Is Third way Ana the genuine Ana?

Are Ana’s third way politics genuine? Her position that Republicans and Democrats are not much different, like when she says ‘Don’t laugh at Elon Musk’s gyrations if we don’t like right wing memes making fun of AOC dancing’? Laughing at Elon Musk is perfectly fine because you attack your enemies and defend your friends but to Ana Elon Musk and AOC aren’t much different and so should be treated mostly the same. Is this genuine or is Ana aiming to be the next host at Rising?


Honestly? If that is indeed Ana’s position, then I agree. Your argument implies (perhaps without meaning to) that any negative action against an obvious Capitalist oligarchic fascist is fine but the same action against anyone else (that you support) is not fine. Mocking anyone is not actually a positive action for changing circumstances.

Further, as a Marxist, I have to agree with her that there is little substantial difference between either party of the duopoly.


So far so good, but you must agree to support your friends and attack your enemies? Neither AOC or Elon Musk are your friend, certainly. But tell those women suffering from the lack of abortion care Dems and Republicans are the same. They certainly are not and this is obvious. To say they are not sufficiently different for you, well that is a personal opinion and not even really political. Most people suffer more with Republicans. And if your reply is ‘good, let it kick off’, well that’s a totally different argument.

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I agree that they are not the same, but after a lifetime of seeing how voting for the lesser evil has only brought us ever rightward with the attendant descent into Capitalistic and catastrophic fascism, I am going to continue to push back. It hasn’t worked before. It won’t work now. We, the employee class, must take control of every aspect of our lives.

One person one vote. In the workplace, in government, at home, everywhere. Not just in the States, but globally.


Just because I don’t think we are going to win don’t mean we shouldn’t try

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That much I agree with. Which is exactly why I don’t give up pushing for socialist voting.


I believe Ana is sincere. We’re all a product of what we learn and what we take away from our experiences, and I think she’s a good example of constantly questioning and evolving. In terms of the two main parties being the same, as we all know, in many ways they are. However, I agree there are enough major differences that make me think there is a better chance for achieving impartial positive change with the Democrats than with the Republicans–especially in the last 45 or so years. In terms of not laughing at/making fun of one unless you’re okay with the same being done to all, I totally agree. Of course, I do treat those I love better than I treat those whom I definitely don’t. That said, I strive to be respectful and empathetic to all (I try) and look at well-placed, non-malicious sarcasm as I do equitable, quality healthcare: it should be free for all. :wink:

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Sorry to disagree but over the last year Ana has lost all sincerity for her own selfishness. About a year ago Ana was at war with Jimmy Dore and now she is a compatriot. The only difference between Ana/Jimmy and Bannon is the aftermath. But all 3 want one thing total DESTRUCTION.

Ana gave a brilliant rant on abortion but since then has become dark very dark.

I think Ana may see the handwriting on the wall that TYT is doomed and like someone said above Ana is looking for her next gig …Great audition Ana


If we had more adequate health care there would be less sarcasm

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Has AOC ever shown that she is a friend to the left?


Does this count? " Ocasio-Cortez Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Justice Thomas and Justice Alito"


So you are going with the “Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend” here? Just because Ana is against the Corp-Dems and the MAGA-GOP does not mean that she is in bed with Jimmy Dore. Remember the things he did to Ana while he was at TYT? She will never be on his side again because of that.

People need to stop looking at things in the binary and remember that there are more than 2 ways to see something. The Corp-Dems have there way, The Justice Dems have another, Corp-GOP another, MAGA another, and then you have the billions of ways everyone else thinks of the issues

Ana has her opinions and they are as valid as mine our yours. I don’t always agree with her or Cenk or John, or TYT but that does not mean she is wrong or shouldn’t voice those opinions


You are right Ana will on a personal level despise Dore as well as Bannon but Philosphy is Philosphy and Ana’s is the same as Dore and Bannon is all I was saying.

And I would never say she cannot have her opinion which I may disagree with Right

All I am saying she has lost interest in the real problem of the Oligarchy in favor of a total collapse. The problem with that is she will not like the results

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Collapsing empires are not pretty

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We’ll agree to disagree and that’s okay. I just personally don’t see Ana as selfish or bent on destruction. I’m not familiar with Jimmy Dore, so can’t comment on that. :woman_shrugging:

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Great discussion TY for your time


Jimmy was far more destructive. And he is the textbook example of audience capture. Which is sad because a decade ago, he was to TYT what Lewis Black was to the Daily Show.


I remember when Jimmy was a lone voice protesting Bush-co and War Inc. I am more sadden at Jimmy then angry.


You gotta make it worse before it get’s better is a profoundly stupid thing to say. It’s reminiscent of the nascent communist party prior to 1917 and look how that turned out.

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