Imagine Ethan Klein from the H3 Podcast, Hasan on his Twitch streams, Krystal and Saagar on breaking Points, Kyle on Secular Talk, and Sam on the Majority Report, all presenting the “fuck-around-and-find-out form” (petition) to their respective audiences and urging them to send the message to Congress with strength. Imagine the wildfire reach of that. Maybe none of them will go for the idea, but what’s this I hear about “getting caught trying?” It would be amazing and so hopeful/encouraging to see something like this happen across multiple channels. Many of these channels talk about the exact same issues all the time - why can’t they present the same petition and try to start the same movement?
Hello All!
As I see it, in order for something like this to even have a chance at working we have to be as real as possible when approaching anything we decide to do. I’m leaning in this direction because I know I’m overflowing with ideas of things to do, but every time I jump down a rabbit hole I run into the same dead end. With that in consideration, I hope to kick this off with a bit of order, take it or leave it
When you really boil it down, this will be a competition (i.e. ideological-warfare). To that end, I think it prudent to remember Sun Tzu. Number 1&2 of any competition is ‘Know Thy Enemy’ and ‘Know the Terrain’.
The Challenge (Victory Condition): Getting paid family leave passed into law.
The Opponents (The Enemy (multilayered)): The Squad; The Corp-Dems; The Repubs; Corprations; (anymore?)
Note: Please excuse the language. They are in no way the enemy (well maybe corporations… well actually definitely corps) and we may very well have to win everyone over with Love+ (well that’s kinda given one way or another).
The Battlefield (Many Fronts): Legislative; Hearts/Minds of the People; Media; World-Stage(?); (anymore?)
The Resource (present and future): TBD
Almost as important as 1 & 2 is knowing our resources. This is that dead end I mentioned. Taking proper stock of current and potential resources is essential to doing anything. There’s gonna be resource intensive plans and vice versa. Also when you think about it, every one of the battle fronts will require financial resources so one degree or another (e.g. we decided to launch a digital campaign to attack from the Hearts/Minds angle, we’d need people power (whether bought or volunteered) to code the website/app for the specific purpose unless we adapt some other technology in the current resource pool (and that’s just the beginning))
I love the challenge, though, as it resembles the beginnings of Yanis Varoufakis’ advice from his time as Greece’s Minister of Finance (A great primer to a struggle like this is his book ‘Adults in the Room’; recommended). He recommended something to the effect of “…first propose something sensible/reasonable that can be done tomorrow and when they inevitably reject it as impossible, you then proceed to organized disobedience.”… This is why I keep circling back to resources; doing something like that would require a lot of resources to be effective.
Will elaborate further on all points in subsequent posts.
Cenk just announced his bid for the presidency and as of now there is no way to volunteer on his website for that. I’m extremely interested in doing so, and I hope someone here can point me in the right direction.
This! Yes.
If Cenk was in it for the money, he already had it.
Not even Cenk believed TYT would happen
He was guaranteed millions just for reading copy and playing along
…but he didn’t
Believe whatever you want but Cenk Uygur is Profoundly grateful for what the United States has given him and tyt was his way of giving something back and giving him a place to rant that wont get him arrested
Exactly how much wealth was showered on Marianne Williamson when she decided to run from president?
The man who can walk away from a multimillionaire career can do whatever he chooses to do.
The man who does so because of love and a desire to hurt nobody can walk on water.
Cenk was going national with msm
He wasn’t kicked out
He was asked to reconsider
He couldn’t and be true to himself
The man who can be true to himself without harming others has no master
Wrong place buddy.
Check out the “Pocket Congress” App. Apparently a High School student created it for the Congressional App Challenge: Pocket Congress wins Rep. Barbara Lee’s 2022 Congressional App Challenge in California’s 13th District -
This is a good implementation. This one and Politiscope too. But they stop at [presenting information]. My idea is for this (and every deliverable at tyt) to be added a better visual layer. By better I mean with a high pedagogical standard (Undeniable Clear, for short).
For this, as an example, it could include a layer with Bills (both voted and proposed) can be tagged as Pro-Corporatist/Pro-People/Self-serving and this can be shown also with a cross-reference of donations via API.
