History a version of events Part 1 - 3

The best way to describe the world is that we are in a continuous merger events. This has been a difficult concept to understand due to the humans lifespan being so short and the timescale for these events are so long.



For those that don’t understand the frame what I mean is that we didn’t have a single event such as the big bang responsible for the creation of our reality. We live in 5 gravity wells each larger then the next. While it is true the Milkyway galaxy is in several galactic merger events. Most recently with Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy B, I count these merger events as 1 in the statement given above. Direct evidence of these mergers include the Milkyway galaxy containing stars older than itself.

While accretion events uncommon our current scientific understanding is dubious of the frequency of these events due to the lack of direct evidence. These events have shaped our galaxy and solar system to a much greater degree than common understanding among the scientific community

The origins of civilization, race, and culture are far more murky to define then some sciences would appear to demonstrate. Although we are at the cusp of understanding these models through the greater computational capacity however our understanding is only as good as the sophistication of our models. Coupled with the greatest ability of humans to understand these models with accuracy. So it would appear we need to revitalize our design ethos of the models to unlock a greater understanding of this knowledge. This will in turn inform our understanding in how they should be best perceived.

The origins of religion are two fold, tribal myths developed organically by regional nomadic groups. As these groups settled in an area they started to develop a focus on fertility/survival through reproduction. Emergent rituals in many tribal populations follow themes of worship life fertility of fields and procreation. This would best be described in the works of Joseph Campbell and Marija Gimbutas.

Joseph Campbell captures the a journey through life with archetypical truths in each humans existence. These phases are coming of age or adulthood or assuming a mentorship, loosing mentorship, surmounting the unknown, and death. These stages are not always represented by a tribe. They are commonly found among tribal myths and traditions. These traditions and myths mingled with a faith and fertility frame of mind would be necessary to convince a society to take shelter year round. Up until this point the tribe or clan had been largely nomadic. These decisions were likely induced by climatic conditions, natural disasters, as well as conflict with other tribes in the region.

If you examine the content and age of ancient religions it would appear one is more sophisticated at an earlier age then the rest. That religion is Jainism. My assertion is that Harappan civilization likely practiced a form of proto Hinduism spread among a cleric class. This class practiced a form of proto-Jainism. The same cleric class brought the basket of technologies that were seeds of civilization. This class seemed to have made a conscious effort to foster distinct religions. The second religion seems to have been a proto-Zoroastrian religion that was heavily adopted and reinvented in Mesopotamia. The third religion was a religion mostly preserved in Tao Te Ching. All three seem to be reflections of Jainism.

As these cleric classes spread these religions would take root, as they did prophets would rise as savant students. These prophets usually were earmarks of the religion evolving and reforming loosing its clerical roots, then indoctrinating new clerics.

Many would call these religions separate in the current era, however this seems incorrect in origin their seems to be heavy overlap. Hinduism is, and was a part of Jainism. Hinduism was the populous version, the Jainism seems to be cleric’s version. They would have both been heavily influenced by the goddess religions that worshipped words, abstractions, art, fertility, and the feminine masculine dyadic, as well as ethics of ahiṃsā. There seems to be additional evidence of a relic precursor culture / civilization preserved in in Sumerian culture pre 2300 BCE.

Greece seems to be a special case. They seem to have had direct contact with this cleric class. the Greeks of the era seemed to have at least indirect contact of the Harrapan civilizations. This could have been likely through contact of a cleric/trader class that traveled through Mediterranean, Anatolia, Central Asia, Sunda - Sahul, and South America. The Greeks called this civilization the Minoans. Along with a sea faring class that would appear to have been named the Peloponnesians by Greeks. They were likely aided by another civilization that were adapt sea farers. They seem to have heavy presence in submerged land mass of Sahul, and Sunda. This would be modern, Madagascar, Maldives, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Northern Australia, Papua. This original proliferation would account for the wide distribution of Polynesian and also in part responsible for our modern misunderstanding.

During natural deaths you often live out karma in your final throws of living, this is triangulated on hospice nurse accounts. Find a acceptance in your death is part in parcel of having lived a great life.

Two things seem to be the largest struggle for human evolution.

