Please consider supporting & pushing for public officials to take the Pro Truth Pledge - bring back norms & force people, like MTG who was forced to go to the Holocaust Memorial museum - and admit truth - by using this non-profit tool.
Tim Ryan, who was defeated ny JD Vance - buit who has been regular on Meidas Touch, Crooked Media, etc - took the pledge – tell people, use his example to excite people
@treehugger222 Thanks for the work you do to help people. I think you’re right about the main problems we face, greed and capitalism. Honestly I think capitalism is a byproduct of greed, absolutely designed for wealth inequality. Policy is pivotal, we need more brave legislators willing to draw ire by pushing for real change.
I agree, steer away from the iceberg. Cenk 2024!
I love the name Operation Hopebut please let’s all remember not to be disheartened when progress is slow or non existent.
I am a senior and it has taken me a fair amount of years to learn that the success of any operation be it political, ,social or personal is based on Intelligent Motivated Leadership; as well as member motivation, commitment, lintestinal fortitude and perseverance.
I have been a member of TYT for just for just a short time but I have been watching TYT for a number of years; but I am a hard sell and it has taken a while to win me over.
I am convinced though that TYT and its members through their hard work and commitment can change the political landscape in America . Not only can we make America strong again ; but as in country’s founding years we can make the American Dream a reality. A shining light to the rest of the world.
Anna for President, I am not joking. I think she would make a great President. Anna is very smart as well moral and ethical. Anna is also empathic and compassionate.
I hate the Republican slogan make America great again because I believe America is already great. If she partnered with Jenk they could solve many if not all of the challenges facing America.
Today’s show was the OPPOSITE of hope. I am a longtime viewer and recent member. Actually today was the day I signed up and it was the worst show I have seen from the perspective of “hope” The reasoning is I believe in the honesty and the movement. However, the movement, honesty, and HOPE will end if you do not use this massive platform to encourage voters to vote against Trump. Even if it is Biden (CENK!). I’d love to know if anyone can disagree with this and why. We teeter on the brink with no hyperbole intended!
I am yet to run the t-tests myself but, by a very superficial analysis of the numbers provided by Cenk (approval rating, how close 2020 was in terms of electoral vote). And he IS right: we are heading towards an iceberg if Biden is the one to face trump, in case his legal/criminal problems don’t get to him.
I will provide receipts once done, even if that means that Cenk is mistaken. As a data scientist, I can say that so far Cenk’s conclusion holds water: statistically speaking.
Thats fine, but if he ends up being the candidate do you just say “Oh shit we lost, lets stay home”. I do think he is not our strongest candidate but he is NOT Trump and thats what won him 2020. We can’t just say “we’re screwed” and stay home if hes the only choice on the ballot.
also approval rating and vote counts have not been 1:1 since 2016. When you look at 2022, the midterms were supposed to coincide with Biden’s approval rating like it always has. It did not, by a wide margin. My only point is, way more than half the country is anti trump and you can certainly be anti-trump and have a negative opinion about Biden. Think sensibly on this: If you disliked how a guy was doing his job but his opponent would blow up your business all together, who would you want to keep?
Thanks for those pointer. My plan is to run all those tests with that taken into account to seek for correlations with statistical significance. I will entertain Cenk’s hypothesis, but I aim to answer the question: How likely is Biden to lose?
Most people do hate trump but out of those there are other subsets (population segments) that are willing to sit out, and others are even so upset with the current democratic process (just look at Fl and the other states declaring Biden: That has just made people more disheartened and disappointed, more prone to the two options I mentioned) that they are even willing to vote for trump as protest. That risk was taken on 2020 and a bullet was dodged. The thing is that Biden is less strong now than back then, and that is good reason to be preoccupied.
I use preoccupy instead of worry, because preoccupy is like preparation to be occupied. I have been getting ready since 2018 at least, TYT spoils reality for the ones that pay close attention and make a multi-disciplinar analysis of what’s going on.
I definitely get how you feel @tshines13 , the shows have been pretty pessimistic about 2024. I’m pretty sure I remember a discussion a couple weeks back where Cenk was clear that if there’s no other option he’s going to vote for Biden and recommended everyone else do too, but he didn’t feel it would be enough.
There’s always hope.
We need a sweeping movement of working class people to run under one banner, in one election. We let everybody know we’re coming to take over the Democratic Party. We need to be the working class candidates of the new democratic party. I’ll run for whatever seat I can in my district, I’ll unseat Jeff Van Drew if I have too. Unapologetically progressive. And unwaveringly for the people not the rich. People need to feel like they can be a part of some thing that can actually change things and then change the country right now everything feels hopeless.