Message to the people

Does anyone know how we can get the message out to the people that if they want true change in a Harris/ Walz ticket, it must go beyond just electing them. We must elect a democratic house and a democratic senate as well.

We all know a president is limited by an oppositional house or senate. How can we make the voters understand this?


I find it sad but true that we have people voting who do not understand that; or how the electoral system works; or the need to get registered; or…

If we had required service after high school (1 year military or 2 years “civic” -cleaning up parks and interstates, doing supplemental border security, providing free healthcare, etc.), those things should be part of a required civics course that would be part of an accredited educational program that would be offered for free. Such required service would break down the class division we presently have; it would force people to learn to work together (a similar benefit that we experienced after the draft of WWII…)

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I honestly find it very surprising that Biden was able to do anything with that do nothing Republican controlled House. Too often times I hear that president didn’t do this, that president didn’t do that when they don’t understand a president is not a king/ queen with absolute power. Harris and Walz will need the House and Senate to create real change.

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I think that a Majority of people are too Politically lazy to invest anything in the process anymore than once in four years. Once the Spectacle is over, it is back to their own lives such as it is. I don’t really blame them, because most people know that the Billionaire Donors are the ones who are elected officials respond to, not them. It is only when people get extremely mad about something that they bother to get out and do something, but, even then, they feel as though politicians on both sides have turned a blind eye toward them, so what is the point. I have always felt that no real change will happen as long as we have Social Media, Cable TV, and IPhones to get lost in.


Oh, yeah; it was a miracle he did what he did with an obstructionist Congress. I always contrast him to Obama, who in his second term, when Mitch O’Connel would obstruct him, he would just give an angry speech and go golfing, He just phoned it in! We needed an FDR then after the “Great Offshoring”, and he was nowhere to be found…


I agree but we must do something about it as with Walz as the VP pick I have new found hope. I see him as Bernie 2.0…

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Absolutely Patrie. This is why I was so upset and disappointed that Bernie dropped out after winning 5 states in the primaries. He was it!!! He was the change America hungered for and he stepped aside for Hilary. I have renewed hope now and want to educate the people. Just don’t have the means for the outreach. With Walz in there anything is possible!!!

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Waltz was electric tonight at the DNC in such a genuine wholesome way with his proud loving kids… it spoke volumes. I hope he finds a ways to blow by the establishment types to actually get big change done!


Yes he was!!! His kids reaction doesn’t only speak to the type of dad he is; it also speaks to his compassionate humanity. I’m excited for a presidential ticket for the first time in a long time. This is why educating the public on the importance of Congress is key.

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The way Cenk was describing his feelings about this ticket during Tim’s speech was dead on for me. I also want to be excited, I am starting to feel hopeful that this might be somewhat different … but then also nervous they wont deliver and then do real lasting damage by pulling another disappointing corp sell out Obama type situation.


Believe me I get that and if that happens it will tarnish Walz when he won’t have much say in the matter as VP. Remember a VP can’t sign law. It’s the president’s job. As long as Walz hangs in there and sticks to his guns we could have our first real progressive president in ages in 8 years. I’ll keep hope alive if for that only.

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America has to part ways with Israel if they don’t want to part ways with the NUTanyahoo faction and make baby steps towards 2 State. I have seen nothing to make me believe that Harris will take concrete actions towards that. It’s a BFM not to mention that direction before Election Day! That could lead to a lot of domestic dissent later if you win and said nothing about it -you won’t be able to start acting on it without lots of blowback from people.

If you say that’s something you will be working on and later do that after Election Day, no one will then be able to later say that they had no idea and didn’t vote for that…

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Okay at the end of her speech she finally spoke about Israel and the Palestinians. I am curious what reaction that will get by the protestors. It was a big elephant in the room throughout tonight until the end of Kamala’s speech. I am certain they want a lot more but she finally said something.

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Anything short of addressing a willingness to move to 2 State will just be enabling the NUTanyahoo faction…

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As we can see the stadium went wild when she suggested (not full on said it) a two state solution. That’s a step in the right direction.


yeah I thought it was interesting that the DNC Biden delegates had a noticeable bigger reaction to her acknowledging Palestinians right to dignity freedom and self determination. To me, the cheers were noticeably louder on that line than the prior stuff alleging their work for a ceasefire and when she said she will always support Israel’s right and ability to defend itself.

Similarly, during Bernie’s speech, it was (sadly) more polite applause for most of what he said on progressive policies. But, when he spoke about Gaza:

"We must end this horrific war in Gaza,” Sanders announced. “Bring home the hostages and demand an immediate ceasefire!”

… the crowd got a lot more loud in support.

If only Biden/Harris would listen to voters, even their delegates, more than the mega donors!

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okay so this was depressing to see. I was just watching Krystal Ball recapping night 3 and she showed a clip from break through news with DNC members plugging their ears and in one case 2 guys mocking the protestors. .ugh this was the only link I could find to share here.

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I have no delusions; it’s a rinse+repeat of Obama 2012 [hoping he would tackle “The Great Offshoring” of the late 90s and 2000s; and when Mitch O’Connell inevitably gave him a hard time, he would just do an angry speech and then go play golf. To get jobs initiatives passed with the 2012 Congress, you needed to do a lot of whistle-stop touring and herding of the working class to come to DC and raise some hell.]

There is a hell of a lot of projection onto her going on right now, and you are going to see some real anger at her a year out if she does not in a serious way lay the groundwork before Election Day for the US to part ways with the NUTanyahoo faction in Israel. Schumer and Pelosi have already signaled they have had enough of “Nut”; what the hell else does she need to signal a move in that direction? Biden was dropping in votes from 2020, so he couldn’t choose a fight with pro-Israeli voters. But with Walz, she can now afford to push for a break with the NUTanyahoo faction.

Normally when one of the parties ran a poor candidate, we could always survive the other side running things for a few years. The options of McCain and Romney were not all that scary, even if you might not have liked their policies. I am quite pissed at the Republicans for not standing up to Stupid Hitler, and they leave us now with this shit-sandwich choice!

I’ll back off on calling it that if Harris gets on board with a commitment to 2 State before Election Day (even if it’s a long-term one…) “Self determination” -WTF is that?! They need the protections of Statehood to prevent people from continuing to grab their homes and push them into destitution…

P.S. All the scumbaggy tactics of Stupid Hitler? I lay that at the feet of :rightwards_hand:“Ptofessor” :leftwards_hand: Newt Gingrich. Before him, you could attack policies, but it was understood that personal attacks were a scumbag move (sort of like: “loving the sinner but hating the sin…”) Gingrich normalized that CHUD behavior in the 90s.

And for those who don’t know what a “CHUD” is…


The following are her exact words:

“President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity. Security. Freedom. And self-determination.”

The crowd exploded in cheers after this statement.

This statement implies a two state solution but it fell short of specifically stating a two state solution. A politician’s way of having their cake and eating it too. She can always point back to it and say that’s what I meant. Only time will tell.