More can be done, but this could be a good start.
Admitting failure or defeat are vastly different things.
Could Cenk never win? The problem with your points is your saying go for but build your campaign to step aside when a real candidate comes.
Doesn’t that seem a bit contradictory?
I think building in sabotage is a bad idea.
This is to adversarial of framing without a greater context. Balance in philosophy must be obtained before you able to understand adversarial framing as a cooperative exercise and its greater context in a system. You may hold similar views, but part of what I am saying is it must be explicit.
The idea of dancing as two is an analog. You need two to tango, some dances need reciprocity. Team collaboration is the backbone to this greater understanding.
The problem with this is you must have a bit more depth. One of their tricks is they retreat giving you the keys to the castle and plot your demise. This can happen even when it isn’t intended. This means we should hold a deep bench of ideas, and a staging area for ideas to be reformed / cultivated.
DISCLAIMER: Due to the “congenital brain-scrambles” (i prefer that over adhd) I pretty much can’t write a short or normal message, so if you read further, that’s on you.
Two things: Let’s get matching ta’tews…and ultimately, we need to scientifically create a profile for a person like Cenk, because it will help us to keep only people like that as options for candidates for president (specifically). I know, I know, crazy…but hear me out. I mean a psychosocial profile and also pick the key things in his life that attribute to him being him. The values generally that I’d like to see, are: strength/defiance(beauty of progressives is that we understand the need to evolve and this all may not be necessary in a progressive future, but we’ve got to get there first)/unshakable courage; perhaps once being Republican; physically stronger than most (just want to say any one of us im sure would be great, this is just a thing to do for a “back against the wall” situation where we need to find someone fast. Cenk will only be president for 2 terms. This is like a black box situation (bad analogy). I am focused on us winning this here and now, but I’m also ‘head in the clouds’/future-thoughts, that I think will come in handy one day. Point here is just Cenk (no cult of personality stuff here, just pragmatism) “for whatever reasons” is who he is. Intellectual honesty?and not being afraid of being wrong? (in order to fix it, not be desensitized to it); someone who’s gotten into fistfight in their youth etc? Noticing this just creates a barometer of sorts, for a GENERAL idea (must be more robust of course) as to who WONT be spoiled by power because their message is so true and they are so willing to fight for it. Cenk really doesn’t want to do this; I see his soul; but also he does know that now that he must, he’d be great at it. It’s an inner strength that I think would behoove us to codify (so we kinda always have a pool of a few rare people as candidates). Let’s make this thing future-proof.
Hello! I will NOT excuse your language, cause what was wrong with it? Persuasive and poignant and I feel that I too must heed my words here and also not apologize, especially in a forum of such wonderful people. Just after I wrote an ACTUAL crazy message. But yea you guys are awesome and I’m very glad to be among you. Love the variety of ideas put forth, I only wish this had come together a bit sooner, but all good.
The threat is real and the enemy (yes the enemy, no other way to see those that purposefully stymie progress for their own enrichment) is real. I feel bad cause all these people were indoctrinated and gaslit their whole lives (it doesn’t make me feel better to say I got out of it), but I bet Sun Tsu would consider them the enemy, based on our professed goals and values/“mission statement.” I guarantee that we won’t win over any republicans, at least not in big enough numbers. They’re too far gone. I don’t even understand “independents” who see even an option to vote for Trump (this shit was here way before trump, but trump is a good lightning rod (bad analogy) to know that these people lack the perspective to do what right). That said, and sorry for writing this on my response to you CWS, but is basically verbal dhiarea that I suffer from, the mentally I’ll (myself included in that) are a great untapped “resource” and I think these are people that actually CAN be swayed (must be reaching out to them till day of cause as soon as someone pushes them in the other direction, many will change ephemerally, so message must stay with them till the end. After we win, they will always vote for us, due to them witnessing what we are trying to do for real). Sorry again man, I hijacked your post and for that I am sorry.
Good evening @Infinity.
At Cenk for America, you can sign-up for volunteering and/or for news and updates.
Hope this helps!
