Poll Watch

Thought experiment: if Big Oil was to do exactly what RT was doing with influencers, would it be illegal? Could it be stopped??

I’m STILL not resting easy, as much as Stupid Hitler keeps sabotaging himself…

The Harris people are making a classic crypto speculation mistake: “Our numbers were going up; surely they will continue that way, right?” In crypto, this fallacy is referred to as “number go up”.

The result of the poll drop is:

  • nothing on the table in terms of better job security (they need to offer a corporate tax RATE amnesty for those promising 90% employee retention for the next 2 years and/or accredited training/education; if they do that, it will rebut corporate media on not preserving a no-strings-attached low tax rate -with accredited training, you are giving an incentive to improve the quality of their workers, while at the same time giving an incentive of improved job stability to workers who vote…)

  • not even TRYING to check Netanyahoo (arms pause if NO ceasefire is put into action…), to stop WWIII; and

  • not having clear engagement rules for Ukraine; they need to say: no use of weapons against Moscow or Petersburg so long as Russia respects Kyiv and Odessa not getting bombed/struck with missiles -that puts it back on Putin; instead, their lack of near-term policy is leaving it unsettling for voters.

Sitting around and putting nothing on the table, hoping Trump will self-sabotage just enough to lose is not a strategy to win when you are the incumbent. All three points above need to be put out there right away, to help with downballot races -or else, even if Harris wins, we will be stuck with another four years of a logjammed Congress!

Stop being stubborn; address the three points I state here IMMEDIATELY; there is almost no time left to get new policy points out. Making observations on his insanity will NOT get you elected. ALMOST EVERYBODY knows that fact by now, stating the obvious will NOT help.

Hillary ran a “vote for me because Trump is terrible” campaign in 2016 -how did that work out for her? At THIS VERY MOMENT, you must put those positives on the table; there is NO TIME LEFT!

[Sorry to go caps-lock on you guys, but this is really the deciding moment of this election…]

People are coming around to the mature recognition that Walz is not the president, that he won’t be calling the shots (Open Convention, anyone?) So now they are assessing her potential merits based on PERSONAL SELF INTEREST.

  • What will be my job security under a Harris administration?

  • Will we be in WWIII with the present policy (Israel/Iran…)

  • Will we be in WWIII with the present policy (not stating any lines back against Putin, enforcing a mutual understanding under what circumstances we will NOT escalate…)

These are the three points you need to offer solutions on, as suggested above… (link)

Harris: “But he’s lying to you!”

DER-HEY! People will sooner cling to the hope of a lie for their self-interest than offering them the incumbent status quo which is unpleasant for many voters. That is the lesson of 2016 and 1930s Germany.

“Oh, if they think it’s bad now, just wait until Trump gets back in!”

People are in denial; what can I say?? To wake them out of that denial, you will have to offer things I stated above and CAN be delivered by you.

  • You can state a change in your position on the corporate tax rate, offering a conditional amnesty from its getting increased if employers deliver on offering something to workers/employees for it -see post above.)

  • You can make it clear that offensive arms will be paused until some form of ceasefire is delivered -never mind if the NUTanyahoo faction will agree to it. Just stating that will have voters going: “wooh; she WON’T stand idly by while Netanyahoo gets to start WWIII”

  • You can make it clear the US arms in Ukraine are NOT to be used against Moscow or St.Petersburg so long as Putin knocks off missile/bomb/drone attacks on Kyiv and Odessa.

Don’t shrug your shoulders and tell us you can’t do these things. Even if Biden were not to cooperate with you and do the foreign policy changes needed, you can STATE you part ways on those specific issues…

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Things are awfully quiet on the board here; I think most are resigned and know how this is going to play out, given the lessons not learned by the DNC from 2016…

To explain it more to the DNC Cult: they thiink, “who’s going to want all that chaos that he invites?” Answer: many pro-Trumpers think: “Maybe in all that chaos, I will be among the lucky minority who will come out ahead”. It’s a diminished expectations lottery ticket mentality.

Yeah; that’s not sound reasoning; but it’s what’s in play among many voters. You have to put an inducement to vote on the table (such as tying job security to the corporate tax rate and showing you won’t stand by while the world slips off into WWIII with policies such as I had suggested above…)

But I guess it’s too late now…

Has there been any historical precedent of polls shifting in the last two weeks? I know this is going to be really really close but don’t just want to give up hope yet.

She said she wouldn’t do anything different from Biden on The View. It was looking that way, but that’s when she verbally confirmed it. THAT’s when she lost the election.

They can play and replay that clip after the loss. She HAD to say that the honeymoon would be over for Netanyahoo; that there would be a clearer direction for Ukraine; that there was going to be an improved job situation through corporate tax policy.

I am seeing that the Treasury and Fed believe that systemic unemployment will be a fact of life; that it’s required to fight inflation and that American workers will have to accept becoming coolies. Not putting anything on the table before Election Day has spelled out their losing…