Opportunity costs: Humans must be taught techniques to train their brain in coping techniques that promote the idea of delayed gratification. Over stimulation that will happen to how well you cope with this and thrive?

The other is open mindedness is the highest expression of the concept of non-violence (ahiṃsā). To reframe this expression can be the embodiment of the concept: live and let live. This will culminate in the understanding that if you embody love and express it throughout your life, your death is perfect. Know that perfection accounts for the inheritance of flaws karmic, or sought. The idea of this perfection embraces imperfection within perfection, that without flaws you will not realize gratification and the deepest expression of love.

Framing that must be understood:


The missing piece of our society is our fearfulness around conversations revolving around death and the afterlife. This is related to our problems with understanding the true nature of the dyadic interplay of philosophies and sciences.



Cities and rural areas always worked together in some manor. The issue here is two fold. First cities cannot exist without trade or regional food production. Second cities create culture in themselves, this culture can manifest in many ways however the common trait is the rate of storytelling increases. These stories lead to growth of analogy and loss of information through excessive usage by a large group of people in a short period also known as popular culture.

This primordia of culture must be kept clean and thoughtful. If this culture is corrupted it will proliferate throughout city and cause the countryside to destabilize. This doesn’t mean art should be regulated. What it means is the hallmark of a healthy art is insight is built in to the framing of the art its self. Once a rot occurs the social contact between the rural and urbanized becomes strained. This means a tension is created by two communities one that consumes the food and one that produces it. This dynamic is also present in economic and political classes.


For this social contract to be sustainable two things must be observed. Some may question this however collective mania and culture are closely related. Cities can suffer from a collective desire to have a similar quality of life as others in their peer group. This collective consumption mania is difficult to detect due to the nature of the slow evolution of the cultures.

Artistic expression heavily influences culture through certain mechanism, or thresholds to consume this art these can described as follows. Rhapsodist (performance of art), sophists (argumentation codification of art), evangelists (promoters of art) are the triaxial archetypes found at the nexus of artistic expression, language evolution, and cultures. The more complex dimension is the fourth this could be called any of the following: community voice, voice of the divine, intuiting, or a chorus.

The thrust of my argument is we lack understand around the chorus. It is my opinion that Greece seems to have contact with a group of traders. These traders seem to bring culture and trade.

Framing vs Evolution of the Framing- Static framing has a weakness in that nothing in reality is static. So the very nature of its accuracy predicated on the idea that you don’t know the truth. This practice is best to defined as identifying the process(es) and event(s) that have driven evolution up to the point of the present.

This seems to manifest itself in an excessive emphasis on collectively defining categorization and definition of category. This seems to also be related to the the phenomenon of pseudo argumentation. This would be best described when two people are both correct however they are feeding on the idea of the argumentation instead of the contents of the argument. If this document survives it maybe difficult to understand this idea.

This is coupled with the idea of emphasis on rate of growth (proliferation) over truth. This in the current form would be shown triangulated on the idea of click bait. Click baiting is lying (sometimes through omission) in media descriptions in order to artificially hold attention for short term growth. The larger the group that responds to this the more powerful it becomes. The basic concept is a collective mania where the population is induced to believe an idea or system is more valuable than truth and healing.

This framing allows to understand the manifestation in scholasticism, a saturation due in part to our educational system and its institutionalization of pupils. To get funding as an academic you must have a reputation. This is the key to understanding the identity conflict with information. If you need your reputation to uphold your status and funding those that present counter argumentation could threaten your position in society.

It would appear academics have found an exploit. That is to create pseudo argumentation. This is shown when a college in a discipline will have a debate in false framing. This will allow them to both generate fiction that attracts investment to their cause. This also allows for a sort of sparing with little risk. Moreover you will not be proven to be incorrect in a historical context, just ineffective. This also allows you to create a intellectual fief in which to occupy.

Patriarchal societies tend to establish ones value through combination sparing to define hierarchy and then attempt to conquer. Matriarchal societies tend to nurture the society and themselves, however they often tend to be insular in culture collapsing under their own significance .

These cultures seem to spawn counter culture as they rise and fall. To understand the world is very important to understand.

