Operation Hope Town Hall


This weekā€™s townhall: Meeting Registration - Zoom


Thank you! :heart:

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Thanks! Looking forward to it!

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Good day @karadhe , my best wishes.

Has anyone at the team taken on this one? I would like to collab.

Where is the form to submit?

Thanks in advance

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Great idea! We do not currently have a form. Will you be on the town halll?


Hey Andrea , thank you for your kind words , it means a lot . The same with Kara. If I was too emotional on the town hall , I apologize . Wednesday was a horrible day for me , I had a major flare up in my pain and even the doctor was concerned . I have no control, it just hits me. Seeing some videos on X darkened the mood even more. I hope I am not a nuisance on the platform. You seem to be a very caring person , talk to you soon, Jackc380


You are an amazingly strong and kind person! Please never feel like you must apologize for being emotional, and know that you are never a nuisance. I am sorry that you were in pain physically and emotionally. One of the things I look forward to throughout the week is seeing you at the meetings and hearing what you have to say in the discussions. You are appreciated and loved for all that you are. The hope you bring to others just by being who you are is immense. Always remember that. I hope you are feeling better today. Some days, I have to take a break from the news, even though I feel guilty doing so. Itā€™s like on an airplane; give yourself the oxygen first so you can better help those in need. Take the weekend to breathe in the oxygen and take care of yourself. :heart:


You are the opposite of a nuisance!!!

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Hey Andrea , thanks for your support, it means a lot to me Jackc380

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Hey Kara , thanks for every thing , Iā€™ll refrain from X before the meeting , Ha Ha!

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PS Kara ,how do I reply to someone giving suggestions on the town hall last night?

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Hello @karadhe, I have just sent the mail I promised for last night, I wanted to send it on time, but I just couldnā€™t.

I did not have any ideas for a form. I thought I had read somewhere around this forum that there was one, but I must have been confused.

Best regards!