The New Candidates

Crosstabs? You are the one who wanted to to cite page numbers. Now that your LIE was called out AGAIN, you want to flip flop some more? Dude you can keep trying to shift the goalposts all you like, you first FALSELY claimed the conversation was about PA. I will repeat - The poll DOES NOT show Shapiro helping harris win PA.

This poll shows Shapiro doesn’t help win either state but Whitmer helps win Mi. So why on earth would I pick Shapiro over Whitmer based on the poll YOU cited?

Second, No. This poll is actually testing what propaganda points are actually changing voters mind and in which demographic. with state govs as VP, Why else would they test Whitmer and Shapiro in both PA and Wi. As is evident by the questionnaires and the format of the survey. They poll and then ask propaganda points of harris, poll again, then about VP on Dem and Reoub side and poll again. So nice try but you won’t be able to gaslight anyone on this. Unlike you, we KNOW how polling works.

next, This is a national election. Why would I win one state and lose 5 others? Talk sense. Plus what happened to “rolling average” of polls?

The truth is you haven’t made a sensible point till now. All you have done is LIED, cherry picked data, misrepresented it and LIED some more and now are shifting goalposts to prove a non point.

Harris isn’t even the best choice to replace Bidne from AMONG the right wing establishment hacks they have in the Dem party right now. Why are we polling her and why with Only Shapiro And Whitmer and Why in only 2 states is beyond my understanding.

You don’t have a point, stop wasting everyone’s time with nonsense.


But I would like Katie Porter and she will be available since Adam Schifff screwed her over in the CA Senate Primary.

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is everyone getting polled on this by Stop Maga or just swing states? I live in WI so I get lots of polls.

poll options: Harris, Shapiro, Whitmer, Newsom, Pritzger, Michelle Obama or insert other.

I obviously picked other with Bernie and or Katie Porter.

I guess I should be grateful Hillary and Pete are not on the list. Also grateful our weak WI gov and Senator are not the list! Ideally, I would like to eliminate anyone who endorsed Hillary or Biden over Bernie in the past because their judgment sucks!

I know nothing about Shapiro and Pritzka. I think Harris was horrible in the last pres run. I think Michelle Obama would be horrible as president and I think she would be personally miserable in the job. Plus I was disgusted with the way Barak Obama threw his Presidency away. What a waste of hope and change. I do not understand how Whitmer could not have a flint water problem… no prosecutions for responsible parties?

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I find it intriguing that there is absolutely no polling on Biden with another VP. One would think that with the kamala problem dems have right now, that would at least be talked about

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huh? Biden is the biggest problem. No vp will make him cognitively better or physically better. They should be invoking the 25th Amend and removing him from office now. Harris becomes Pres for the remainder of the term and we get an open convention. It is just a shame all the delegates are Biden folks.


<shameless-plug>That was the reason I am pushing for the idea of an anonymous non-binding round; so the delegates could express their honest opinion on the viability of each of the slates, unpressured by later retaliation that could come from Party leadership…</shameless-plug>

I hope we get an open convention so this country gets a big education on who gets to be a delegate.

When people learn how controlled, secret, and EXPENSIVE it is to be a delegate maybe we can end this process once and for all.

Between fake electors on the Republican side and what we are facing with the Biden problem, the system could finally get the attention it needs.

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Clearly balloting should be done by petition with a very high amount of signatures needed for higher offices. Then the Parties become group strategists, not bridge trolls barring access to candidates…

Its not that easy to replace both Biden and kamala. Imagine if you go to open convention and have all this circus but because delegates don’t break you still end up with Biden and Kamala on the ticket? How would that feel?

Kamala is just as bad as Biden if not worse ( and she doesn’t have age as an excuse) and no one in the establishment likes her.
I was thinking if we could replace the VP and keep Biden on the ticket, it would essentially just mean people are voting for the new VP to actually be president. And we don’t lose funding money pledged to the Biden harris Ticket and we also solve the Kamala problem

That is precisely why I have been screaming at TYT to stop calling an open convention a “democratic process”. Its basically a bunch of corporate stooges picking another corporate stooge to replace corporate stooge Biden. Oligopoly 101. Voters don’t get a say. They know that which is why they said from day 1 - “no chance that a progressive will be picked”. Then what is all this circus for?