History as I understand it:

These are my best guesses supported by intuition and a preponderance of the evidence as I understand it. As you may tell less direct evidence supports the following arguments. However there is broad circumstantial evidence. Don’t take this as an assertion meant to refute anyone’s science-based research, although I am under no delusions what could be the indirect biproduct of these lines of rational. I hope that this will offer a path for others looking for inspiration. If you have some evidence outside my understanding. Doing my best to learn your discipline to attempt to gain framing for it, and incorporate it into my understanding. Know this is a human author with no aid from AI outside of limited algorithmic search. Also I am no expert and if there is one that is reading this with critique by all means please pick apart my arguments. I love to learn, I enjoy wading through research if the subject interests me. As far as migration and linguistic evolution arguments I have done best I can to maintain continuity to the disciplines.

Like all history this is a series of events that presupposes framing. My framing may differ from yours, if so please be patient this is complex problem. My view may not differ as much as you suspect when you account for this information in its entirety.

Human-like (Hominidae) organisms are in co evolutionary cycle with technology for at least 3,300,000 years.

The fundamental question we must answer is where do we allow this evolution collectively, culturally, and in art?

When you answer these questions know they have been asked many times and answered many times prior to your birth, and will continue subsequent to your death.

With that said there is a way we can collectively break the cycle of darkness. In other words identifying malign feedback loops, and removing them through collective action.

This is done when a tipping point of the society realizes were are in the cycle, and we then educate others while maintaining access to enlightened understandings through a practice. If enough momentum is built a golden era is possible for a time. In this era great strides could be made, we could collectively break shackles of darkness. Stopping vicious feedback loops from plunging our culture into ignorance and pestilence.

Then we take actions to break it in ourselves, we provide a node of resonance for others as a endless expression to this idea.

What I propose in earnest is to understand our culture in a the balance argument. I suggest instead of concentrating on the refutation of others. We concentrate on many other things knowing that refutation has its place. Also we must realize that even the sweetest actions of nurturing can lead to harm if not done with temperance. We must live and let live. Using warmth and sweetness to proliferate across culture.

Some arguments commonly used to prove linguistic inheritance to question the counter example and assumptions extrapolated from evolutionary linguistics. I don’t mean to be scandalous just to assert that evidence is far less solid that most that claim. The support of status quo linguistic evolution arguments likely assume to much when extracting meaning from interpolation models. This is to also say that it is to be ignored. The flaw stems from the lack of interdisciplinary experts, this has created outside importance to the current framing. This also reproduces flaws in understanding of our current consensus. These linguistic arguments also contribute to misunderstanding of evolution of civilizations around the world.

My conclusions of my framing of the world has been influenced heavily by four women in science. The four women would have to be: Marija Gimbutas, Henrietta Leavitt, Jude Currivan, and Genevieve Petzinger. Each done exemplary work in the face of hostility or much worse due to their gender. They each took a holistic consensus building approach to their work. I think this detail both made their work fracture the status quo and exceptional in value. Their bravery is to be commended and without it I would never been able to arrive at my understanding of our world’s history.

The reaction is to iconize them to some degree, while they very important in the work they do. I would please ask do not be tempted to do this. The problem is when information loss is experienced for whatever reason whom ever does the work to recover it will likely become recognized for her work. While it is important to show others respect, show it in your love of their work. When you cross into veneration you play a dangerous game by disrespecting them through the act of attempting to demonstrate respect. This frame of information is an embodiment of mindfulness.
Roughly at this time we have found a burial evidence for behavior that is can best be described as a affinity for abstraction (art)(Makapansgat pebble - Wikipedia).

Abstraction and tool making seem to define our natural behaviors as humans. Evidence of our drive for innovation, creation of tools, especially ones that make more tools. That path seems to be the cycle that started to define our behaviors in a masculine centric aspect. While the affinity for abstraction seems to have nested its self in the feminine.

Now a lot of co-evolution seems to taken place here. DNA studies that show large over laps local habitation of hominid groups. This is triangulated large overlaps in style or quality of stone knapping of tools. Tools are found in close proximity in strata in certain areas in central Africa. (Stratigraphy (archaeology) - Wikipedia)

How did ancient humans evolve? Were they bloodthirsty? It would appear there was conflict but for the most part it wasn’t broad or organized. The reason the vibe amongst these groups was likely not hostile as many would imagine is due to the nature of the environment being hostile to existence (herd protection). Hostilities arose when scarcity in resources were strained. Such as you see in the ebb and flow of wild populations of animals.