Best regards
This got me thinking of a deliverable for Cenk’s campaign: a video ad highlighting his values and personality traits that make him the best choice. This has been added to my backlog.
I will get back to you on this.
Thanks, would never have found that. That’s not sarcastic. I live in California. I’ve become accustomed to compensating for /lack of imagination//subtly-blindness//disclaimer-heavy/-syndrome in my messages and speech.
Hey Cenk!
I have a great idea about who we should target in finding people to support the fmla bill.
My partner has a 6 year old autistic son. He has tantrums and other random emergencies that if he didn’t work remotely, he feels that keeping that job would be impossible because of all his sons needs. He is not the only person with this problem. I see parents all the time who are scared they are going to loose their jobs because they are missing too much work because of their child’s intellectual disability. I know when people think of fmla they think it has to be a physical disability, but it should cover any care of a family member.
I think there is a pretty solid niche of people who are raising children with intellectual disabilities and they REALLY need help because a lot of them live in a world where they don’t even know these benefits existed to them. I think people with children with intellectual disabilities will be more open minded to picking a candidate based on their actual personal needs because they actually have to because it is very demanding.
I don’t know how to do this, I am just one person. I wish I could tell everyone about FMLA, Medicaid, Home healthcare and walk them through the process of getting it. It would greatly increase the chances of many children on the autism spectrum to grow into fully independent adults. One in every 44 births is a child with autism and the rates of diagnosis are growing every year.
These people will be happy to know that they can take advantage of the current FMLA options, so why wouldn’t they want to help and support a candidate that wants to give them more FMLA?
How to reach them? There are autism non profits all over every state, but this seems to be the last place distressed parents go. I think that posting conversations on Facebook and Reddit asking other parents how they deal with navigating their work and home life to get the conversation going and more people talking about it.
Why isnt the biden administration hammering the house gop PUBLICLY for their complete dysfunction and lack of any plan?! They took 15 votes to get to a speaker who lasted less than 8 months, now 3 failed votes for a coup plotter and sex assault sympathizer. Use this as a moment to call out how they caht govern. Israel, gaza, ukraine, our own political structure are under attack. The problem with dems isnt their lack of popular ideas, its their lack of conviction to call out and even make fun of the ridiculousness the gop has become. Cenk would call them out publicly, over and over until they are forced into a deal. They have no other option than to let the adults in the room take control
Hello everyone. This is my first comment here. I’ve been watching TYT for a while now and it is the only news or political entity I pay for. And I read the ProgReport every morning. Being on disability in the US has us living in poverty so money is very tight. But, being on disability allows me the time to be a full time social and environmental justice activist. Thanks in part to TYT a very informed activist. I am on the Coordinating Committee of New Jersey Poor People’s Campaign, Coordinator of the Ecosocialism Committee in Central New Jersey Democratic Socialists of America, involved in Our Revolution, and many more groups. Two of the main problems we face are capitslism and greed. Reverse Robin Hood. Rob from the poor to give to the ritch. Nothing is going to change unless we tax the ritch. Want to win an election? Try helping the 1.4 million poor people that don’t vote. I totally understand the mentality of “I don’t vote because it does not matter who i vote for”. True that in most elections whether you vote for the democrat or republican you are voting for corporations over people. Sad. But vote anyway. If people vote the lesser of two evils (sad it has to be this way) during every election we can slowly move to more and more progressive policies. Policies that help actual people. And we have some politicians like Bernie and AOC who speak out against the system, loudly and boldly.
Medicare for All (Medicaid actially because medicare has premiums and co-pays). Everyone deserves free health care (band-aids not bombs!).
Gauranteed food. Free school lunches for all students. Incentives for resturants and stores to donate unused food to thoes in need. No one should ever go hungry.
Gauranteed housing. No one should have to live on the streets. This is not to say everyone should haveca house like Joel Olstein (barf) but no one should have to sleep outside. And everyone should be treated with dignity.
Just some initial thoughts (discobot says since I’m new I will be limited in posting). But if you provide food, shelter, and medical care to everyone i have a feeling you would become quite popular. And as Cyenk has talked about there is an iceberg and we need to tell the captain and not worry about his feelings. For now, Cyenk 2024!