You BULLIED that sweet old man, Cenk

You should be ashamed.

You ran roughshod over him, wouldn’t let him really speak, gave him no respect at all. I’m not a fan of Biden but you should be ashamed of your behavior toward Lichtman tonight. You don’t need to agree with him, but he agreed to be on your show and you were an ass. He’s been right for the last 9 presidential elections, you weren’t right for any of the ones you’ve predicted. I’ve been watching you for YEARS. I know what you’ve said and you were wrong and are wrong. The insane tirade you’re suddenly going on against Biden is bad enough but your behavior was despicable with Lichtman. You are a grown man so stop acting like a child.

I am ashamed I ever supported you running for President. You may be an immigrant like me but I would never have done what you just did.


Cenk did hit the gas a bit with the professor, but he correctly predicted Trump’s win in 2016.

and Biden’s win in 2020

… and Obama in 2012


The problem isnt that he “bullied” him. The problem is he debated hypotheticals from a very narrow minded perspective against data and facts. people arent stupid, This election isn’t about Biden’s age or mental acuity even thought the dems want it to be, people are unhappy because of the economy and policy decisions of the entire dem party. changing the name of the ticket isn’t going tochange that.
A study of past elections shows that when people are deciding whether to vote for the incumbent in an election, they don’t look at the name on the ticket or anything they say or do - they decide based on how they feel the last 4 years have been., if they think they have been bad, they arent going to pick the incumbent party’s nominee no matter who it is.
You would need a massive 180 policy change candidate to accpmpiish that
plus we have a case study right now. Tories in UK, They pushed out Johnson, had a leadership crisis, installed sleazebag Sunak and faceplanted into the worst defeat in a 100 years. Chaos just before elections doesn’t serve any party well.
Some people want a magic wand solution to this problem,. There isn’t one, The best we can do now is focus on down ballot races to make sure we grab as many seats in the house and senate to check repubs there. Instead of wasting time and energy on whether it will be Bidne or another corporate hack, more right wing than Biden on the ticket


BIden IS too far right wing. Don’t you get it? The right is destroying us and you want to make them stronger? Have you been living under a rock for the last 8 years?

While not one hundred percent certain because it is an online forum, I believe I can safely say no one on this forum lives under a rock. No judgement here if anyone does! From watching SpongeBob SquarePants with my kids, I’m lead to believe that’s more of a starfish thing. :woman_shrugging:

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Cenk didn’t consistently predict Trump would win in 2016, as the clip you posted shows. I listened to every TYT episode in that jaw-dropping election year, and for the most part Cenk’s thinking was in line with everyone else’s: Clinton had an edge because Trump’s approval ratings were god-awful. Though he did correctly lose his shit over Trump looking like he would win in the final few days before the vote.

The problem is in the subsequent years, Cenk has told the audience over and over (and over) that he was right in 2016, giving the misleading impression that he’d predicted Trump’s victory all along. Therefore, to those of us paying attention both back then and more recently, his rewriting of history to bolster his own image comes off as obnoxious braggadocio.


Exactly. I watched all of it too. And what he says isn’t the way he said it.


People are incredibly stupid.

One can agree with Ana that we aren’t… or consider the 20 plus years of evidence TYT has been presenting that we are to decide which is true.

Biden is def right wing but people like Beshear are even further to the right. If Dem Delegates replace him (it wont be voters), it will be with a MORe right wing candidate. That is the problem

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Well that isnt new. he does that all the time. Remember defund the police? Initially Cenk wasn’t on board, then he was like " I am not on board with just the movement but also the slogan" and then later he said " We were telling you since the beginning that black people want more police not less, but no one listens". He kept saying about Bernie in 2020 primaries that he was gonna win. And then when he didn’t, he said “online support was too loud but it never materialised” and then went to saying, we warned you. Even regarding COVID. I remember Ana, Cenk and John mocking it as a “flu” in the early days and then later they went to saying, we were the only ones warning you. Like, no you weren’t. I was screaming in the comments about how serious it was, so I remember. There are a number of other examples I have caught them misleading people about their positions. I have forgotten so many of them now.

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Thank you. Finally, someone who gets my point. I get so tired of this.

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Acquiring new information and being able to apply that new information to make improved and sensible conclusions, decisions, and judgments is antonymous to misleading. Instead, it is quite literally the definition of intelligence.

sorry bud, its not that they change their opinions. Its that they just lie about what their stand was on something before. THAT is misleading.

For example on the Russia hoax, They kept peddling it with the rest of the media throughout. Towards the end when the special counsel report was about to come out, they changed their stand and I did gave them credit for it. But then they went on to pretend they were always calling it out, which they weren’t. That is wrong.

Similarly, with the Afghanistan withdrawal. Intitially they said Trump planned it so its his fault. (which he technically did but then Biden renegotiated it twice). But then later Biden thought it would win him brownie points for being “anti war” so he changed the messaging. And in lock step TYT also changed their messaging and started calling it Biden’s withdrawal and called it a success. When it started to backfire, they again changed their tone and said it is going to hurt you in the polls and we told you from the beginning that it will be a disaster.

Again, misrepresenting what their position was initially is the part that I have a problem with