We move along for a good while and something starts to happen about 200,000 - 40,000 years from present in the genetic record (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/40036897_Cultural_Innovations_and_Demographic_Change) (Recent acceleration of human adaptive evolution - PubMed)

50,000 yag tribes seem to pop up we see a growth in communal living around Europe, South Africa, and down in through Australia. This point we also have the first evidence of ocean crossing. This supports a quicker migration then expected our of Anatolia, East Africa, toward Indonesia and Papua. The idea of the ocean crossing at this time and the migration pattern is backed by DNA studies. These migratory patterns are important because we can say if that happened 50,000 yag then it is possible that part of the reason the DNA spread so quickly was due to more prolific sea travel then previously thought. This furthermore this migratory pattern seems to triangulate on Neanderthals being added to to homo sapient gene pool roughly the same period.

At this point I must also bring up the glaring defect in DNA evidence. DNA evidence at best relies on framing arguments being correct. This means if you don’t frame the existing DNA samples with the correct interpretation of the evidence. You cannot make astute extrapolations on the pervious evidence. This is true of all models. In other words your blind to some truth inherent in the data. The data alone will not give you an answer. What will happen is strange inconsistencies in the data. In other words the DNA record will be “correct” but it will not align with other evidence. The reason why this is important to know is that in my previous argument I mention a time period of approximately 80,-000 - 40,000 yag.(https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/artificial-intelligence-study-human-genome-finds-unknown-human-ancestor-species-180971436/) It would appear we have issues with a “ghost” ancestor that would have appeared at this time. Furthermore there seems to be an acceleration in adaptive evolution in this same time period.(https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.0707650104) Including the evolution of blue eyes happening 6,000 to 10,000 yag. (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5676687_Blue_eye_color_in_humans_may_be_caused_by_a_perfectly_associated_founder_mutation_in_a_regulatory_element_located_within_the_HERC2_gene_inhibiting_OCA2_expression)

Those close to researchers will often be blinded by the work they do. This makes it incumbent on the public to consume this data and form opinions for themselves. If you find my argumentation incredible please demonstrate why. The trouble building consensus is that it takes a community. Without that community consensus is much more difficult, in fact it takes practice.

Perhaps there are malignant actors hiding information, however more often then not what is perceived as malignance is in fact apathy. When there is room for opinions to be molded, a playground appears. A favorite tool of the wicked minded they prey on this blindness, using: deceit, misinformation, and lies.

This is at the heart of our conspiracy and refutation fixation problems faced by our culture. The reason why we are fixated on this is because refutation is half of a very powerful dyadic. Refutation is one half of parsing knowledge and the other is the practice of investigation. The most concentrated form of this idea is the practice refutation, and investigation in an complementary process.

Arguments to consensus build often boil down to the importance of a consistent framing. Investigation of huge amounts of data isn’t easy. Especially information including myth and religion. This is also often important because while it may not fit in to an linear story broader than cannon it is found in. There may be valuable understanding to the data that isn’t self evident at first. In other words we collect framing that fits arguments, but we do harm in outright discarding the rest. This would be best exemplified by the work of Henrietta Leavitt. (Henrietta Swan Leavitt - Wikipedia)

Thank you for this expansive and thought-provoking post! I deeply appreciate your genuine curiosity and the care you’ve taken to weave together cosmology, history, and cultural evolution. It’s refreshing to see such open-minded exploration.

Your points on the continuous merger of events, the interconnected origins of religions, and the need to break societal feedback loops are especially compelling. They invite reflection on how we can balance advanced computational models with the preservation of oral and indigenous knowledge systems, or reimagine urban-rural dynamics for mutual sustainability.

Your call to foster a ‘golden era’ resonates deeply. What role do you see for grassroots movements or independent media in catalyzing this kind of transformative change? I’d love to hear more about how we might turn these ideas into actionable steps.

Looking forward to learning more from your perspective!


