Operation Hope Town Hall

The next one is Wed. April 10 at 8:30pm ET. Meeting Registration - Zoom


Huh, I think this one will be too late in the day for me to join. Could notes be made available?

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That sucks; I was looking forward to seeing you there!

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Oh yes, Jared. There is a team member volunteering for this.

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I will be there

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Are their notes going to posted here?

This one was recorded. I don’t know if the highlights are to be posted somewhere.

This week’s townhall: Meeting Registration - Zoom


Thank you! :heart:

Ill be taking notes to share.

Im sorry I missed last week, i caught the flu. But we’re almost done with winter here in upstate NY so hopefully i wont catch anything else. :grin:


I hope you are feeling better! :heart:

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Notes from 4/17 (thanks Maggie!!!)

Cenk Uygur, Kara Eastman ([email protected])

Logistics: Maggie Bowman and Dawn Jones helping to take notes.

What is the best method for distributing the weekly agenda?

A website similar to TrumpCzar.com: The differences between Democrats and Republicans

  • Don’t fall asleep on thinking that one is better or worse than the other - honesty in every direction

  • Agreement (esp. on good items)

  • Disagreement (esp. on sucky items)

  • Determining content

TYT Operation Joy: Take a photo of something that brings you joy. Upload that photo here and fill out the information requested. Every week, we will select one person to receive a a free Team Joy t-shirt!

If someone else is already doing what we want to do but doing it better, let’s support them.

Hero of the Week

  • Hoping to launch in a couple of weeks

  • Must be registered on the website and have an avatar

Research Team: TrumpCzar.com

Social Media Team:

  • #bebetterman to let John Fetterman know how disappointed we are in him. Would Dr. Oz actually have been more conservative than Fetterman?

  • If CU tweets about “Elected Official” (example), could something trigger a post about how much money that official received from AIPAC?

AOC and Justice Democrats: The Squad by Ryan Grimm (book) - Nick Mudar Happy Warrior to share the specific quote;

Cavalry PAC: For the “Outsiders” running for office


If anyone is interested in working on compiling information on Organizing, send Kara an email.


I can setup a thread in the Discord Operation Hope Channel that you can post the weekly Town Hall Notes in

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You are a lifesaver–thank you so much, Maggie! :hugs:

Wed town hall: Meeting Registration - Zoom


Thank you

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We discussed last week about where to post information and it didn’t sound like people were enthusiastic about Discord. Having one place for information — the discussion boards — is probably best for now imo. That’s where Cenk and Kara have been sending people for Operation Hope.


@Galphar, I’m sorry. You seem to put a lot of time and effort into the discord. I am willing to try and figure it out. :woman_shrugging:

I didn’t realize you had already started working on it @Galphar (you just said that you could set up a thread), you’re always on top of things as usual.

Whatever people prefer, I don’t think anything is set in stone at this point — and Kara just mentioned Discord in the meeting, so maybe we will be using that too.

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We’ve had a Operation Hope Forum Channel over in Discord since Cenk Announced it. I was just going to create a thread in there to post the notes in also. And it would take me all of about 10 seconds to create a thread over there lol