Chinese Corruption Very Worrying (This is how World Wars Start)

Agreed, pick and choose logical fact based discussions, but if you don’t mind me adding a little of my 2 cents, why spank? There are multiple ways to enlighten without using negative reinforcement. What do you need in order to be able to apply positive reinforcement, usually patience. Which I do understand it is a circumstantial thing, but just my two cents lol

Do you know anything about asian people?
They are not the Western World, they don’t usually give two shits what people call them, asians be shaming you for every characteristic known to mankind.
All they care about is results… usually measured in money, but I won’t go there.
My parents are Thai, Chinese heritage, but since my Grandmother was keen on 6 kids, escape from Communism it was… also you could not make wealth for yourself during that time, Communism and Capitalism were two very different choices than we now know today.

Not everyone has the same priorities. Maybe Taiwan likes it this was because it adds to the argument on how the motherland treats their children when they demand loyalty.

Maybe Taiwan is willing to be unified IF Communism can assure democracy’s place among the people.

Just like our Capitalism needs a bit of Socialism to temper the unfettered corruption and greed we find ourselves in today.

I don’t think Taiwan cares all that much, does denying nation status deny them entry into the Olympics?
They have to change their name just like we change every asian person’s name as soon as they get off the boat here in the USA.
It is tradition in a democracy.

Seriously, officially they say nothing, but they are not a silenced people. There’s a distinction.

Jedi again my man your balls to wall interpretations may come across offensive, you are right politically and monetarily to a large extent, but people aren’t just all politics, what about monks, or indigenous peo[pe that choose to live off the land. Come on now, you are not that ignorant, you define an entire nations citizens based off the ones in power, I mean what would people in other countries think of America, that system is racist and biased to colored.poor individuals, yeah probably because they are right to an extent, but tit doesn’t help to make comments so broad will definitely rub people the wrong way or excludes the actual decent people

is that what’s going on here? Taiwan has survived this long away from communist rule. we demonized communism quite a bit in this country so that alone should mean something. you have no idea what it takes for them to have the autonomy that they do already. you don’t know which strings you accidentally pull will unravel the whole thing! there’s more at stake than just calling yourself a free people. there’s the actual freedom to consider as well.

who’s we? Don’t include me in a judgement I was not part of making, this is what I mean, after that statement your imposing ideals that I may agree or disagree with, why not try asking instead of stating

I spank as a last resort. I have tried EVERYTHING else. Logic and Reason from multiple different angles is ALWAYS my first choice, but when people are refusing to open their blinders in a way that is causing or WILL CAUSE actually harm to other people…my last resort is to hope hurt feelings prevent physically hurt people.

The issue with people like Jedi that makes them so dangerous is how little they know but how confident they are that they know everything. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing…

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Jedi you are doing a LOT of presuming and thinking for OTHER PEOPLE. As well as throwing them all into one Box.

The really telling part is that YOU are the one making this about race. I am viewing his through the lens of HUMANKIND and how we behave under different circumstances and with different levels of power.

My Entire assessment of China has only SOME to do with their Culture, but even that is not in a derogatory way. I am simply evaluating the human element that evolves from the circumstances they have been in.

IF anything, i am the one MOST treating them as an equal. Almost saying; What would AMERICANS do if our roles were reversed…

And again…you are out in pure speculation territory. LOTS OF TALKING from you but I am not getting the sense you are doing ANY LISTENING.

Who here has demonized communism? I don’t believe I have even ONCE mentioned the form of government. This is about Power Politics, National Goals, Economics, and Sovereignty.

Not a thing I have said has anything do to with what form of Government anyone has or I think should have. America has proven “Democracies” can Empire build WITH THE BEST/WORST OF THEM.

I am executing Global Game theory, you are off on some WHOLE weird tangent my man. In fact, I am growing concerned at your mental health due to just how little you seem to be comprehending these conversations.

Serious question: Are you taking drugs and/or drinking when you come here? Cause you are ALL OVER THE PLACE. To the point I am becoming convinced I may need to end this discussion cause I am realizing you might need an intervention of some sort.

You’re projecting. Why are you the authority on Taiwan?
My cousin is half Taiwan, moved to Taiwan because she loves it and is no fan of the United States.
I can tell you that she thinks America can mind their own business, as is the sentiment of most of the World.

Take your high horse and retire it, people can make their own decisions.

Your “Cousin” who is NOT YOU and HALF Taiwanese but never born there is JUST ONE PERSON.

I am a SEMI-Authority on Taiwan and China because I have been following both countries IN DETAIL for 15 years, including being part of an in dept planning session which involved ALL ASPECTS (not just military) on how to handle China and de facto Taiwan.

Funny…pretty sure I have mentioned this. MORE THAN ONCE.

Unlike you, I am NOT pulling my opinions out my ass, which is why I am becoming increasingly annoyed by you shitting yours out thoughtlessly in my direction.

I don’t take the pulse of an entire country from ONE immigrant who has lived their how?

I study DEMOGRAPHICS and Evaluate the LEADERSHIP of countries.

But sure, I’ll be certain to let Taiwanese leaders know your Cousin’s perspective is the singular authority deciding how we should set policy.

I mean, God help me for thinking we might should use a STRATEGIC PROCESS on how to make these kind of decisions when the whole time we could simply rely on how IJedi and his Cousin FEEL about them…

Lol @ I spank as a last resort

And her husband? Or her Taiwan family? You are overriding her nationalism over your… what exactly?

You can suck it, this is exactly why America is going down the drain, you want to overrule everyone’s freedom with your own reality.

We have to believe what you say because you’re from Taiwan?

I don’t like Republicans treating me like that, I’m sure as hell not going to bring that attitude to our allies across the World!

Settle your ass down! We just left a 20 year war because the military couldn’t pull their heads out of their ass!

What authority do you have? I can’t even trust our military to bring their guns home when a conflict is over!

Dude, talking to you his like trying to talk a brick wall into move itself. I’m done with it. Have a nice life. The reality is your opinion is going to be irrelevant on what actually happens anyways.

I mean seriously: You are coming off like you are barely comprehending what I am saying and just yelling your FEELINGS at me and I don’t have time for it anymore. This conversion is over, feel free to continue a one sided version of it if you must.

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I was going to say the exact same thing.

The difference being YOU saying it makes no sense…

Well agree to disagree I love it, I’ll take last for comedic relief lol at y’all can agree on something lmao

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I actually was just laughing (in a humored way)

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lol yesss mission accomplished

I don’t know what just happened, but I’ll take it.
Agree to disagree.

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Sorry to join this late, If China buys out this company or they ask other real estate companies to eat up the pieces, the housing market in China will take a hit and it will probably lead to unrest in China. But how does that reach the US, I can’t see it snowballing into a World war. Could you explain?