I have another post on another topic that fits into this answer well. I posted a video that lobbies for a organizational structure that could help answer this question. I am currently finalizing part 3 of this post. I will post part 2 when I am done with the edit likely later tonight or tomorrow morning. I think I must get the entire ethos for the proper path forward to become apparent as well as compelling.

Thank you very much for reading and asking a thoughtful question. I will give you answer here in a day or 2 after I publish all 3 parts of this post.

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Part 2

The other figure that exemplifies this consensus building issue, regarding data collection and extrapolation is Marija Gimbutas. She collected vast amounts of objects in her work as an archaeologist. However her argumentation was difficult to follow because it relied on a broad amount of archival knowledge. It was also met with suspicion due to it challenging the status quo hierarchy in science. She may have been to exuberant in her analysis, however many of her assertions couldn’t be refuted and likely hold weight in analysis to this day. Marija asserts this era seems to be labeled as the era of the goddess, or mother earth worship. The shift seem to be around a culture shift toward nature worship of female, fertility, spirituality, animals, and herding. She asserts this happened due nomadic life styles drawing to a close and a rise of agriculture and farming. In this 26,000 ~ 6,000 yag there seems to be relative military non-relevance.

There is an intuitive logic that surrounds this transition to fertility worship. If you were a member of a nomadic tribe, following herds and moving as food supplies become available. That transition to agrarian life would have had a mysterious quality. You would give up what you knew and have faith that the fertility of the land would provide enough food for you, your family, and your tribe. Marija makes these arguments, I find them compelling.

I would suggest that this only part of the story. While the rise of agriculture was occurring and important shift of lifestyle. There was also warming. A population boom due to sea ice recession, along with it an explosion in fertile land. This expansion of habitable land wouldn’t necessary bring fertility worship. New data suggests sea ice melting was non-linear for a period it built up and receded.

Due to nature of the planetary cycles and the evolutions of civilizations many costal settlements have been submerged likewise communities have lost accesses to harbors. Doggertland (Doggerland - Wikipedia). Even slow sea level rises will force costal migration events. Here is another source that corroborates these losses of coastline, this one is called Sundaland. (Prehistoric human migration between Sundaland and South Asia was driven by sea-level rise | Communications Biology)

The sea level rise wasn’t stable always, also non-linear. This could be evidence of and most consistent with a celestial merger event. A abundance of fertile land and technological evolution would likely contribute to an expansion of fertility worship. If cosmic factors were at play, another round of climate unpredictability would likely cause one to seek refuge in the divine. Especially if a pantheon was known to a population through trade or otherwise.

I will also note that this rational can also be a mechanism that over time is responsible for language evolution. There seems to be an emphasis on war, and conquering in these evolutional models. A population being conquered will mean an obvious mechanism for linguistic proliferation. Although culture is a recognized factor as well. Admittedly much more difficult to calculate, especially while populations were nomadic. Also when ancient religions spread among populations of traders.

The shift seems to start to slow around 11,000 years ago. There seems to be waves in 7,000 years ago and finally 3,000 years ago. This change is graduale and seems to come in waves. This is consistent with the idea of eratic sea level rises. This end seems to mark another contraction with a recovery of society. The initial shift seems to be characterized by the climate catastrophe and collapse of the goddess culture. With this initial collapse a turn toward male domination, and a fixation on a warrior culture seems to emerge. The era also seems to show a loss of cities due to sea level rising and many cycles of mass migrations.

Ancient cultures roughly 7,000 yag experienced a cultural shift toward written language, religion, and trade.

These migrations compounded into a codification male domination in many cultures. This military conquest mindset spread across the globe. Especially concentrated in central Europe through a series of bloody conquest spurred by forced migrations, land annexation, and securing trade corridors. Spurred by proto Mongol tribes,( modern eastern Russian, Asian steppe) tribes.

This leads to a meta argument that must be known by the reader.

At the heart of this matter is cycle. This cycle can be described as endless rebirth. As fear, anger, and wicked behavior amplifies itself, so does the opposite. This is is the concept of mutually assured prosperity and its converse. This is codified in many religious studies, this is likely a very old idea born in observations that civilization has endlessly repeated some patterns.

