Cenk for President!

We need Cenk go head to head with Trump now not later. Society is crying for a logical, outspoken, non-sellout, confident President. Cenk can remind everyone who America needs to be…for the people by the people vs big corporate. Cenk has a presence…get Cenk major airtime…America’s new politician…the masses are ready! Watch the Movie American President!


Bruh you cherry picked the line. It says “…or a Citizen of the United states, AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS CONSTITUTION”. That means if you were a citizen of the US in 1787 you’re eligible too. Please be accurate about my words if you’re going to quote me.

Yes you’re right. But the law is the law. We have to change it from the inside.

So you are saying the comma is a typo?

I would say the classic is: Let’s eat, Grandpa! Isn’t’ the same is: Let’s eat Grandpa. This ironic because I hate commas.

To me that comma shouldn’t be there if it reads they way you intended it to be read. Once again I am no legal scholar if someone knows some case law or opinions here I would read them.

Sorry but you’re completely wrong. You have to remember this was written in 1787 so the grammar may be a little different than what you’re used to. Lets break it down. To be President you must:

  1. Be a natural born citizen. That means you have to be either born in a state or territory of the US OR one of your parents has to be a citizen of the US at the time of your birth. If you had to go through any naturalization process to be a citizen you’re not “natural born”.

  2. Taking from those people who qualify in #1 above, only those who are at least 35 years old AND have resided in the US at least 14 years can actually be elected President.

I think this the root of our misunderstanding. The only case law I know (bro lawyer) shows no distinction between naturalization, and natural born.

I have looked in historic records of debates and never found this point of view. It is like someone asserted long ago and many seem to agree somehow.

Well how bout they get the Supreme Court to rule on this first before running for President! Because it would be embarassing AF if they spend all this time and money and then the Supreme Court shuts it down.

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Yeah it would be nice if they just made a ruling, but I guess someone has to try first. It would be sour if we got shot down like that.

Big Cenk supporter (one of the first 5 donors).

It is disappointing to see things have pretty much fizzled since the initial announcement. Do a news search and nothing after the first day or two of the announcement. Go to the website (cenkforamerica) and it looks like to first day it was announced. I loved the fire the first day he announced; however, not really sure given the compressed timeframe that this slow takeoff is very strategic.

I understand to desire to keep the president run separate from the TYT day-to-day; however, given the main press has not been hooked on this story, I think more updates should be aired on TYT.

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I am a bit confused in the sense that I signed up for the Infantry for TYT. The document said go to a slack channel that isn’t active. I think this was to be the new slack of sorts. We do need the mechanism that allows us to organize by area without outing people that want to remain as private as possible.

This could just be a map in the forum that was broken down in regions of some sort. Ideally we could link into a local feed of relevant information and forum with comment capability. The tricky bit is there needs to be a way to see all these regional nodes via a model maybe 3d with 2d slices used for status reporting.

This could be done with program like Discord or Gilded, however people would need to organize around a standard.

The other part of this we need in my opinion is consensus building. I should have a video out by the end of the week outlining a direction we could take.

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Has he mentioned his strategy to gain traction with News media where Marianne failed?

And how will he treat Marianne and supporters of Marianne?

Is it a wise use of resources to fight a massive legal battle while running for president?

I understand yet Cenk’s angry blow-ups on-aire TYT lately are turning me off. He needs to tone the rage down a bit.

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So the famous thing they say about candidates is the don’t change they just get a magnifing glass. Look at Trump the office didn’t change him really it just reavealed to everyone who he really was. This would happen with Cenk as he runs, we will all get to know him much better. This means these bluster shows will have to be a known factor in supporting him. I will say part of this is a cultural thing.

In Turkey many drink copious amounts of tea (proto-chai), these tea sessions usually involve storytelling with your friends, family, and/or coworkers. You can tell he gets some of this likely from stories that were told to him as a youngster by an adroit storyteller. This was likely due to the fact they they have so much practice in face to face exchanges. This is partly why I think some are attracted to him, they sense his competency around face to face social interactions.

I will say Cenk should understand that those outbursts will turn some people off. I suggest to attempt to use them as strategic as possible. Some will be turned off by them, but if you place them well they will be outnumbered by the those that find resonance with them.


I keep coming back to this topic.
This time it is in a fit of frustration at the lies of conservatives.
I just had a big scare. I watched an edutainment channel with lawyers saying that Cenk is lying about the Schneider v Rusk case, or at least misrepresenting it.
They pointed to a line in the case that specifically mentioned that only a natural born citizen can run for president.

Not going to lie, at first I was feeling like I had been duped. Then I read the case myself.
These lying sons of dogs are quoting the flexing DISSENTING OPINION and saying that that is the case. They just did a CTRL+F for the word President or something and found the first lines that seemed to agree with their point of view and they’ve been spreading it all over.

I’m not going to lie, the document is confusing. Understanding who is speaking and what is being said is so tough sometimes that I had to read it 3 times to be sure that I was reading the same document that Cenk was saying was against discrimination.

That’s all because of how vile and disgusting the dissenting arguments were from the conservative justices. But it’s important to remember, for better or worse, in this case better, oh gods so much better, the dissenting opinion means nothing for law precedence


Yeah, I don’t wish to stir the pot. Some seem to have work shopped it here to a degree.

They will quote the arguments of the appellate case that was argued before them as the decision SCOTUS made.

I must leave it there.

A quick tip if they send you suspect trash, put a quotes around the statement, then feed it into search. That will pop up specific instances of that language together. You will see it link to another case then work from there. I find it 20-30 seconds sometimes less.

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Cenk probably should find a running mate immediately. It would normally be way premature for that but this isn’t a normal situation and the campaign has to get ahead of the naturalization issue. He’s going to keep getting hammered on that and Average Joe American isn’t necessarily going to be able to parse the legal arguments. They’ll interpret it as a vote for Cenk is a wasted vote because “he can’t be president.”

So to counter this you have to set up a Xanatos Gambit so whenever the topic comes up the campaign can say that voting for Cenk means either A) Cenk becomes President, or, in the off chance the Supreme Court rules against him and he’s barred from taking office, B) Cenk’s running mate becomes President Elect.

Don’t let people think that should the Court rule against Cenk the entire ticket gets thrown out. But that’s exactly the message that’s going to be delivered unless Cenk lines up a Natural Born Citizen as a running mate right now.

Keep pushing Cenk! We need representation- peace and Justice in WH please. Lets get money out of politics.

Why isn’t Michael Cohen stepping up and supporting Cenk? It would be a huge boost.

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