposed to more positive influences and possibilities. I agree, they are lost to anyone who is proposing reason and a new way of thinking about things.


Something to remember also is that those “Cult members” you are referring are a small sect of what the MSM; and frankly even a lot of US, see all of the Right Wing as. That is why you hear Cenk and Ana say we need to communicate with the non-cultists and at least see where they are coming from. Then we can try to make gains in getting things changed. If you do not know your Opponent you will never be able to prepare for them or beat them.