This concept can be illustrated in a Janistic story:

A cow herder finds a monk meditating under a tree. The cow herder asks the monk to watch his cows. The monk deep in mediation doesn’t hear the herder. The herder believes the monk acknowledged him goes off. The herder comes back after a time to find the monk under the tree with no cows. The herder upset starts looking for the cows. After a while the herder becomes more upset at not finding the cows then returns to the monk with anger. Only to find the monk under the tree with the cows beside him. God then comes to the herder and tells him if he harms the monk the action will cause him terrible Karama.

Some take a spiritual route while others focus on commerce. The entropic nature of information is captured through the misunderstood agreements. Those focus on commerce often look at spiritual minded people as having little contributions. I told you to keep an eye on these cows and now where are they? Those focus on commerce come to the spiritual minded in rage about the cows. Those who are resonating with higher thoughts will then deliver the cows, they weren’t hiding them in the first place. The malice is projection, or paranoia. As if by magic the cows are found. Those focus on commerce then have a choice do they let it go, or fate themselves to doom by harming the spiritually minded?

The peculiarity of this story is the depth of sophistication coupled with the short form (simplicity) in my view shows an deep wisdom. The perfection in such a simple form connotes age and craft. I don’t offer this as evidence just observation. Jainism and Hinduism seem to share an origin. Jainism has a concept of ahiṃsā which means core beliefs or fundamental principles the base of which is non-violence. I may dive into someday deeply, but for now I bring it up to show a motif (Ahimsa in Jainism - Wikipedia) of a cow and a lion.

This is visual proof of the age of Jainism. It shows the discerption of sdaf Vs kkea in harmony. Sdaf would have domain over lion and be a shepherd of the cow. Kkea would be the one meditating and he is also the cow, and the shepherd. So if you harm anyone you’re in fact harming yourself. Jainism preaches non-violence as a core the single highest expression of wisdom, in most simplistic form. This is significant because it is tied to an organized religion and therefore was created someone or group for the purpose of teaching. Additionally the fact this was a teaching indicates a hallmark of sophistication in wisdom. Additional I observe simplicity and deep wisdom laden throughout Jainism.

My conclusion will be that Jainism is very old it has motifs of a lion and cow together in calm gaze. This is a metaphor that is very powerful first it appears to be evidence of an religion attempting to harmonize with other religions very early on or an ancient religion. Next is also encapsulates the social demeanor of our two closest relatives in the animal kingdom bonobo, and chimpanzee monkeys.

At this point the argument turns on the definition of religion. The religion in society was much differently organized than it would be then. These ancient religion were a microcosm of society. They may include complex accounting, a token currency, ceremony, and a trade / credit system. Our system in the western culture today still has these features, however many of these things are only augmented by organized religion.

As more evidence comes to light scholars keep pushing back our concept of when civilizations first evolved. This is for good reason we have recently scaled radar and sonar technologies that have aided site mapping and exploration of remote sites.

This is a complex topic so the form of the argument will be multifaceted. Due to the nature of the problem evidence will be more ambiguous the older it is. At the core we suffer from a lack of evidence, however worse yet. We suffer from collective over specialization, and a lack of consensus building.

Now I think it is important to understand the idea of resonance in culture.

The nature of fields of resonances is we find them pleasurable even though we may not understand the nature of the vibration and how we resonate with it.

I made a peculiar observation. I have spent many miles in an electric vehicle and I love it. However I wouldn’t say I bonded with it in a way you bond with a internal combustion engine powered vehicle. Consider the following: I have come to the the conclusion that it has to do with vibrations of the pineal gland. Strange I know. These ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles with exhausts seem to be tuned to certain frequencies ranges that are appealing to the ear. An unintended consequence of this is that they also vibrate across you body, even crossing your pineal gland’s resonance frequency.

I believe this creates a pleasure response similar to an hymns, or ohm chant found in temples.

I would submit the explains part of the popularity of motorbikes. It would explain why many motor enthusiast describe electric vehicles as lacking a soul. Also this would explain the affinity for music and live performance of music. Additionally singing bowls, hung drums, and tuning forks seem to able to target specific frequencies ranges.

