A few months ago, I made a few posts and subsequent comments here. I had watched TYT (Cenk, Ana, John, et al) for an unspecified period of time on TV, including when they were on Pluto and now on Roku.
I would like to express, in mostly general terms, what I most appreciate and what I don’t appreciate about TYT.
The overall theme of TYT, to me, is the corruption of the political sector. Period. The end. I don’t think there is anything mor e that needs to be said about that very obvious fact. Except that there are probably many, like me, that don’t recognize that until they hear it described on TYT.
The thing I least appreciate about TYT is its demeaning of Christianity. Cenk makes it obvious that he was somehow offended or otherwise insulted or something by THE church or someone or some group in a church. I have to wonder if you have to be an atheist to be hired by TYT. It part of its DEI dna?
I have made only a single one-time donation to TYT.
Finally, while discussion groups are wonderful, I have not found an effective way to communicate with the upper layers of the movement and get an answer to what I admit are personal questions. I think I deserve answers to those questions before I decide how deeply I want to commit myself to TYT.
I also want to know why they don’t form their own political party that could function tangentially to the present TYT format.
I get the best substantiated and accurately supported political information out there.
I want some personal communication with the top people or I may lose interest. But not all of it.
the Lion
What are your questions? Maybe someone will be able to help you if you post them here? I’m also curious as to what you meant by “part of its DEI dna.”
yeah, I dont buy this nonsense of TYT being against corruption. They have always provided cover for the corruption for the establishment and Dem side. They called out a lot of big money donations but never called out AOC’s bytedamce donations for example. Or how AOC and Bowman were creating distractions by getting in shouting matched with MTG and BoBo as the congress was helping JP Morgan Chase cannibalise collapsed bank assets and hijack and destroy the long terms bonds they owned so treasury wouldn’t have to pay back the debt on them and everyone made money through insider trading. Or how USA is directly bombarding national armies fighting ISIS. Unrelated to that ISIS holds a ton of oil fields in those regions. Completely unrelated to that a lot of Delaware oil firms are looking to develop those fields and use them to make profit and control oil trade. It comes to mind that a ton of US and EU banks pulled out of lebanon about 1.5 yrs ago, nearly collapsing their economy to put economic pressure on them to hand over oil fields offshore from them to Israel. I mean I could go on but TYT don’t really call out corruption all that much even by repubs (Like Haley just handing swaths of land to Chinese factories for example) unless it is a convenient political tool for the establishment. Like this is Brazil or something. I stopped taking them seriously about it a long time ago.
Ad for Christianity, its not just that they attack it but they attack all religions except Islam. Which I find very odd. You either can be against organised religion or not. While I am an atheist who respects nature(including the vast universe outside our little speck of a planet), I do not support insulting someone’s faith. In many cases in the world this anti religion hate has itself become a cult and I don’t like that either.
IDK what they mean.But from the tone of the message ( and giving them the benefit fo the doubt) it seems like they mean ideological prerequisite. I think it is just poorly worded.
What do I mean by DEI dna? I will try to explain.
Every organization that exists, whether political, social, economic, religious, corporate, club, cult, legal or illegal or whatever “silo” you care to name, has a dna - those values, beliefs, credos, etc. that are the glue that holds its members together. Individuals can belong to an infinite number of “silos” during a lifetime or at any given point in time. A part of that dna means it must include legal requirements like Diversity, Equality and Inclusion as a part of its hiring and organizational appeal.
In the context that I used it in my email, I was asking if TYT, “requires”, in an unnamed way, its paid associates to be atheists.
I am in substantial agreement with Wrong Turn’s comments on this issue where TYT is concerned. I also think he probably makes accurate assertions about TYT regarding the depth and breadth of corruption that is never mentioned.
I still want a way to make inquiries of the people I watch and listen to every day. I also expect answers from them directly, not from a staff “ghost” host. Once they have responded to them, I will never “bother” them again. Not that it should be a “bother” to them, but I know they can’t respond to every inquiry every day or anything close to that. My questions are of a personal nature and, therefore, require personal responses.
I get what you are saying now. Thank you for explaining. I hope you get answers to your questions. You could also go to one of the Town Hall meetings. Just a thought.
NO. TYT does not care if you are Atheist, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Satanist, Olympian, Norse, or any religion. All TYT cares is that you want to better things in the USA/World. You can even be a GOP/MAGA person and as long as you are in here to discuss things rationally and in good faith; You are welcome here
Do you know that what you said is factual or is it simply your personal observation? They rarely, if ever, give Christians or those of any other faith, credit for being astute, thinking beings when I listen and watch them on Roku. Rather they seem to “accuse” them of believing in some unseen savior that lives somewhere in the sky that will miraculously save them from any disaster that besets them. That may be true for some people of any faith, but it is not true for most Christians that I know and associate with.
