Chinese Corruption Very Worrying (This is how World Wars Start)

I guess a good way to explain, is we have finances entangled with China that we aren’t aware of due conspicuous tactics of our political leaders ,if something were to happen to these entities affecting their economy, it will in turn affect ours. There is a lot of monetary dealings behind close doors globally, and strategically manipulates the public leading into fallacies that distract from the main issue

Other way around, Chinese moguls hide their money here in our Real Estate.
Chinese real estate is going through somewhat of a transition… is the best way I could describe it.
A major solution they’ve been working on is literally building full fledged empty cities ready to populate. It’s gonna be crazy when they start utilizing their housing. They also just recently raised the child limit to 2, so that whole aspect makes perspective skewed. There’s no way to tell how Chinese economics will come out of this, but their economic prosperity cannot be compared by democratic metrics.

They profit heavily from capitalism, it is how everything has been manufactured from China for better part of a century.

Taiwan and China have been playing Cold War since conception, I don’t see China making a political blunder like attacking Taiwan anytime soon. They are a nation surrounded by adversaries, they have more considerations on their hands than to openly conquer an economic titan.
But that is just my opinion, and I am hardly an internationally expert.

What I do know is USA real estate is haven for money launderers everywhere, both official and unofficial channels.

Arizona has hundreds of properties where we can’t even track the owners, abandoned for some time.

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Wouldn’t it be great if the they sold their American holdings to liquidate. Maybe we could get our own market back a little

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I guess a good way to explain, is we have finances entangled with China that we aren’t aware of due to conspicuous tactics and transactions from our political leaders. If something were to happen to any of these entities affecting their economy, it will in turn affect ours. There is a lot of monetary dealings behind close doors internationally. The wealthy have the monetary to strategically manipulates the public leading into fallacies that distract from the main issue, its almost begs the question, why aren’t these discussions and decisions held live in the public eye to eliminate questioning, and offer transparency to where the citizen’s tax dollars are truly being used for.

The way America did things before (at least under the guise of legitimacy), is work with allies by building up their presence with US support, ideally giving our host countries the lead, while we influence the overall policy on the broad spectrum of Global policy with the UN, the World Democracy that has already been established, the USA a founding member in fact, and exert our political influence through carefully managed sticks and carrots, coordinated by our most influential allies.

In reality it was never like that, but some people did try to make it that way, and within these contracts of exploitation lies some measures those brave enough to provide in secret to mitigate the corruption within our government, but at the very core, everyone wants to mean what they say.

Everyone wants to do the right thing, whether they end up choosing to or not.

I think one of the main thing is recognizing we all need something different, dependent on the party, and we fail to have the to understand their respective aspect, but rather focus on our own. What people don’t realize is that taking on someone else’s concerns may lead you to be better prepared in the future.

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let’s not get carried away though, taking on someone else’s concern doesn’t mean doing everything for them, making up their minds for them, or acting on their own behalf.

Taking on someone else’s concern shouldn’t ever mean coddling.

After all these years, Israel has enjoyed freedom at the US’s behest. They have not learned anything about being neighborly to Palestinians, Israel just takes property from Muslims and claim it’s their right.
Since when?
And we allow it?
And no one steps in?

The question isn’t if we should step in to solve problems, but if we’re qualified to produce any positive outcome at all?

I guess my best answer that comes to mind is “, you have to you self before you can offer help to others.” And honestly, we all know based off our system its difficult to do as such,do to rules, regulations , etc. Before we involve ourselves with other courtiers, possible pulling them into our system’s chaos, that isn’t as perfect as we thought, we should address ours, who are we interject? Kinda like practice what your preach, but aren’t practicing it because of ideologies instilled at conception from our laws steeped in flawed ideologies leading to corruption.

Why are you bringing Israel into this? That is an ENTIRELY different dynamic. NOT at all a legti comparison.

#1: I AGREE we should cut off support to Isreal.

#2: The Palestinians DO NOT represent an existential threat to American. And if you think the Chinese don’t either its because YOU HAVE NOT EXPERTISE on the matter. Yet hear you are, still spouting opinions in the blind. In month since I responded what sources have you looked into to EDUCATE YOURELF? Name them.

#3 The Chinese JUST THIS PAST week or so attacked Filipinia ships and BLOCKADING A SHOAL with MILITARY TROOPS on it to starve them. They ONLY relented when the U.S. Intervened. THEY are fucking BULLIES of the most traditional sense…do you NOT GET THAT?! America is not innocent in this, either, but even at our worst we went about things much differently.

#4: The bottom line is if the US does not support Taiwan China WILL invade. NIot ‘might’ but WILL. This is not about beng the ‘worlds police’ regarding internal affairs. This is Global Security and Politics and not the place for naivness. Dude, it comes down to this; You are either FOR China invading Taiwarn or AGAINST it. There is no magical middle ground you are trying to weave here. You are deluding yourself.

Israel is what happens when you blindly follow American policy.

All our allies are at risk of such hubris as Israel taking property from Palestinians.

We will do the exact same thing to Taiwan if we helped them to independence on our own accord

Dude you are WAY WAY WAY WAY out in left field. You have some SERIOUS anti-American prejudice that is blinding you to REALISM. There ARE things very wrong with how America does business but you’ve drank some cool aid on some shite with the degree to which you think America is the be all evil of the world.

Pick up some history books. American is just the newest on a long list of powerful countries and not only is nothing we do is fundamentally unique, we actually have been doing the Superpower thing WAY MORE responsibly than other countries in history.

Bottom line, if it was not us it would be someone else. And AGAIN we NOBODY should want that someone else to be China. They make America look like a SAINT.

More to the point, your analogy is ALL WRONG, and you are stuck in your own head STILL refusing to actually REAL and STUDY the information you insist your opinion is correct on.

Do you even KNOW the history of Taiwan? If you do you would know they are NOTHING like Israel and neither is our relationship with them.

ok so your guys conversations is a perfect example of what I mean by using white lies, figure of speech lol, to guide an in individuals judgement, and I mean general public because that’s who really matters. Obviously with good intentions behind deception, if your anime fan a good example would be sasuke brother itachi lol

To put this as simple as possible, the lack of willingness to interrupt another culture with obvious regional influences and to not delineate between categorizing vs compartmentalizing an entire nation due to one individual or rather one region of a country, can be summed up in two concepts, greed & lack of patience due to selfness

We blindly jumped into Iraq fighting a 20 year war and never once did we ever have clear conditions for victory.

Had we waited and checked our surroundings we wouldn’t have gone to Iraq at all, we would have gone to Saudi Arabia.

Instead of jumping into wars solo, we could be sharing the attrition, and we would have more than one nation to coordinate the effort.

I am not discounting Taiwan, they are our allies after all, but they are smart enough to run the most successful capitalism the world has ever known, at it happens to be right under the nose of communism.

America is disqualified from knowing better than anyone else. If we did know everything, Black Lives Matter wouldn’t be a thing, the labor shortage wouldn’t be a thing, homelessness, a living wage, healthcare, civil rights, men frantically trying to leave their gender.

In fact, our history is evidence enough that any intervention by the US, no matter how noble the intention, will lead to ONLY corruption and weak governments.

On matters of Taiwan, I turn to the Taiwan people.
The United States is the last place I go to look for a leading example.
“If you don’t like it go somewhere else” is the guy you DON’T want helping you, even if they’re the only one available.

Who would accept America’s help? That’s just as bad as going to war with us.
At least war you have a chance of surviving after we’re gone.
Our allies don’t last a week.

I love America, but we suck at war, and have been embarrassing ourselves since 9/11/2001.