This lead me to the idea that their maybe some sort of science behind vibration and resonance certain organs in an animal. This idea lead me to learning that singing bowls of Tibet. I also discovered Vedic concept of chakra resonance. These singing bowls mentioned are tuned for resonating with chakra. For instance they believe the mind (pineal gland) can be stimulated with a resonances of 963 hz.

Now to an example of resonance in ideas or cultural.

The reason why The Trolley Problem(Trolley problem - Wikipedia) is so interesting is, it invites a questions that we have trouble parsing.

For those that don’t know it revolves around this idea of a choice, and action to kill one or many. Now if the nature of the question is there is no great outcome. The product of the outcome is death no matter the choice. You naturally invite the question of who is on the track, and direct actions. If you explore this concept it allows you to see what you value to some degree.

In the end it would appear to demonstrate a way to evaluate your morals to some measure, to own an action. To understand your value system is to protect your own interest, along with the idea of direct consequences of your actions.

This is valuable, however there is another insight to gain here. That is much like the prisoners dilemma, when you bring familiarity moreover family into the equation, or raising even only a friendship by its nature changes the calculation. Creation of bonds through life is of great value to use and we become much more turbulent in our morals when asked to comprise relationships. This at its heart is the basis for understanding tribalism. Formation of familiarity that will be reflected and refracted in an individual choices as well as ones of a communal nature.

This is by its nature the way a culture is developed. As one clan or family ages they become a larger part of their communities. This is also reflected in the evolution of civilizations. Some will meet an untimely demise, some were doomed from the start, and while others grow to evolve. The evolution leads across paths, these paths usually diverge, and intersect. In this processes a constant repulsion and attraction takes place. If the culture is a fit it will eventually crystallize, then assimilation into the collective forming a structure as a great civilization.

Failures to reconcile some civilizations seem to shape our collective fate. Several cultures or collectives seem to be influencing us in a delicate balance between fear and enlightenment. Their issue seems to stem from the fact we are in a a collective physios that could be best explained through storytelling. Think the pervious story of the monk and the cows.

Another version of this cycle is found in:

(Ba’al Cycle was recorded around 3300–3500 yag)

Ba’ al cycle

Yamwants to rule over the other gods and be the most powerful of all

Baʿal Hadad opposes Yam and slays him

Baʿal Hadad, with the help of Anat and Athirat, persuades El to allow him a palace

Baʿal Hadad commissions Kothar-wa-Khasis to build him a palace.

King of the gods and ruler of the world seeks to subjugate Mot

Mot kills Baʿal Hadad

Anat brutally kills Mot, grinds him up and scatters his ashes

Baʿal Hadad returns to Mount Zephon

Mot, having recovered from being ground up and scattered, challenges Baʿal Hadad

Baʿal Hadad refuses; Mot submits

Baʿal Hadad rules again

This cycle seems to be a verbal argument for our world history seen through the lens of factions. Cycle seems to capture the gods conflict in a loop. I will point out that this story also being cyclical fits with the nature of galactic merger events. Along with the rise and fall of civilization these events manifesting themselves cyclically.

This cycle also captures malcontent behavior by the gods. We seem to be unable to seek contentment through the happiness of others. This will crop up in proxy arguments that amplify hate and our own demise, much like the monk and the cows discussed previously.

Religions, and myths seem to codify cannon against a historical record of the time period in which they were created. If you read across them enough a theme will make itself very clear, cultures have trouble with collective balance. It would appear for us, it is a collective choice between enlightenment and imprisonment.

At this point some of you will be worried. Perhaps I am about to start to indoctrinate you in to some religious perspective. I have no intention to do so. I am only attempting to allow those that read this as a choice, a perspective in which they may choose see life through. You may take it or leave it.

My only motive in publishing this is as a service to people that appear to wish to understand these complexities.

My perspective of the philosopher’s stone. It would appear there is a ancient idea, perhaps tradition held within it. The stone seems to regard a quest for the state of collective consciousnesses. This the true nature of transmutation. It is really about harnessing the power of the collectives ability to a triaxial balance between entropy, analogy, and chaos (in this balance their stands two sides catastrophe and serendipity).