I will not vote if Biden is on the ticket. I am fed up with the Dem party. I am angry with Biden for even running again. I voted green in protest last time. Biden barely won WI. I used to be a guaranteed blue vote. I was going to suck it up and vote Biden because 1/6 changed everything. But Biden’s stubborn selfishness since the debate will make me sit out the election.

Biden will not drive voter turn out. We cannot rely on the ‘fear of other’ cycle after cycle when nothing changes in between to actually improve people’s lives, and worse the party does nothing to fix itself! At some point you throw up your hands and give up. I am there. I will not reward Biden for his delusions. I will not enable the Dem Party to continue to ignore and sabotage real progressives.

I like how you keep repeating the things I have posted as if I don’t know them. # days ago I mentioned that hate is an exhaustive emotion and they wont be able to continue milking it for another election cycle. People aregetting tired of it especially when they are struggling to make ends meet.

The thing that you dont seem to understand, if you ever manage to get past your childish petulence, is that changing Biden wont drive out the vote either. Are you going to be energised to vote for another corporate hack? Someone MORE to the right wing of Biden? Because it isn’t going to be anyone from progressives.

Plus independents wont be affected at all because when it comes to incumbents, they don’t vote for the candidates, they vote based on how they feel the pat 4 years have been. And unless you have a candidate that drastically differs from the establishment, you arent going to change that perception. Vote for what? 4 more years of inflation and wars? These corporate hacks they put in place wont change anything in the platform. That is the problem. They want to fool people by changing the label on the bottle and call it a day. I want to throw the whole bottle out because it stinks. So I am not interested in helping them get the glue off before they slap on a new one.

If you change the whole platform with someone actually progressive, that will actually produce change. For that you need voters to vote, not corporate ghouls called delegates. If you don’t do that and put just another hack in place then you will get all the negative affects of the chaos but you get nothing in return. You helped them democracy-face their corporate despotism and they expect us to shut up and stop whining about it.

So if they want to change him, then I rpeeat - the only way I support it is open primary where anyone can throw their name in, 3 debates in 3 weeks and then snap elections where VOTERS chose the candidate. Else who cares? Run Biden or run some other right wing corporate lapdog. I am off the ship

I admire your courage and the way you reach out to people. Hang In there, thinking of you Jack

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That is absolutely correct, Anthony. Jack


wow. Sorry I do not see your every post! I am relatively new to navigating this tyt forum.

Any Dem who can speak full sentences, even another corporate hack, will drive more votes than Biden. Maybe they wont excite the likes of us but there are plenty of people that just want anyone besides Trump and Biden without having to go 3rd party.

Even I would suck it up this one cycle for almost anyone the DNC puts up. We cannot pretend Biden is competent to be President. This cannot be acceptable or the new norm in our politics!

But if pollsters etc are asking who I want… I am passionately giving a progressive option!

At minimum, I believe an open convention puts a giant spotlight on the process and creates a lot more discussion and potential pressure on the party to make changes.

Ashley Allison on CNN (who drives me insane) recently admitted she worries people will start asking more questions about who the delegates are if we have an open convention. My response is… that is a good thing! Yes please!

LOL its okay. That is why I explained all that.

We all know delegates are all Bidne stooges. We have known that since the primary. He specifically went around forcing them on the lists back then.

Like I specifically said, people don’t vote for who is on the ticket when its about incumbents. They vote based on how they “feel” past 4 years have been. Unless we have a massive 180 degree u turn candidate (progressive), people are still not going to be incentivised to vote Dem if they already weren’t. But we do have people who will not vote dem. Biden does have an old people following. And there will be a lot of people pissed that the replacement is just another establishment right wing de,. Plus it will create an image of chaos for no actual reward which the markets aka donors don’t like. If you really want to get rid of Biden, then just anointing Harris makes the most sense instead of going to an open convention

You are missing the point, my friend. You pointed out that Black voter turnout has declined since 2008. I responded that a large part of the reason for that decline is the growing feeling among Black voters that our vote is being taken for granted. That feeling has led to the reduction in Black voters turning out for Democrats, regardless of whether YOU think the feeling is valid or not. And having a diverse cabinet doesn’t address that, nor does putting a Black person on the ticket. That was my point, my friend.


Thanks brother. How have you been?

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Aw, thank you, Jack! :heart:

Plus the economy is really hurting black communities - among other minorities. especially since many minorities have low generational wealth and low savings. So yeah, I agree. There are genuine problems with Dem platform that identity politics wont fix.