I am not that difficult to reason with. All any of them need do, is affirm verbally, or at least share in part their written hiring policies.
It needs to come from the on-air hosts, not donating members. It probably also needs to come to me personally in an email since I don’t spend my entire day watching them on TV.
Where can I view a schedule of the Town Hall meetings? I know they occur but, in general, they seem to be scheduled at times that I am not available to participate.
It is part of the TYT Core Values: TYT.com
We can drive more change as a community than as individuals standing alone. Our whole community, from employees to audience, should feel valued, cared for and engaged. We believe in diversity – not only of race, ethnicity, gender identity and background – but, also, of ideas. We consider a wide range of ideas with open minds and rational, independent, critical thought. We have enough faith and respect for one another that we allow for disagreement. We want to genuinely exchange ideas. We listen to one another and grow from our diversity. We understand people make mistakes, and we learn from them. All thoughts and perspectives are welcome, but personal insults within the community are not. We fight rhetorically, politically and intellectually, not physically. We communicate with respect and help each other. We do not assume bad intent from others. A community of people working together is much stronger as a whole than the sum of its parts."
Next Town Hall is tomorrow at 9:30pm ET
They’re pretty much always on Wednesday at 7:30 CST. I’m really sorry that you are feeling made fun of, belittled, and/or excluded (if I may be so bold as to paraphrase in this way), and hope you find a positive and meaningful resolution.
I am not being “made fun of”. I do feel the comments devalue Christians. That may or may not be intentional, but Dr. Richey would say it is an undeniable truth. I don’t allow it to devalue me or my faith. However, I do feel affronted or attacked.
No wonder I can’t tune in to Town Halls. I meet every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm with a group of Christian men to dig deeper into Biblical principles and how we can make them greater part of our lives. We also discuss how the culture and even churches declare many things to be Biblical principles that actually aren’t.
I may have to excuse myself from that meeting a time or two or more to attend a Town Hall. How do I find it? Is it streamed or what?
The Town Halls are usually every Wednesday around 9:30pm Et. They should post in these forums and over in the TYT Discord with a Zoom link once they get it setup for the next one.
And as far as you being affronted or attacked because of your religious beliefs goes; the big thing to remember for most of us is that IF we do criticize something you say that we are doing it based on the issue not on your faith. Most of us do not care what your faith is and we try to keep things like religious beliefs out of the argument. I do understand that sometimes that can not be done especially with topics like what is happening in Israel/Gaza right now.
Sir, based on your last response, I have explained the situation unclearly or inadequately.
I am not referencing religious affronts in the context of a general discussion regarding politics in general or party policies or strategies or governing policies or specifically directed to me in a social platform. I am referring to discussions that occur between, for example, Ana and Cenk on Roku Live TV. On occasion there are some opening general comments and because of the “evangelical connection” in the GOP, it difficult to not reference Christian faith in setting up discussion that take place between the two. It is during this process that these sorts of confrontational and anti-Christian comments are made.
I appreciate the responses and helpful comments you’ve made and the information about Town Halls that you and Dreamers have made.
Don’t you think it should be easier to learn about the Town Halls and how to participate in them than it is?
As for the Middle East situation. I am opposed to Israel’s posture, overall. However, there are a variety of definitions for genocide, and they seem to vary depending on which organizations definition you read. Personally, I believe that any sort of warfare involves genocide and that it is committed by any nations that are participants in that action in any active capacity.
I for one LOVE it when they speak up against Christianity. It is unbelievably rare and refreshing. As an atheist myself, we have to endure the assumption everywhere all day every day that we believe what you (the general at-large ‘you’) believe.
But TYT lost me for a long time when they lectured us about how we had to vote for Hillary and then Biden in the General.
Overall they are one of several places I go to hear something different. I just wish they would not yell so much and tone down the intro music.
When Cenk and Ana are speaking out against Christianity or Judaism or Islam; they are speaking out against the people that think that it is “My way or the Highway” and everyone but them is wrong. And from what you have said in this thread; You are NOT one of those people. You are not trying to force your faith on anyone like the people that they are talking about. You seem to me to be somebody that believes in Jesus Christ and Christianity and tries to live your life by his teaching and will use you faith to try to better things. You do NOT seem like a person that will force your beliefs onto the rest of us. I think you believe in God giving everyone free will. I think Cenk and Ana also believe in everyone having their own free will. One of Ana’s top quotes is “You do You, Boo”.
I apologize that it took me so long to get back to you. Your group sounds amazing! I sincerely hope to see you at a meeting sometime.
Interesting perspective on genocide, I like it!
Thank you for your comment regarding my view of genocide.
I have yet to see any Town Hall Meeting announcements. Could it be because all interest is focused on the DNC convention in Chicago?