This is analog and entropy captured in language and literature of the culture in which they belong. Chaos in my framing would mean several things. A framing shift explained in a story. Popularity of analogy always seems to stimulate language and entropy. This causes information loss due to the over usage, proliferation, and popularization. Popularity of language for this context should be understood as the meaning becomes more ambiguous through rapid adoption. Usually combated with conjugation and the creation of new words, modifications, and compounding to reassert meaning to the language. This is a description of how a language is alive so to speak.

The rate of of this growth will cause a balance to occur in the form of entropy. An illustration of this is held with the school yard experiment of telephone played.

I understand this relationship between linguistics and culture as at loggerheads. Language must be understood in a dyadic relationship between entropy and analogy. Usage of words can cause them to become abbreviated, and spread without proper definition thus loose meaning. New analogies are created and the cycle repeats.

My view is that the philosopher’s stone is really referring to a process to collectively educated our society to this framing of the world. This would be explained by allowing our society from a flickering collective consciousness to a continuity. If the nexus can resonate with this higher vibrational meta we would be centered on a golden ratio in collective balance. I believe this is the predicate for many religious rituals I will discuss in more detail later.

The natural idea of this train of thought leads to asceticism. The way people view death collectively seems to have a large impact on society. To put it more bluntly, to the degree fear rules your society more easily when those fear their own death. This would be the root of a my assertions around the evolution of some civilizations were nested in a culture of accepting rituals that perform rites of passage.

This is a root of many problems we have when dating the culture of India. In many cultures in India death is just another phase of the mandala. They place little importance on date because date would have meaning if it was meaningful. In other words they have no attachment to dates because they believe the preservation of the context or sounds are important information in itself. This extends to authorship and ownership of an idea. Many believe ideas are living and cannot have an owner, or author in the same sense we do.

Some Vedic’s believe so strongly in a human to human contact of passing the spirit of information they never to this day have written down their chants. In fact the idea would be absurd to think you could put the spirt of the knowledge into script. Some forms of Hinduism also believe their language is a god and worship as such. In fact there have been armed conflicts over attempting to impose state languages there due to the holy nature, and the worship of language.

Part 3

I will now explore myth in our popular culture.

It appears civilizations tend to fracture under their own success. This would appear to be illustrated thorough out history. These themes were captured in George Lucas films and likely inspired by Joseph Campbell work on some of his films.

An illustration of ethical use of technology, and the design philosophy based in nature. The second is a Dunning-Kruger idea especially in cross discipline cooperation of experts. This motif is found in George Lucas films. This was likely due to Joseph Campbells influence. Analog stimulates language and the quality of myth matters. This could be used as a strategy to combat entropy and information losses due to catastrophe, rapid popularization.


Star Wars Truth:

Jedi are regarded as antiquated through many of the films. They are thought to be religious zealots, however end up playing critical roles in philosophical understanding of technology and history. Also providing leadership rolls in dark moments of the plot. This seems to be a critique of science vs religion critique in a recusal of sciences often superiority, ignoring, or supplanting of religion. It would appear that science often attempts to supplant reason with philosophy. This would allow for innovation, but would appear to be closest related to motifs regarding Icarus. In Star Wars this is shown in the two factions, and how they interface with technology. Notice how the rebels worked with technology. The rebels resonated with nature it would appear, treating technology as part of the fabric of living organisms. While the empire looks to subjugate it and use it to augment their own power.


Indiana Jones Truth:

This seems to be a critique of science vs religion framing absurdity of dogma in scholasticism. For many decades we have not formally trained archaeologists in myth and religious history. This critique would be embodied by Indiana Jones one who took myths to have greater meaning. Although some in our current educational system seem to acknowledged this and make efforts to include myth and religion into a greater historical understanding. This understanding is often at odds with the sciences.

Language in the current meta is often misunderstood due to a story regarding traders and priest classes. This brings us to the Jewish religion.

You may have heard of the old story regarding the origins of banks.

Many have heard the story of Jewish people starting banks on side of Jordan river. This may have been accurate but it would appear banking and religion were much more closely intertwined then I would have suspected before my research. Not only that but it would appear the Jewish people were emulating a revolving credit system that came from modern India via the silk road.