Operation Hope Town Hall

Unfortunately, since its conception in recent history, people like Trump have used the term Populist and twisted it into meaning things it does not. Populism, at its roots, is based on the very basic idea that the government should truly represent the people, all people. It is opposed to the elite being able to decide what is best for everyone, as with the oligarchy we have now. It is not Nationalistic, nor is it inherently violent. Not so much an all-encompassing ideology, but a basic idea that us little people matter and our voices should mean more because we are many.

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Andrea , I saw you at the town hall last night so I want to ask you a question. Did I understand correctly that TYT wants to hear from us possible nominations for the convention? If so , what do you think of a Harris/Bernie Sanders ticket? Bernie could have a moral influence on establishment Democrats so that maybe we can get out of all these wars and conflicts. We can reestablish the child tax credit, regain abortion rights for women , elect progressive Democrats down ballot , put a wall up for fascism encroaching our nation. Am I dreaming , is this even a possibility ? Hope you have a wonderful 4th , Jack

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Bernie would be amazing! I just wonder if he wants to, knowing that there are plenty (well, maybe not plenty :grimacing:) of younger people who are up for the job. Unfortunately, for Harris, with her popularity so low they would have to do a lot of work to get people behind her. All that said, if they get Biden out ASAP and work on propping up a Harris/Sanders ticket, I could see it going well and being a force for positive change. I hope you have a great 4th of July weekend too! :heart:

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IMHO Harris is not popular enough. She faces the same likability issues that Hillary Clinton encountered when running for President. Both are often criticized for their personalities and public personas.

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Cenk , in regard to the town hall meeting last night [ July 3 ] , I along with Anthony and David Stone, were flummoxed that you were looking for information to push forward the Ohio Ballot . We sent to you tons of information [via Kara] and after the town hall I remembered that the ballot end date was July 3-4. It never made it . I sent you an AOL article from a couple of days ago asking What Happened ? because there were evidently factions fighting and not enough voters signed the petition. Sorry for butting in last night , I felt it necessary but I followed up after remembering the end date and found that article. So , ostensibly raising the minimum wage is moot for now. Thanks for allowing me input , Best Jack


Not answering for Cenk - I did receive the info you sent and I have been talking with Policy Matters. One Fair Wage has never gotten back to me even though we have connected by text several times. I think now we just need a firm plan for moving forward.

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Notes from 7/3/24 Town Hall (by Maggie!!!)

Discussion Points:

  1. New Candidate Selection:
  • Decision to select a new candidate.
  • Launching a new candidate bracket on the Ohio website.
  • Need to vet candidates for pros and cons, dubbed ā€œThe New Candidates.ā€
  • Emphasis on group collaboration for better results.
  1. Nominations and Fact-Checking:
  • Trumpbrackets.com is live now. Work transferred from Micheil to TYT site.
  • Request for nominations of dumb/evil things done by Trump.
  • Fact-checking volunteers needed; email your interest to [email protected] with subject line ā€œBrackets Fact-Checkingā€.
  • Project to be managed by Maggie Bowman ([email protected]).
  1. RFK Jr. Stance on Gaza:
  • No success in convincing RFK Jr. to change his position.
  • Encourage the new candidate to adopt favorable RFK stances.
  1. Accountability and Ballot Initiatives:
  • Petition for Trumpā€™s accountability for criminal convictions; email KE [email protected].
  • Volunteers needed for Ohio ballot initiative; email [email protected].
  • Exploring involvement of Cavalry PAC in ballot initiatives.
  • Discussion on the impact of minimum wage increase on workers.
  • Raise the wage initiative details: $10.50/hr by Jan 1, 2025, and $15.00/hr by Jan 1, 2028.
  • Refer to Policy Matters Ohio for more details on the wage raise initiative.
  1. Engagement and Outreach:
  • Use of letters to the editor, Facebook posts, groups, Discord, and Twitter for outreach.
  • TrumpBrackets: Potential partnership with an opposing entity for educational purposes.
  • Public education goal, extending beyond the TYT community.

Thatā€™s frustrating that One Fair Wage didnā€™t get back to you Kara. Hopefully they ended up getting enough valid signatures, but if not from what you said Jack, then it was people on the ground that werenā€™t coming together to do what they needed to do. Just speaking for myself from the outside, I honestly donā€™t know how Cenk finds time to do Operation Hope while heā€™s CEO, hosting, and doing 20 other things we donā€™t know about. It wasnā€™t on Operation Hopeā€™s radar until really close to the filing deadline it sounds like so I donā€™t know how much more he or we could have done.


Kara, I sent an article to Cenk about Michigan since he asked , so both Michigan and Ohio didnā€™t reach the threshold to advance minimum wage . Sorry to hear they never got back to you , probably realizing it was a lost cause . I hope your vacation is enjoyable, Jack


I only mention Harris/Sanders as a way to appeal to a broad audience , but you are right about Kamalaā€™s low popularity. Jack


You never know, though, things change daily.

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Just a heads up that the next town hall will not be until August 7. Busy days at TYT!


Thanks for the heads-up, sounds like busy and crazy times in the world of political media! Itā€™s great that you and Cenk are still committed to doing this.


Our next town hall is Wed. Aug 14 at 5:30pm PT/8:30pm ET Meeting Registration - Zoom


Kara, Iā€™ll be there , Jack


Our next town hall will be Wed. Aug 28 at 5pm ET. We will be phone banking with Maine Citizens Against SuperPACS. Meeting Registration - Zoom

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Iā€™m signed up, looking forward to it!

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Kara , a few words , please. I go into surgery for a nerve block tomorrow , so can you put me as a maybe phone banker? Also , as I am a better writer than speaker , so Iā€™d like Cenk to know that it was in the spirit of thanks and appreciation to him that he enjoy a round of drinks from me by my shirt purchase. I do appreciate all of you for your hard work in these distressing times. Lastly , can we discuss Government overreach ? I just found out the DEA is going to prevent Registered Nurses going into patients homes to administer narcotics . These medicines are a life saver for me , I cannot live if I canā€™t get morphine in my morphine pump. There has never been a problem , the company AIS Healthcare , is terrific and professional. The nurse comes to my apartment about every six weeks , retracts the unused morphine , discards it by government guidelines, and gives me fresh morphine. For some reason , they want mail the morphine to patients which doesnā€™t make sense at all. I am not using opiates nefariously. The government wants to take control of our lives and not ,God forbid , help us. Oh , I am so Pissed ! Thank you ,Kara , and enjoy your time next week at the Convention. Jack


We loved your comment!!! Sending you so much love and light for a speedy recovery.


Hey Andrea , I havenā€™t heard from you in a while , so Iā€™m just touching base. I had surgery ,a procedure this morning for my pain . Iā€™m hopeful it will help. I canā€™t wait until I can be more ambulatory as since Iā€™m not in music anymore, I want to direct my energies to get things back on track. politically . Iā€™ve seen videos on X of Mea Benjamin , of CODEPINK. I admire that woman so much ! Sheā€™s ninety pounds soaking wet, yet she has courage out the wazoo. She confronts Congress on a daily basis. What a woman! I hope someday that I am able to do similary. I hope this finds you well , your friend , Jack

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